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 [TUTO] Audio undercab

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[TUTO] Audio undercab - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [TUTO] Audio undercab   [TUTO] Audio undercab - Page 6 EmptyJeu 17 Déc 2020 - 19:48

Alors, moi j'ai ça :

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Toujours rien sauf à la mise sous tension de la Wemos ou au téléversement du code via l'IDE.

A noter que je suis l'IDE v1.8.10, je n'ai visiblement pas les mêmes options que toi.
Par acquis de conscience, j'ai mis la fréquence à 160 Mhz (j'ai 80 Mhz sur l'autre Wemos qui fonctionne) : idem

Un truc me paraît bizarre, la Wemos s'éteint (loupiote bleue) une fois qu'elle s'est initialisée, contrairement à l'autre qui reste allumée tout le temps. D'ailleurs, j'ai l'impression que l'IDE ne la voit pas tout de suite sauf quand je vais sélectionner le COM5.

Y'aurait pas un truc d'USB 2 ou USB 3 ? Il faut que j'aille bidouiller dans les entrailles de la bête ... Sad

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Je suis bien sur de l'USB 2.
J'ai essayé quand même, idem sur de l'USB 3
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[TUTO] Audio undercab - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [TUTO] Audio undercab   [TUTO] Audio undercab - Page 6 EmptyJeu 17 Déc 2020 - 21:36

Sincèrement, avec le dernier code que je t'ai filé, ça ne peut que marcher en suivant l'undercab si ta wemos fonctionne bien, donc tant que ça n'est pas résolu, la partie audio ne donnera rien (si ça se trouve, ça marche déjà).
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[TUTO] Audio undercab - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [TUTO] Audio undercab   [TUTO] Audio undercab - Page 6 EmptyJeu 17 Déc 2020 - 23:14

Je suis parti de l'hypothèse que le pb venait de la Wemos pour l'audio.
Je l'ai mise à la place de l'autre Wemos, l'ai programmée en conséquence : elle fonctionne correctement, j'ai bien le Backboard, Side, Undercab.
J'ai ensuite mis l'ancienne Wemos du Backboard sur le circuit audio. Je l'ai programmée, ça a flashé mais rien pendant le jeu. Idem, elle s'éteint après avoir flashé.
La Wemos audio n'est donc pas en cause.

J'ai ensuite branché la câble USB de la Wemos audio sur la Wemos Backboard : ça fonctionne. Le câble USB n'est pas en cause.

Au final, avec ton code de check qui ne gère pas l'entrée son si j'ai bien compris, dans tous les cas le montage est hors de cause.

La carte MOFSET est hors de cause aussi puisque ça flashe après la programmation.

Il ne me reste donc plus qu'une question : pourquoi la wemos arrête de clignoter après le flash contrairement à celle de la Backboard? scratch

[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien], tu n'auras pas une petite idée par hasard ? ça ne peut pas venir du shield de la wemos, tu confirmes ?
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Messages : 7618
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[TUTO] Audio undercab - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [TUTO] Audio undercab   [TUTO] Audio undercab - Page 6 EmptyVen 18 Déc 2020 - 7:49

De toute façon, a priori, si ça flashe au début, ça ne vient pas du matériel. Ça ne peut venir que de la communication entre le PC est la WEMOS via le DOF.
Donc on résume: tu as bien déclaré 2 WS2811 dans ton DOF config tool, ton DOF est bien à jour, ton cabinet.xml a l'air impec, tu as bien exporté tes fichiers de config dans lesquels il doit y avoir un directoutputconfig31.ini . C'est cette erreur dans le log qui me travaille, je ne vois pas pourquoi ça affiche ça.
[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien], tu pourrais poster ton log entier, STP?
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Messages : 3125
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[TUTO] Audio undercab - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [TUTO] Audio undercab   [TUTO] Audio undercab - Page 6 EmptyVen 18 Déc 2020 - 10:41

Oui pour tout ce que tu as écrit.
Par contre, pour le DOF à jour pas certain puisque je ne m'en suis pas occupé car la première Wemos fonctionne nickel.
Mais déjà, pourquoi la lumière bleue de la Wemos Audio séteint après le flash contrairement à l'autre Wemos ?
Je t'ai mis le contenu du log là, à priori à partir de la ligne 299.
Encore merci
2020.12.18 10:33:48.013   DirectOutput Logger initialized
2020.12.18 10:33:48.013   DirectOutput Version 0.9.6474.38194 as of 2017.09.22 21:13
2020.12.18 10:33:48.013   Global config loaded from: D:\DIRECTOUTPUT\config\GlobalConfig_B2SServer.xml
2020.12.18 10:33:48.013   Loading Pinball parts
2020.12.18 10:33:48.013   Loading cabinet
2020.12.18 10:33:48.014   Will load cabinet config file: D:\DirectOutput\Config\cabinet.xml
2020.12.18 10:33:48.499   2 output controller defnitions and 8 toy definitions loaded from cabinet config.
2020.12.18 10:33:48.499   Cabinet config file has AutoConfig feature enabled. Calling AutoConfig.
2020.12.18 10:33:48.500   Cabinet auto configuration started
2020.12.18 10:33:48.524   Detected and added Pinscape Controller Nr. 1 with name Pinscape Controller 01
2020.12.18 10:33:48.524   Added LedwizEquivalent Nr. 51 with name Pinscape Controller 01 Equivalent for Pinscape Controller Nr. 1, 32
2020.12.18 10:33:48.531   Debug: Ledwiz devicelist content. Handles: 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, Num devices: 1
2020.12.18 10:33:48.531   Debug: Disposing LedWiz instance -01.
2020.12.18 10:33:48.534   Debug: Ledwiz devicelist content. Handles: 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, Num devices: 1
2020.12.18 10:33:48.534   Detected and added LedWiz Nr. 1 with name LedWiz 01
2020.12.18 10:33:48.534   Added LedwizEquivalent Nr. 1 with name LedWiz 01 Equivalent for Ledwiz Nr. 1
2020.12.18 10:33:48.535   Cabinet auto configuration finished
2020.12.18 10:33:48.535   Autoconfig complete.
2020.12.18 10:33:48.535   Cabinet config loaded successfully from D:\DirectOutput\Config\cabinet.xml
2020.12.18 10:33:48.535   Cabinet loaded
2020.12.18 10:33:48.535   Loading table config
2020.12.18 10:33:48.535   Warning: No table config file found. Will try to load config from LedControl file(s).
2020.12.18 10:33:48.535   Will try to load configs from DirectOutput.ini or LedControl.ini file(s) for RomName acd_170hc
2020.12.18 10:33:48.537   Loading LedControl file D:\DirectOutput\Config\directoutputconfig.ini
2020.12.18 10:33:48.540   Min DOF Version is 0.8 for file directoutputconfig.ini
2020.12.18 10:33:48.763   Loading LedControl file D:\DirectOutput\Config\directoutputconfig30.ini
2020.12.18 10:33:48.799   Min DOF Version is 0.8 for file directoutputconfig30.ini
2020.12.18 10:33:49.727   EXCEPTION: Table with ShortRomName Big_Shot_1974 has already been loaded (Exists more than once in ledcontrol file).
2020.12.18 10:33:49.727   EXCEPTION: Thread:
2020.12.18 10:33:50.618   Loading LedControl file D:\DirectOutput\Config\directoutputconfig31.ini
2020.12.18 10:33:50.619   Min DOF Version is 0.8 for file directoutputconfig31.ini
2020.12.18 10:33:50.656   EXCEPTION: Table with ShortRomName Big_Shot_1974 has already been loaded (Exists more than once in ledcontrol file).
2020.12.18 10:33:50.656   EXCEPTION: Thread:
2020.12.18 10:33:50.728   Loading LedControl file D:\DirectOutput\Config\directoutputconfig51.ini
2020.12.18 10:33:50.732   Min DOF Version is 0.8 for file directoutputconfig51.ini
2020.12.18 10:33:50.830   EXCEPTION: Table with ShortRomName Big_Shot_1974 has already been loaded (Exists more than once in ledcontrol file).
2020.12.18 10:33:50.830   EXCEPTION: Thread:
2020.12.18 10:33:51.050   4 directoutputconfig.ini or ledcontrol.ini files loaded.
2020.12.18 10:33:51.052   Config for RomName acd_170hc exists in LedControl data. Updating cabinet and config.
2020.12.18 10:33:51.076   Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 4, T: 0, W: 12, H: 100
2020.12.18 10:33:51.077   Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 24, T: 0, W: 12, H: 100
2020.12.18 10:33:51.077   Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 44, T: 0, W: 12, H: 100
2020.12.18 10:33:51.077   Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 64, T: 0, W: 12, H: 100
2020.12.18 10:33:51.077   Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 84, T: 0, W: 12, H: 100
2020.12.18 10:33:51.079   Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 88, T: 0, W: 12, H: 100
2020.12.18 10:33:51.079   Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 88, T: 0, W: 12, H: 100
2020.12.18 10:33:51.079   Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 88, T: 0, W: 12, H: 100
2020.12.18 10:33:51.079   Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 88, T: 0, W: 12, H: 100
2020.12.18 10:33:51.079   Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 46, T: 0, W: 12, H: 100
2020.12.18 10:33:51.079   Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 46, T: 0, W: 12, H: 100
2020.12.18 10:33:51.079   Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 46, T: 0, W: 12, H: 100
2020.12.18 10:33:51.079   Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 3, T: 0, W: 12, H: 100
2020.12.18 10:33:51.079   Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 3, T: 0, W: 12, H: 100
2020.12.18 10:33:51.079   Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 3, T: 0, W: 12, H: 100
2020.12.18 10:33:51.079   Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 3, T: 0, W: 12, H: 100
2020.12.18 10:33:51.079   Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 3, T: 0, W: 12, H: 100
2020.12.18 10:33:51.080   Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 28, T: 0, W: 15, H: 100
2020.12.18 10:33:51.080   Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 43, T: 0, W: 15, H: 100
2020.12.18 10:33:51.080   Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 48, T: 0, W: 15, H: 100
2020.12.18 10:33:51.080   Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 63, T: 0, W: 15, H: 100
2020.12.18 10:33:51.080   Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 0, T: 0, W: 23, H: 100
2020.12.18 10:33:51.080   Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 77, T: 0, W: 23, H: 100
2020.12.18 10:33:51.080   Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 65, T: 0, W: 12, H: 100
2020.12.18 10:33:51.080   Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 65, T: 0, W: 12, H: 100
2020.12.18 10:33:51.080   Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 65, T: 0, W: 12, H: 100
2020.12.18 10:33:51.082   Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 0, T: 0, W: 9, H: 30
2020.12.18 10:33:51.082   Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 91, T: 0, W: 9, H: 30
2020.12.18 10:33:51.082   Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 0, T: 0, W: 9, H: 30
2020.12.18 10:33:51.082   Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 91, T: 0, W: 9, H: 30
2020.12.18 10:33:51.082   Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 0, T: 0, W: 9, H: 30
2020.12.18 10:33:51.082   Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 91, T: 0, W: 9, H: 30
2020.12.18 10:33:51.082   Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 0, T: 0, W: 9, H: 30
2020.12.18 10:33:51.082   Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 91, T: 0, W: 9, H: 30
2020.12.18 10:33:51.082   Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 0, T: 0, W: 9, H: 30
2020.12.18 10:33:51.082   Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 91, T: 0, W: 9, H: 30
2020.12.18 10:33:51.084   Table config loading finished
2020.12.18 10:33:51.084   Pinball parts loaded
2020.12.18 10:33:51.084   Starting processes
2020.12.18 10:33:51.084   Initializing cabinet
2020.12.18 10:33:51.085   Debug: Initializing output controllers
2020.12.18 10:33:51.135   TeensyStripController TeensyStripController intialized and updater thread started.
2020.12.18 10:33:51.136   TeensyStripController AudioWEMOS intialized and updater thread started.
2020.12.18 10:33:51.136   Pinscape Pinscape Controller 01 intialized and updater thread started.
2020.12.18 10:33:51.137   Debug: Initializing LedWiz Nr. 01
2020.12.18 10:33:51.138   TeensyStripController TeensyStripController updater thread  started.
2020.12.18 10:33:51.138   TeensyStripController AudioWEMOS updater thread  started.
2020.12.18 10:33:51.138   Pinscape Pinscape Controller 01 updater thread  started.
2020.12.18 10:33:51.138   Pinscape Pinscape Controller 01 updater thread  has connected to Pinscape Pinscape Controller 01.
2020.12.18 10:33:51.138   LedWiz Nr. 01 initialized and updater thread initialized.
2020.12.18 10:33:51.138   Debug: Output controllers initialized
2020.12.18 10:33:51.139   Updater thread for LedWiz 01 started.
2020.12.18 10:33:51.141   Debug: Open Port
2020.12.18 10:33:51.142   Debug: Open Port
2020.12.18 10:33:51.143   Cabinet initialized
2020.12.18 10:33:51.144   Loading shape definition file: D:\DirectOutput\Config\DirectOutputShapes.xml
2020.12.18 10:33:51.177   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:100, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:55, Bottom:6, Width:56, Height:7)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.178   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:4, T:0, W:12, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 2, Top:0, Right:8, Bottom:6, Width:7, Height:7)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.180   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:4, T:0, W:12, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 2, Top:0, Right:8, Bottom:6, Width:7, Height:7)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.202   Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 7, H:7, BML: 257, BMT: 254, BMW: 7, BMH: 7
2020.12.18 10:33:51.204   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:24, T:0, W:12, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 13, Top:0, Right:20, Bottom:6, Width:8, Height:7)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.204   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:24, T:0, W:12, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 13, Top:0, Right:20, Bottom:6, Width:8, Height:7)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.204   Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 8, H:7, BML: 273, BMT: 254, BMW: 7, BMH: 7
2020.12.18 10:33:51.204   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:44, T:0, W:12, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 24, Top:0, Right:31, Bottom:6, Width:8, Height:7)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.204   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:44, T:0, W:12, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 24, Top:0, Right:31, Bottom:6, Width:8, Height:7)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.204   Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 8, H:7, BML: 113, BMT: 254, BMW: 7, BMH: 7
2020.12.18 10:33:51.204   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:64, T:0, W:12, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 35, Top:0, Right:42, Bottom:6, Width:8, Height:7)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.204   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:64, T:0, W:12, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 35, Top:0, Right:42, Bottom:6, Width:8, Height:7)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.204   Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 8, H:7, BML: 281, BMT: 254, BMW: 7, BMH: 7
2020.12.18 10:33:51.204   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:84, T:0, W:12, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 47, Top:0, Right:53, Bottom:6, Width:7, Height:7)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.204   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:84, T:0, W:12, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 47, Top:0, Right:53, Bottom:6, Width:7, Height:7)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.204   Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 7, H:7, BML: 273, BMT: 254, BMW: 7, BMH: 7
2020.12.18 10:33:51.205   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixShiftEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:50, T:80, W:50, H:20), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 28, Top:5, Right:55, Bottom:6, Width:28, Height:2)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.205   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixShiftEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:86, T:0, W:14, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 48, Top:0, Right:55, Bottom:6, Width:8, Height:7)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.205   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:88, T:0, W:12, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 49, Top:0, Right:55, Bottom:6, Width:7, Height:7)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.205   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:88, T:0, W:12, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 49, Top:0, Right:55, Bottom:6, Width:7, Height:7)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.205   Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 7, H:7, BML: 393, BMT: 254, BMW: 7, BMH: 7
2020.12.18 10:33:51.205   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixShiftEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:86, T:0, W:14, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 48, Top:0, Right:55, Bottom:6, Width:8, Height:7)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.205   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:88, T:0, W:12, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 49, Top:0, Right:55, Bottom:6, Width:7, Height:7)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.205   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:88, T:0, W:12, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 49, Top:0, Right:55, Bottom:6, Width:7, Height:7)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.205   Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 7, H:7, BML: 369, BMT: 254, BMW: 7, BMH: 7
2020.12.18 10:33:51.205   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixShiftEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:86, T:0, W:14, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 48, Top:0, Right:55, Bottom:6, Width:8, Height:7)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.205   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:88, T:0, W:12, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 49, Top:0, Right:55, Bottom:6, Width:7, Height:7)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.206   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:88, T:0, W:12, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 49, Top:0, Right:55, Bottom:6, Width:7, Height:7)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.206   Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 7, H:7, BML: 273, BMT: 254, BMW: 7, BMH: 7
2020.12.18 10:33:51.206   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixShiftEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:86, T:0, W:14, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 48, Top:0, Right:55, Bottom:6, Width:8, Height:7)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.206   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:88, T:0, W:12, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 49, Top:0, Right:55, Bottom:6, Width:7, Height:7)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.206   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:88, T:0, W:12, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 49, Top:0, Right:55, Bottom:6, Width:7, Height:7)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.206   Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 7, H:7, BML: 337, BMT: 254, BMW: 7, BMH: 7
2020.12.18 10:33:51.206   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixShiftEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:44, T:0, W:14, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 24, Top:0, Right:32, Bottom:6, Width:9, Height:7)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.206   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:46, T:0, W:12, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 25, Top:0, Right:32, Bottom:6, Width:8, Height:7)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.206   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:46, T:0, W:12, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 25, Top:0, Right:32, Bottom:6, Width:8, Height:7)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.206   Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 8, H:7, BML: 409, BMT: 254, BMW: 7, BMH: 7
2020.12.18 10:33:51.206   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixShiftEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:44, T:0, W:14, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 24, Top:0, Right:32, Bottom:6, Width:9, Height:7)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.206   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:46, T:0, W:12, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 25, Top:0, Right:32, Bottom:6, Width:8, Height:7)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.206   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:46, T:0, W:12, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 25, Top:0, Right:32, Bottom:6, Width:8, Height:7)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.206   Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 8, H:7, BML: 361, BMT: 254, BMW: 7, BMH: 7
2020.12.18 10:33:51.206   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixShiftEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:44, T:0, W:14, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 24, Top:0, Right:32, Bottom:6, Width:9, Height:7)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.206   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:46, T:0, W:12, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 25, Top:0, Right:32, Bottom:6, Width:8, Height:7)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.206   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:46, T:0, W:12, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 25, Top:0, Right:32, Bottom:6, Width:8, Height:7)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.206   Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 8, H:7, BML: 409, BMT: 254, BMW: 7, BMH: 7
2020.12.18 10:33:51.206   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixShiftEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:14, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:7, Bottom:6, Width:8, Height:7)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.206   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:3, T:0, W:12, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 1, Top:0, Right:8, Bottom:6, Width:8, Height:7)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.206   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:3, T:0, W:12, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 1, Top:0, Right:8, Bottom:6, Width:8, Height:7)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.207   Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 8, H:7, BML: 257, BMT: 254, BMW: 7, BMH: 7
2020.12.18 10:33:51.207   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixShiftEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:14, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:7, Bottom:6, Width:8, Height:7)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.207   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:3, T:0, W:12, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 1, Top:0, Right:8, Bottom:6, Width:8, Height:7)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.207   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:3, T:0, W:12, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 1, Top:0, Right:8, Bottom:6, Width:8, Height:7)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.207   Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 8, H:7, BML: 273, BMT: 254, BMW: 7, BMH: 7
2020.12.18 10:33:51.207   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixShiftEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:14, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:7, Bottom:6, Width:8, Height:7)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.207   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:3, T:0, W:12, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 1, Top:0, Right:8, Bottom:6, Width:8, Height:7)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.207   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:3, T:0, W:12, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 1, Top:0, Right:8, Bottom:6, Width:8, Height:7)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.207   Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 8, H:7, BML: 113, BMT: 254, BMW: 7, BMH: 7
2020.12.18 10:33:51.207   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixShiftEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:14, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:7, Bottom:6, Width:8, Height:7)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.207   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:3, T:0, W:12, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 1, Top:0, Right:8, Bottom:6, Width:8, Height:7)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.207   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:3, T:0, W:12, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 1, Top:0, Right:8, Bottom:6, Width:8, Height:7)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.207   Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 8, H:7, BML: 281, BMT: 254, BMW: 7, BMH: 7
2020.12.18 10:33:51.207   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixShiftEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:14, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:7, Bottom:6, Width:8, Height:7)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.207   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:3, T:0, W:12, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 1, Top:0, Right:8, Bottom:6, Width:8, Height:7)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.207   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:3, T:0, W:12, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 1, Top:0, Right:8, Bottom:6, Width:8, Height:7)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.207   Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 8, H:7, BML: 273, BMT: 254, BMW: 7, BMH: 7
2020.12.18 10:33:51.207   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixShiftEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:50, T:80, W:50, H:20), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 28, Top:5, Right:55, Bottom:6, Width:28, Height:2)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.207   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixShiftEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:100, H:10), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:55, Bottom:0, Width:56, Height:1)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.207   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixShiftEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:90, W:100, H:10), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:6, Right:55, Bottom:6, Width:56, Height:1)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.207   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixShiftEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:100, H:10), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:55, Bottom:0, Width:56, Height:1)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.207   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixShiftEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:90, W:100, H:10), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:6, Right:55, Bottom:6, Width:56, Height:1)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.207   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixShiftEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:100, H:10), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:55, Bottom:0, Width:56, Height:1)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.207   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixShiftEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:90, W:100, H:10), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:6, Right:55, Bottom:6, Width:56, Height:1)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.207   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixShiftEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:100, H:10), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:55, Bottom:0, Width:56, Height:1)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.207   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixShiftEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:90, W:100, H:10), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:6, Right:55, Bottom:6, Width:56, Height:1)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.207   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixShiftEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:50, H:10), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:28, Bottom:0, Width:29, Height:1)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.207   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixShiftEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:90, W:50, H:10), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:6, Right:28, Bottom:6, Width:29, Height:1)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.207   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixShiftEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:50, T:0, W:50, H:10), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 28, Top:0, Right:55, Bottom:0, Width:28, Height:1)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.207   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixShiftEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:50, T:90, W:50, H:10), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 28, Top:6, Right:55, Bottom:6, Width:28, Height:1)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.207   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixShiftEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:50, H:10), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:28, Bottom:0, Width:29, Height:1)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.207   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixShiftEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:90, W:50, H:10), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:6, Right:28, Bottom:6, Width:29, Height:1)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.207   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixShiftEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:50, T:0, W:50, H:10), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 28, Top:0, Right:55, Bottom:0, Width:28, Height:1)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.207   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixShiftEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:50, T:90, W:50, H:10), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 28, Top:6, Right:55, Bottom:6, Width:28, Height:1)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.207   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixShiftEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:50, H:10), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:28, Bottom:0, Width:29, Height:1)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.207   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixShiftEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:90, W:50, H:10), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:6, Right:28, Bottom:6, Width:29, Height:1)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.207   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixShiftEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:50, T:0, W:50, H:10), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 28, Top:0, Right:55, Bottom:0, Width:28, Height:1)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.208   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixShiftEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:50, T:90, W:50, H:10), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 28, Top:6, Right:55, Bottom:6, Width:28, Height:1)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.208   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixShiftEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:100, H:10), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:55, Bottom:0, Width:56, Height:1)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.208   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixShiftEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:90, W:100, H:10), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:6, Right:55, Bottom:6, Width:56, Height:1)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.208   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixShiftEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:100, H:10), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:55, Bottom:0, Width:56, Height:1)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.208   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixShiftEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:90, W:100, H:10), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:6, Right:55, Bottom:6, Width:56, Height:1)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.208   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixShiftEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:100, H:10), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:55, Bottom:0, Width:56, Height:1)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.208   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixShiftEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:90, W:100, H:10), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:6, Right:55, Bottom:6, Width:56, Height:1)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.208   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixShiftEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:100, H:10), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:55, Bottom:0, Width:56, Height:1)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.208   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixShiftEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:90, W:100, H:10), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:6, Right:55, Bottom:6, Width:56, Height:1)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.208   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixShiftEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:100, H:10), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:55, Bottom:0, Width:56, Height:1)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.208   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixShiftEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:90, W:100, H:10), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:6, Right:55, Bottom:6, Width:56, Height:1)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.208   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixShiftEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:40, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:22, Bottom:6, Width:23, Height:7)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.208   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixShiftEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:40, T:0, W:50, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 22, Top:0, Right:50, Bottom:6, Width:29, Height:7)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.208   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:28, T:0, W:15, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 15, Top:0, Right:24, Bottom:6, Width:10, Height:7)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.208   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:28, T:0, W:15, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 15, Top:0, Right:24, Bottom:6, Width:10, Height:7)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.208   Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 10, H:7, BML: 297, BMT: 254, BMW: 7, BMH: 7
2020.12.18 10:33:51.208   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:43, T:0, W:15, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 24, Top:0, Right:32, Bottom:6, Width:9, Height:7)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.208   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:43, T:0, W:15, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 24, Top:0, Right:32, Bottom:6, Width:9, Height:7)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.208   Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 9, H:7, BML: 321, BMT: 254, BMW: 7, BMH: 7
2020.12.18 10:33:51.208   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:48, T:0, W:15, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 26, Top:0, Right:35, Bottom:6, Width:10, Height:7)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.208   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:48, T:0, W:15, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 26, Top:0, Right:35, Bottom:6, Width:10, Height:7)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.208   Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 10, H:7, BML: 393, BMT: 254, BMW: 7, BMH: 7
2020.12.18 10:33:51.208   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:63, T:0, W:15, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 35, Top:0, Right:43, Bottom:6, Width:9, Height:7)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.208   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:63, T:0, W:15, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 35, Top:0, Right:43, Bottom:6, Width:9, Height:7)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.209   Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 9, H:7, BML: 289, BMT: 254, BMW: 7, BMH: 7
2020.12.18 10:33:51.209   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:23, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:12, Bottom:6, Width:13, Height:7)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.211   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapAnimationEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:23, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:12, Bottom:6, Width:13, Height:7)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.212   Debug: BitmapAnimationEffectBase. Grabbed image clips: W: 13, H:7, BML: 392, BMT: 35, BMW: 16, BMH: 16, Steps: 10
2020.12.18 10:33:51.212   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:77, T:0, W:23, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 43, Top:0, Right:55, Bottom:6, Width:13, Height:7)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.213   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapAnimationEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:77, T:0, W:23, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 43, Top:0, Right:55, Bottom:6, Width:13, Height:7)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.213   Debug: BitmapAnimationEffectBase. Grabbed image clips: W: 13, H:7, BML: 392, BMT: 35, BMW: 16, BMH: 16, Steps: 10
2020.12.18 10:33:51.214   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixShiftEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:25, W:100, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:1, Right:55, Bottom:6, Width:56, Height:6)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.214   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:65, T:0, W:12, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 36, Top:0, Right:43, Bottom:6, Width:8, Height:7)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.214   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:65, T:0, W:12, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 36, Top:0, Right:43, Bottom:6, Width:8, Height:7)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.214   Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 8, H:7, BML: 257, BMT: 254, BMW: 7, BMH: 7
2020.12.18 10:33:51.214   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:65, T:0, W:12, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 36, Top:0, Right:43, Bottom:6, Width:8, Height:7)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.214   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:65, T:0, W:12, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 36, Top:0, Right:43, Bottom:6, Width:8, Height:7)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.214   Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 8, H:7, BML: 441, BMT: 254, BMW: 7, BMH: 7
2020.12.18 10:33:51.214   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:65, T:0, W:12, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 36, Top:0, Right:43, Bottom:6, Width:8, Height:7)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.214   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:65, T:0, W:12, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 36, Top:0, Right:43, Bottom:6, Width:8, Height:7)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.214   Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 8, H:7, BML: 289, BMT: 254, BMW: 7, BMH: 7
2020.12.18 10:33:51.214   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixFlickerEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:5, T:0, W:30, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 2, Top:0, Right:19, Bottom:6, Width:18, Height:7)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.215   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixShiftEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:50, H:10), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:28, Bottom:0, Width:29, Height:1)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.215   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixShiftEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:90, W:50, H:10), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:6, Right:28, Bottom:6, Width:29, Height:1)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.215   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixShiftEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:50, T:0, W:50, H:10), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 28, Top:0, Right:55, Bottom:0, Width:28, Height:1)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.215   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixShiftEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:50, T:90, W:50, H:10), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 28, Top:6, Right:55, Bottom:6, Width:28, Height:1)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.215   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixShiftEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:50, H:10), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:28, Bottom:0, Width:29, Height:1)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.215   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixShiftEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:90, W:50, H:10), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:6, Right:28, Bottom:6, Width:29, Height:1)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.215   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixShiftEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:50, T:0, W:50, H:10), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 28, Top:0, Right:55, Bottom:0, Width:28, Height:1)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.215   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixShiftEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:50, T:90, W:50, H:10), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 28, Top:6, Right:55, Bottom:6, Width:28, Height:1)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.215   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixShiftEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:50, H:10), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:28, Bottom:0, Width:29, Height:1)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.215   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixShiftEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:90, W:50, H:10), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:6, Right:28, Bottom:6, Width:29, Height:1)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.215   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixShiftEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:50, T:0, W:50, H:10), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 28, Top:0, Right:55, Bottom:0, Width:28, Height:1)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.215   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixShiftEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:50, T:90, W:50, H:10), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 28, Top:6, Right:55, Bottom:6, Width:28, Height:1)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.215   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixShiftEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:50, H:10), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:28, Bottom:0, Width:29, Height:1)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.215   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixShiftEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:90, W:50, H:10), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:6, Right:28, Bottom:6, Width:29, Height:1)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.215   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixShiftEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:50, T:0, W:50, H:10), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 28, Top:0, Right:55, Bottom:0, Width:28, Height:1)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.215   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixShiftEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:50, T:90, W:50, H:10), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 28, Top:6, Right:55, Bottom:6, Width:28, Height:1)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.215   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixShiftEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:50, H:10), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:28, Bottom:0, Width:29, Height:1)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.215   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixShiftEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:90, W:50, H:10), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:6, Right:28, Bottom:6, Width:29, Height:1)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.215   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixShiftEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:50, T:0, W:50, H:10), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 28, Top:0, Right:55, Bottom:0, Width:28, Height:1)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.215   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixShiftEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:50, T:90, W:50, H:10), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 28, Top:6, Right:55, Bottom:6, Width:28, Height:1)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.215   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixShiftEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:50, H:10), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:28, Bottom:0, Width:29, Height:1)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.215   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixShiftEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:90, W:50, H:10), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:6, Right:28, Bottom:6, Width:29, Height:1)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.215   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixShiftEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:50, T:0, W:50, H:10), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 28, Top:0, Right:55, Bottom:0, Width:28, Height:1)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.215   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixShiftEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:50, T:90, W:50, H:10), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 28, Top:6, Right:55, Bottom:6, Width:28, Height:1)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.215   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:9, H:30), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:5, Bottom:2, Width:6, Height:3)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.215   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:9, H:30), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:5, Bottom:2, Width:6, Height:3)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.215   Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 6, H:3, BML: 35, BMT: 18, BMW: 16, BMH: 16
2020.12.18 10:33:51.215   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:91, T:0, W:9, H:30), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 50, Top:0, Right:55, Bottom:2, Width:6, Height:3)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.215   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:91, T:0, W:9, H:30), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 50, Top:0, Right:55, Bottom:2, Width:6, Height:3)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.215   Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 6, H:3, BML: 35, BMT: 18, BMW: 16, BMH: 16
2020.12.18 10:33:51.215   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:9, H:30), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:5, Bottom:2, Width:6, Height:3)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.215   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:9, H:30), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:5, Bottom:2, Width:6, Height:3)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.215   Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 6, H:3, BML: 35, BMT: 18, BMW: 16, BMH: 16
2020.12.18 10:33:51.215   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:91, T:0, W:9, H:30), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 50, Top:0, Right:55, Bottom:2, Width:6, Height:3)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.215   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:91, T:0, W:9, H:30), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 50, Top:0, Right:55, Bottom:2, Width:6, Height:3)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.216   Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 6, H:3, BML: 35, BMT: 18, BMW: 16, BMH: 16
2020.12.18 10:33:51.216   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:9, H:30), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:5, Bottom:2, Width:6, Height:3)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.216   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:9, H:30), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:5, Bottom:2, Width:6, Height:3)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.216   Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 6, H:3, BML: 35, BMT: 18, BMW: 16, BMH: 16
2020.12.18 10:33:51.216   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:91, T:0, W:9, H:30), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 50, Top:0, Right:55, Bottom:2, Width:6, Height:3)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.216   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:91, T:0, W:9, H:30), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 50, Top:0, Right:55, Bottom:2, Width:6, Height:3)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.216   Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 6, H:3, BML: 35, BMT: 18, BMW: 16, BMH: 16
2020.12.18 10:33:51.216   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:9, H:30), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:5, Bottom:2, Width:6, Height:3)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.216   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:9, H:30), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:5, Bottom:2, Width:6, Height:3)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.216   Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 6, H:3, BML: 35, BMT: 18, BMW: 16, BMH: 16
2020.12.18 10:33:51.216   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:91, T:0, W:9, H:30), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 50, Top:0, Right:55, Bottom:2, Width:6, Height:3)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.216   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:91, T:0, W:9, H:30), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 50, Top:0, Right:55, Bottom:2, Width:6, Height:3)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.216   Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 6, H:3, BML: 35, BMT: 18, BMW: 16, BMH: 16
2020.12.18 10:33:51.216   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:9, H:30), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:5, Bottom:2, Width:6, Height:3)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.216   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:9, H:30), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:5, Bottom:2, Width:6, Height:3)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.217   Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 6, H:3, BML: 35, BMT: 18, BMW: 16, BMH: 16
2020.12.18 10:33:51.217   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:91, T:0, W:9, H:30), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 50, Top:0, Right:55, Bottom:2, Width:6, Height:3)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.217   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:91, T:0, W:9, H:30), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 50, Top:0, Right:55, Bottom:2, Width:6, Height:3)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.217   Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 6, H:3, BML: 35, BMT: 18, BMW: 16, BMH: 16
2020.12.18 10:33:51.217   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixFlickerEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:85, W:100, H:15), Matrix(W:100, H:1), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:85, Right:0, Bottom:99, Width:1, Height:15)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.217   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:30, W:100, H:5), Matrix(W:100, H:1), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:30, Right:0, Bottom:35, Width:1, Height:6)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.217   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:5, W:100, H:5), Matrix(W:100, H:1), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:5, Right:0, Bottom:10, Width:1, Height:6)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.217   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:60, W:100, H:5), Matrix(W:100, H:1), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:60, Right:0, Bottom:65, Width:1, Height:6)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.217   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixShiftEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:100, H:100), Matrix(W:100, H:1), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:0, Bottom:99, Width:1, Height:100)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.217   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixShiftEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:100, H:100), Matrix(W:100, H:1), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:0, Bottom:99, Width:1, Height:100)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.217   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixFlickerEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:70, W:100, H:15), Matrix(W:100, H:1), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:70, Right:0, Bottom:85, Width:1, Height:16)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.217   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixShiftEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:80, W:100, H:20), Matrix(W:100, H:1), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:80, Right:0, Bottom:99, Width:1, Height:20)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.217   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:20, W:100, H:5), Matrix(W:100, H:1), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:20, Right:0, Bottom:25, Width:1, Height:6)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.217   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:60, W:100, H:5), Matrix(W:100, H:1), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:60, Right:0, Bottom:65, Width:1, Height:6)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.217   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:5, W:100, H:5), Matrix(W:100, H:1), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:5, Right:0, Bottom:10, Width:1, Height:6)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.217   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:30, W:100, H:5), Matrix(W:100, H:1), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:30, Right:0, Bottom:35, Width:1, Height:6)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.217   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:30, W:100, H:5), Matrix(W:100, H:1), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:30, Right:0, Bottom:35, Width:1, Height:6)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.217   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixShiftEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:100, H:100), Matrix(W:100, H:1), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:0, Bottom:99, Width:1, Height:100)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.217   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixFlickerEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:70, W:100, H:15), Matrix(W:100, H:1), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:70, Right:0, Bottom:85, Width:1, Height:16)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.217   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixShiftEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:80, W:100, H:20), Matrix(W:100, H:1), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:80, Right:0, Bottom:99, Width:1, Height:20)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.218   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:100, H:100), Matrix(W:48, H:1), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:0, Bottom:47, Width:1, Height:48)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.218   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:100, H:100), Matrix(W:87, H:1), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:0, Bottom:86, Width:1, Height:87)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.218   Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:100, H:100), Matrix(W:1, H:1), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:0, Bottom:0, Width:1, Height:1)
2020.12.18 10:33:51.226   Framework initialized.
2020.12.18 10:33:51.226   Have fun! Smile
2020.12.18 10:33:56.705   TeensyStripController TeensyStripController updater thread  has connected to TeensyStripController TeensyStripController.
2020.12.18 10:34:01.996   EXCEPTION: Could not put the controller on com-port COM5 into the commandmode. Will not send data to the controller.
2020.12.18 10:34:01.996   EXCEPTION: Thread: TeensyStripController AudioWEMOS updater thread
2020.12.18 10:34:01.996   Debug: Close Port
2020.12.18 10:34:02.013   TeensyStripController AudioWEMOS updater thread  has connected to TeensyStripController AudioWEMOS.
2020.12.18 10:34:02.013   EXCEPTION: TeensyStripController AudioWEMOS updater thread  could not send update for TeensyStripController AudioWEMOS: Comport is not initialized. Will try again.
2020.12.18 10:34:02.013   EXCEPTION: Thread: TeensyStripController AudioWEMOS updater thread
2020.12.18 10:34:02.013   EXCEPTION: Message: Exception --> Comport is not initialized
2020.12.18 10:34:02.016   EXCEPTION: Stacktrace:    at DirectOutput.Cab.Out.AdressableLedStrip.TeensyStripController.UpdateOutputs(Byte[] OutputValues) in C:\Users\arcade\Desktop\DIRECT-OUTPUT\DirectOutput-master-djrobx\DirectOutput\Cab\Out\AdressableLedStrip\TeensyStripController.cs:line 279
2020.12.18 10:34:02.016   EXCEPTION: Stacktrace:    at DirectOutput.Cab.Out.OutputControllerCompleteBase.UpdaterThreadDoIt() in C:\Users\arcade\Desktop\DIRECT-OUTPUT\DirectOutput-master-djrobx\DirectOutput\Cab\Out\OutputControllerCompleteBase.cs:line 365
2020.12.18 10:34:02.016   EXCEPTION: Targetsite: Void UpdateOutputs(Byte[])
2020.12.18 10:34:02.016   Warning: TeensyStripController AudioWEMOS updater thread  tries to reconnect to TeensyStripController AudioWEMOS.
2020.12.18 10:34:02.117   Debug: Open Port
2020.12.18 10:34:07.206   Finishing framework
2020.12.18 10:34:07.211   Finishing cabinet
2020.12.18 10:34:07.213   Debug: Finishing output controllers
2020.12.18 10:34:07.396   Debug: Close Port
2020.12.18 10:34:07.421   TeensyStripController TeensyStripController updater thread  has disconnected from TeensyStripController TeensyStripController and will terminate.
2020.12.18 10:34:07.422   TeensyStripController TeensyStripController finished and updater thread stopped.
2020.12.18 10:34:08.422   EXCEPTION: TeensyStripController AudioWEMOS updater thread  could not reconnect to the controller. Thread will quit.
2020.12.18 10:34:08.422   EXCEPTION: Thread: TeensyStripController AudioWEMOS updater thread
2020.12.18 10:34:08.422   EXCEPTION: Message: ThreadAbortException --> Le thread a été abandonné.
2020.12.18 10:34:08.426   EXCEPTION: Stacktrace:    at System.Threading.Thread.SleepInternal(Int32 millisecondsTimeout)
2020.12.18 10:34:08.426   EXCEPTION: Stacktrace:    at System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(Int32 millisecondsTimeout)
2020.12.18 10:34:08.426   EXCEPTION: Stacktrace:    at DirectOutput.Cab.Out.AdressableLedStrip.TeensyStripController.ConnectToController() in C:\Users\arcade\Desktop\DIRECT-OUTPUT\DirectOutput-master-djrobx\DirectOutput\Cab\Out\AdressableLedStrip\TeensyStripController.cs:line 504
2020.12.18 10:34:08.426   EXCEPTION: Stacktrace:    at DirectOutput.Cab.Out.OutputControllerCompleteBase.UpdaterThreadDoIt() in C:\Users\arcade\Desktop\DIRECT-OUTPUT\DirectOutput-master-djrobx\DirectOutput\Cab\Out\OutputControllerCompleteBase.cs:line 386
2020.12.18 10:34:08.427   EXCEPTION: Targetsite: Void SleepInternal(Int32)
2020.12.18 10:34:08.427   Debug: Close Port
2020.12.18 10:34:08.442   Warning: TeensyStripController AudioWEMOS updater thread  did not quit. Forcing abort.
2020.12.18 10:34:08.442   TeensyStripController AudioWEMOS finished and updater thread stopped.
2020.12.18 10:34:08.443   Pinscape Pinscape Controller 01 updater thread  has disconnected from Pinscape Pinscape Controller 01 and will terminate.
2020.12.18 10:34:08.443   Pinscape Pinscape Controller 01 finished and updater thread stopped.
2020.12.18 10:34:08.444   EXCEPTION: A exception has occured in TeensyStripController AudioWEMOS updater thread . Thread will quit. Message: Le thread a été abandonné.
2020.12.18 10:34:08.444   EXCEPTION: Thread: TeensyStripController AudioWEMOS updater thread
2020.12.18 10:34:08.444   EXCEPTION: Message: ThreadAbortException --> Le thread a été abandonné.
2020.12.18 10:34:08.445   EXCEPTION: Stacktrace:    at DirectOutput.Cab.Out.OutputControllerCompleteBase.UpdaterThreadDoIt() in C:\Users\arcade\Desktop\DIRECT-OUTPUT\DirectOutput-master-djrobx\DirectOutput\Cab\Out\OutputControllerCompleteBase.cs:line 399
2020.12.18 10:34:08.445   EXCEPTION: Targetsite: Void UpdaterThreadDoIt()
2020.12.18 10:34:08.445   Debug: Finishing LedWiz Nr. 01
2020.12.18 10:34:08.446   Updater thread for LedWiz 01 terminated.
2020.12.18 10:34:08.448   LedWiz Nr. 01 finished and updater thread stopped.
2020.12.18 10:34:08.448   Debug: Output controllers finished
2020.12.18 10:34:08.448   Cabinet finished
2020.12.18 10:34:08.448   DirectOutput framework finished.
2020.12.18 10:34:08.448   Bye and thanks for using!
2020.12.18 10:34:12.092   Debug: Disposing LedWiz instance 01.
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Messages : 7618
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[TUTO] Audio undercab - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [TUTO] Audio undercab   [TUTO] Audio undercab - Page 6 EmptyVen 18 Déc 2020 - 11:14

Tu devrais le mettre à jour:

1- en téléchargeant le fichier fléché ci-dessous et en le décompressant dans ton répertoire c:\directoutput (fais une sauvegarde de l'ancien si tu crains)

[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir cette image]

2- En re-téléchargeant ta config via l'onglet "Port Assignments" puis cliquer sur "Generate Config"

Il y a peut-être un problème d'alimentation de ta WEMOS, je ne sais pas, elle est branchée sur quoi?
Ceci dit, effectivement, la WEMOS pour la backboard est toujours bleue clignotante chez moi et celle pour l'audio uncercab ne clignote que quand elle est un minimum active.
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Messages : 3125
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[TUTO] Audio undercab - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [TUTO] Audio undercab   [TUTO] Audio undercab - Page 6 EmptyVen 18 Déc 2020 - 12:47

Comment ça, je crains ?[TUTO] Audio undercab - Page 6 722859262 

J'irai prendre la version du DOF dès que Vpuniverse sera de nouveau accessible Tant pis 

Ma Wemos est alimentée via le câble USB scratch 

Ça me rassure pour la lumière.
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Messages : 7618
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[TUTO] Audio undercab - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [TUTO] Audio undercab   [TUTO] Audio undercab - Page 6 EmptyVen 18 Déc 2020 - 13:24

Bizarrement, DOF config tool est souvent accessible chez moi, même si le reste de vpuniverse ne passe pas.
Ta WEMOS est alimentée via ton câble USB sauf que si tu utilises un hub USB où il y a trop d'appareil, la prise du PC ne peut plus fournir et déconnecte. Ceci dit, normalement dans ces cas là tu entends le bruit caractéristique de Windows qui déconnecte.
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[TUTO] Audio undercab - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [TUTO] Audio undercab   [TUTO] Audio undercab - Page 6 EmptyVen 18 Déc 2020 - 13:49

J'accède bien au site DOF Config Tools mais c'est le lien du DOF V2 qui redirige vers VPUniverse  Sad
Là, pour le coup, la Wemos est branchée en direct sur un port USB de la carte mère et je n'entends effectivement pas de déconnexion ...
Mais c'est une bonne idée la maj du DOF, j'ai espoir  Very Happy
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[TUTO] Audio undercab - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [TUTO] Audio undercab   [TUTO] Audio undercab - Page 6 EmptyVen 18 Déc 2020 - 13:51

Bah le truc c'est que ta première WEMOS, tu l'as installée en suivant le tuto du forum ou ailleurs? Pareil pour le DOF. Parce que je vois que ton cabinet.xml a l'air à jour et du coup, il y a des chances que ton DOF soit à jour aussi.
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[TUTO] Audio undercab - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [TUTO] Audio undercab   [TUTO] Audio undercab - Page 6 EmptyVen 18 Déc 2020 - 14:25

Je l'ai effectivement installée en suivant le tuto du forum il y a un an. Idem pour le DOF.
Dans le cabinet.xlm, j'ai rajouté simplement les 6 lignes que tu as indiquées pour la compatibilité
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[TUTO] Audio undercab - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [TUTO] Audio undercab   [TUTO] Audio undercab - Page 6 EmptyVen 18 Déc 2020 - 14:26

D'ac alors peut-être que ça vient de là, on peut espérer. Si ça vient de là, je le rajouterai dans le tuto.
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[TUTO] Audio undercab - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [TUTO] Audio undercab   [TUTO] Audio undercab - Page 6 EmptySam 19 Déc 2020 - 8:34

Juste pour te tenir au jus ...
J'ai mis à jour le DOF en V2 et je n'ai plus de DOF maintenant.
J'ai un fichier log de + de 900 Mo où il n'y a que des erreurs de parsing pour chaque objet.
Le fichier GlobalConfig_B2SServer.xml est bon.
J'en ai profité pour mettre à jour SAM Build.
DirectOutput est bien actif dans les plugins de DB2S.
Je verrai + tard dans la journée et j'éditerai ce post.
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[TUTO] Audio undercab - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [TUTO] Audio undercab   [TUTO] Audio undercab - Page 6 EmptySam 19 Déc 2020 - 8:45

Si tu peux juste montrer le début des erreurs, à mon avis, ce sera vite fixé.
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[TUTO] Audio undercab - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [TUTO] Audio undercab   [TUTO] Audio undercab - Page 6 EmptySam 19 Déc 2020 - 13:10

J'ai bien sûr refait un RegisterDirectOutputComObject et toutes les dll sont débloquées.

Voici le début, après ce ne sont que des erreurs de parsing :

2020.12.19 13:02:52.712 DirectOutput Logger initialized
2020.12.19 13:02:52.712 DirectOutput Version 0.8.5307.1702 as of 2014.07.13 00:56
2020.12.19 13:02:52.712 Global config loaded from: D:\DIRECTOUTPUT\config\GlobalConfig_B2SServer.xml
2020.12.19 13:02:52.712 Loading Pinball parts
2020.12.19 13:02:52.712 Loading cabinet
2020.12.19 13:02:52.713 Will load cabinet config file: D:\DirectOutput\Config\cabinet.xml
2020.12.19 13:02:53.014 Warning: Output controller type TeensyStripController not found during deserialization of data.
2020.12.19 13:02:53.014 Warning: Output controller type TeensyStripController not found during deserialization of data.
2020.12.19 13:02:53.039 0 output controller defnitions and 8 toy definitions loaded from cabinet config.
2020.12.19 13:02:53.039 Cabinet config file has AutoConfig feature enabled. Calling AutoConfig.
2020.12.19 13:02:53.040 Cabinet auto configuration started
2020.12.19 13:02:53.052 Detected and added LedWiz Nr. 1 with name LedWiz 01
2020.12.19 13:02:53.052 Added LedwizEquivalent Nr. 1 with name LedWiz 01 Equivalent for Ledwiz Nr. 1
2020.12.19 13:02:53.052 Cabinet auto configuration finished
2020.12.19 13:02:53.052 Autoconfig complete.
2020.12.19 13:02:53.053 Cabinet config loaded successfully from D:\DirectOutput\Config\cabinet.xml
2020.12.19 13:02:53.053 Cabinet loaded
2020.12.19 13:02:53.053 Loading table config
2020.12.19 13:02:53.053 Warning: No table config file found. Will try to load config from LedControl file(s).
2020.12.19 13:02:53.053 Will try to load configs from DirectOutput.ini or LedControl.ini file(s) for RomName acd_170hc
2020.12.19 13:02:53.055 Loading LedControl file D:\DirectOutput\Config\directoutputconfig.ini
2020.12.19 13:02:53.163 Warning: Cant parse the part $PBXWheelRight of the ledcontrol table config setting $PBXWheelRight.
2020.12.19 13:02:53.164 EXCEPTION: Could not parse setting $PBXWheelRight in column data $PBXWheelRight/$PBXWheelPageRight/$PBXMenuUp.
2020.12.19 13:02:53.164 EXCEPTION: Thread:
2020.12.19 13:02:53.164 EXCEPTION: Message: Cant parse the part $PBXWheelRight of the ledcontrol table config setting $PBXWheelRight.
2020.12.19 13:02:53.165 EXCEPTION: Stacktrace:    à DirectOutput.LedControl.Loader.TableConfigSetting.ParseSettingData(String SettingData)
2020.12.19 13:02:53.165 EXCEPTION: Stacktrace:    à DirectOutput.LedControl.Loader.TableConfigSetting..ctor(String SettingData)
2020.12.19 13:02:53.165 EXCEPTION: Stacktrace:    à DirectOutput.LedControl.Loader.TableConfigColumn.ParseColumnData(String ColumnData, Boolean ThrowExceptions)
2020.12.19 13:02:53.165 EXCEPTION: Targetsite: Void ParseSettingData(System.String)
2020.12.19 13:02:53.165 Warning: Cant parse the part $PBXWheelPageRight of the ledcontrol table config setting $PBXWheelPageRight.
2020.12.19 13:02:53.165 EXCEPTION: Could not parse setting $PBXWheelPageRight in column data $PBXWheelRight/$PBXWheelPageRight/$PBXMenuUp.
2020.12.19 13:02:53.165 EXCEPTION: Thread:
2020.12.19 13:02:53.165 EXCEPTION: Message: Cant parse the part $PBXWheelPageRight of the ledcontrol table config setting $PBXWheelPageRight.
2020.12.19 13:02:53.165 EXCEPTION: Stacktrace:    à DirectOutput.LedControl.Loader.TableConfigSetting.ParseSettingData(String SettingData)
2020.12.19 13:02:53.165 EXCEPTION: Stacktrace:    à DirectOutput.LedControl.Loader.TableConfigSetting..ctor(String SettingData)
2020.12.19 13:02:53.165 EXCEPTION: Stacktrace:    à DirectOutput.LedControl.Loader.TableConfigColumn.ParseColumnData(String ColumnData, Boolean ThrowExceptions)
2020.12.19 13:02:53.165 EXCEPTION: Targetsite: Void ParseSettingData(System.String)

Et la fin :

2020.12.19 13:03:10.570 EXCEPTION: Message: Cant parse the part $PBYAttractR4 of the ledcontrol table config setting $PBYAttractR4 1000.
2020.12.19 13:03:10.570 EXCEPTION: Stacktrace:    à DirectOutput.LedControl.Loader.TableConfigSetting.ParseSettingData(String SettingData)
2020.12.19 13:03:10.570 EXCEPTION: Stacktrace:    à DirectOutput.LedControl.Loader.TableConfigSetting..ctor(String SettingData)
2020.12.19 13:03:10.570 EXCEPTION: Stacktrace:    à DirectOutput.LedControl.Loader.TableConfigColumn.ParseColumnData(String ColumnData, Boolean ThrowExceptions)
2020.12.19 13:03:10.570 EXCEPTION: Targetsite: Void ParseSettingData(System.String)
2020.12.19 13:03:10.570 Warning: Previous exceptions occured in the line PinballY,ON Blink fu500 fd600,$PBYFlipperLeft/$PBYMagnaLeft,ON,ON,ON Blink fu200 fd300,$PBYFlipperRIght/$PBYMagnaRight,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,$PBYFlipperLeft/$PBYMagnaLeft,$PBYFlipperRIght/$PBYMagnaRight,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,$PBYAttractR4 1000,0 of the ledcontrol file
2020.12.19 13:03:10.703 4 directoutputconfig.ini or ledcontrol.ini files loaded.
2020.12.19 13:03:10.705 Config for RomName acd_170hc exists in LedControl data. Updating cabinet and config.
2020.12.19 13:03:10.723 Warning: No color valid color definition found for area effect. Skipped setting 62 in column 1 for LedWizEqivalent number 30.
2020.12.19 13:03:10.723 Warning: No color valid color definition found for area effect. Skipped setting 63 in column 1 for LedWizEqivalent number 30.
2020.12.19 13:03:10.723 Warning: No color valid color definition found for area effect. Skipped setting 64 in column 1 for LedWizEqivalent number 30.
2020.12.19 13:03:10.723 Warning: No color valid color definition found for area effect. Skipped setting 65 in column 1 for LedWizEqivalent number 30.
2020.12.19 13:03:10.723 Warning: No color valid color definition found for area effect. Skipped setting 66 in column 1 for LedWizEqivalent number 30.
2020.12.19 13:03:10.723 Warning: No color valid color definition found for area effect. Skipped setting 67 in column 1 for LedWizEqivalent number 30.
2020.12.19 13:03:10.723 Warning: No color valid color definition found for area effect. Skipped setting 68 in column 1 for LedWizEqivalent number 30.
2020.12.19 13:03:10.723 Warning: No color valid color definition found for area effect. Skipped setting 69 in column 1 for LedWizEqivalent number 30.
2020.12.19 13:03:10.723 Warning: No color valid color definition found for area effect. Skipped setting 70 in column 1 for LedWizEqivalent number 30.
2020.12.19 13:03:10.723 Warning: No color valid color definition found for area effect. Skipped setting 71 in column 1 for LedWizEqivalent number 30.
2020.12.19 13:03:10.723 Warning: No color valid color definition found for area effect. Skipped setting 72 in column 1 for LedWizEqivalent number 30.
2020.12.19 13:03:10.723 Warning: No color valid color definition found for area effect. Skipped setting 73 in column 1 for LedWizEqivalent number 30.
2020.12.19 13:03:10.723 Warning: No color valid color definition found for area effect. Skipped setting 6 in column 2 for LedWizEqivalent number 30.
2020.12.19 13:03:10.723 Table config loading finished
2020.12.19 13:03:10.723 Pinball parts loaded
2020.12.19 13:03:10.724 Starting processes
2020.12.19 13:03:10.724 Initializing cabinet
2020.12.19 13:03:10.727 LedWiz Nr. 01 initialized and updater thread initialized.
2020.12.19 13:03:10.727 Updater thread for LedWiz 01 started.
2020.12.19 13:03:10.730 Cabinet initialized
2020.12.19 13:03:10.737 Framework initialized.
2020.12.19 13:03:10.737 Have fun!
2020.12.19 13:03:28.002 Finishing framework
2020.12.19 13:03:28.004 Finishing cabinet
2020.12.19 13:03:28.005 EXCEPTION: A exception occured while finishing the DirectOutput framework.
2020.12.19 13:03:28.005 EXCEPTION: Thread:
2020.12.19 13:03:28.005 EXCEPTION: Message: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
2020.12.19 13:03:28.005 EXCEPTION: Stacktrace:    at DirectOutput.Cab.Toys.Hardware.LedStrip.Reset()
2020.12.19 13:03:28.005 EXCEPTION: Stacktrace:    at DirectOutput.Cab.Toys.ToyBase.Finish()
2020.12.19 13:03:28.005 EXCEPTION: Stacktrace:    at DirectOutput.Cab.Toys.ToyList.Finish()
2020.12.19 13:03:28.005 EXCEPTION: Stacktrace:    at DirectOutput.Cab.Cabinet.Finish()
2020.12.19 13:03:28.005 EXCEPTION: Stacktrace:    at DirectOutput.Pinball.Finish()
2020.12.19 13:03:28.005 EXCEPTION: Targetsite: Void Reset()
2020.12.19 13:03:28.005 Finishing framework
2020.12.19 13:03:28.005 EXCEPTION: A exception occured while finishing the DirectOutput framework.
2020.12.19 13:03:28.005 EXCEPTION: Thread:
2020.12.19 13:03:28.005 EXCEPTION: Message: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
2020.12.19 13:03:28.005 EXCEPTION: Stacktrace:    at DirectOutput.FX.MatrixFX.MatrixShiftEffectBase`1.Finish()
2020.12.19 13:03:28.006 EXCEPTION: Stacktrace:    at DirectOutput.FX.EffectList.Finish()
2020.12.19 13:03:28.006 EXCEPTION: Stacktrace:    at DirectOutput.Table.Table.Finish()
2020.12.19 13:03:28.006 EXCEPTION: Stacktrace:    at DirectOutput.Pinball.Finish()
2020.12.19 13:03:28.006 EXCEPTION: Targetsite: Void Finish()
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[TUTO] Audio undercab - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [TUTO] Audio undercab   [TUTO] Audio undercab - Page 6 EmptySam 19 Déc 2020 - 18:34

Bon, j'avance mais pas assez [TUTO] Audio undercab - Page 6 3746298195 
En fait, le lien vers le FrameWork qu'il y a dans la page Dof Config Tools mène à une version très ancienne (plutôt bizarre) Sad 
Je suis allé chercher le dernier jus (10 août 2020 et qui intègre la Wemos en natif) sur le site de MJR : [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]
J'ai mis les fichiers dans mon répertoire DirectOutput.
Avec la version 'Check' de ton code, j'ai enfin les leds qui s'allument dans les tables. cheers J'ai dû adapter les PINs RGB dans le code mais c'est pinuts Laughing 

Sauf que maintenant, je n'ai plus rien sur ma première Wemos et pas de leds non plus sur la version normale de ton code pour l'audio (AudioUndercabLedStrip).

J'ai maintenant visiblement un problème avec le COM4 même si j'ai pu reprogrammer la première Wemos sans problème avec Flashage des leds à la fin.

J'ai regardé le log ci-dessous mais je n'arrive pas à avoir de piste pour résoudre le pb. Tant pis

DirectOutput Version 3.1.7527.20768, built 2020.08.10 11:32
MJR Grander Unified DOF R3++ edition feat. Djrobx, Rambo3, and Freezy
DOF created by SwissLizard | [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]
2020.12.19 18:23:30.321 DirectOutput Logger initialized
2020.12.19 18:23:30.274 Global config filename is "D:\DIRECTOUTPUT\config\GlobalConfig_B2SServer.xml"
2020.12.19 18:23:30.321 Global config loaded from: D:\DIRECTOUTPUT\config\GlobalConfig_B2SServer.xml
2020.12.19 18:23:30.321 Loading Pinball parts
2020.12.19 18:23:30.321 Loading cabinet
2020.12.19 18:23:30.322 Will load cabinet config file: D:\DirectOutput\Config\cabinet.xml
2020.12.19 18:23:30.697 2 output controller defnitions and 8 toy definitions loaded from cabinet config.
2020.12.19 18:23:30.697 Cabinet config file has AutoConfig feature enabled. Calling AutoConfig.
2020.12.19 18:23:30.698 Cabinet auto configuration started
2020.12.19 18:23:30.719 Detected and added Pinscape Controller Nr. 1 with name Pinscape Controller 01
2020.12.19 18:23:30.719 Added LedwizEquivalent Nr. 51 with name Pinscape Controller 01 Equivalent for Pinscape Controller Nr. 1, 32
2020.12.19 18:23:30.724 PhilipsHueAutoConfigurator.AutoConfig started...note, actual connection detection will happen asynchronously, and device disabled if not succesfull (check further down in the log)
2020.12.19 18:23:30.732 LedWiz-like device at VID=64250, PID=240, product string=Pinscape Controller, manufacturer string=mjrnet
2020.12.19 18:23:30.733 HID caps: usage page=1, usage=4, number of link collection nodes=1, output report byte length=9
2020.12.19 18:23:30.735 LedWiz-like device at VID=2101, PID=34049, product string=USB HID, manufacturer string=Action Star
2020.12.19 18:23:30.739 LedWiz-like device at VID=64250, PID=240, product string=Pinscape Controller, manufacturer string=mjrnet
2020.12.19 18:23:30.739 HID caps: usage page=12, usage=1, number of link collection nodes=1, output report byte length=0
2020.12.19 18:23:30.741 LedWiz-like device at VID=2101, PID=34050, product string=USB HID, manufacturer string=Action Star
2020.12.19 18:23:30.742 LedWiz-like device at VID=6127, PID=24661, product string=Lenovo USB Smartcard Keyboard Hotkey, manufacturer string=Lenovo
2020.12.19 18:23:30.745 Opening 32-bit LedWiz driver...
2020.12.19 18:23:30.745 Detected and added LedWiz Nr. 1 with name LedWiz 01
2020.12.19 18:23:30.745 Added LedwizEquivalent Nr. 1 with name LedWiz 01 Equivalent for Ledwiz Nr. 1
2020.12.19 18:23:30.748 Cabinet auto configuration finished
2020.12.19 18:23:30.748 Autoconfig complete.
2020.12.19 18:23:30.748 Cabinet config loaded successfully from D:\DirectOutput\Config\cabinet.xml
2020.12.19 18:23:30.748 Cabinet loaded
2020.12.19 18:23:30.748 Loading table config
2020.12.19 18:23:30.749 Warning: No table config file found. Will try to load config from LedControl file(s).
2020.12.19 18:23:30.749 Will try to load configs from DirectOutput.ini or LedControl.ini file(s) for RomName gldneye
2020.12.19 18:23:30.750 Loading LedControl file D:\DirectOutput\Config\directoutputconfig.ini
2020.12.19 18:23:30.753 Min DOF Version is 0.8 for file directoutputconfig.ini
2020.12.19 18:23:30.753 Resolving Tables Variables
2020.12.19 18:23:30.755 Resolving Global Variables
2020.12.19 18:23:30.978 Loading LedControl file D:\DirectOutput\Config\directoutputconfig30.ini
2020.12.19 18:23:30.995 Min DOF Version is 0.8 for file directoutputconfig30.ini
2020.12.19 18:23:30.995 Resolving Tables Variables
2020.12.19 18:23:30.995 Resolving Global Variables
2020.12.19 18:23:31.964 EXCEPTION: Table with ShortRomName Big_Shot_1974 has already been loaded (Exists more than once in ledcontrol file).
2020.12.19 18:23:31.964 EXCEPTION: Thread:
2020.12.19 18:23:32.886 Loading LedControl file D:\DirectOutput\Config\directoutputconfig31.ini
2020.12.19 18:23:32.887 Min DOF Version is 0.8 for file directoutputconfig31.ini
2020.12.19 18:23:32.887 Resolving Tables Variables
2020.12.19 18:23:32.888 Resolving Global Variables
2020.12.19 18:23:32.927 EXCEPTION: Table with ShortRomName Big_Shot_1974 has already been loaded (Exists more than once in ledcontrol file).
2020.12.19 18:23:32.927 EXCEPTION: Thread:
2020.12.19 18:23:33.001 Loading LedControl file D:\DirectOutput\Config\directoutputconfig51.ini
2020.12.19 18:23:33.006 Min DOF Version is 0.8 for file directoutputconfig51.ini
2020.12.19 18:23:33.006 Resolving Tables Variables
2020.12.19 18:23:33.006 Resolving Global Variables
2020.12.19 18:23:33.118 EXCEPTION: Table with ShortRomName Big_Shot_1974 has already been loaded (Exists more than once in ledcontrol file).
2020.12.19 18:23:33.118 EXCEPTION: Thread:
2020.12.19 18:23:33.329 4 directoutputconfig.ini or ledcontrol.ini files loaded.
2020.12.19 18:23:33.331 Config for RomName gldneye exists in LedControl data. Updating cabinet and config.
2020.12.19 18:23:33.366 Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 0, T: 0, W: 19, H: 100, Name: CIRCLE3
2020.12.19 18:23:33.367 Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 0, T: 0, W: 19, H: 100, Name: CIRCLE3
2020.12.19 18:23:33.367 Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 20, T: 0, W: 19, H: 100, Name: CIRCLE3
2020.12.19 18:23:33.367 Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 20, T: 0, W: 19, H: 100, Name: CIRCLE3
2020.12.19 18:23:33.367 Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 40, T: 0, W: 19, H: 100, Name: CIRCLE3
2020.12.19 18:23:33.367 Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 60, T: 0, W: 19, H: 100, Name: CIRCLE3
2020.12.19 18:23:33.367 Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 60, T: 0, W: 19, H: 100, Name: CIRCLE3
2020.12.19 18:23:33.367 Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 60, T: 0, W: 19, H: 100, Name: CIRCLE3
2020.12.19 18:23:33.367 Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 80, T: 0, W: 19, H: 100, Name: CIRCLE3
2020.12.19 18:23:33.367 Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 80, T: 0, W: 19, H: 100, Name: CIRCLE3
2020.12.19 18:23:33.368 Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 80, T: 0, W: 19, H: 100, Name: CIRCLE3
2020.12.19 18:23:33.370 Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 0, T: 0, W: 9, H: 30, Name: CIRCLE3
2020.12.19 18:23:33.370 Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 0, T: 0, W: 9, H: 30, Name: CIRCLE3
2020.12.19 18:23:33.370 Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 0, T: 0, W: 9, H: 30, Name: CIRCLE3
2020.12.19 18:23:33.370 Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 0, T: 0, W: 9, H: 30, Name: CIRCLE3
2020.12.19 18:23:33.370 Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 0, T: 0, W: 9, H: 30, Name: CIRCLE3
2020.12.19 18:23:33.370 Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 0, T: 0, W: 9, H: 30, Name: CIRCLE3
2020.12.19 18:23:33.370 Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 0, T: 0, W: 9, H: 30, Name: CIRCLE3
2020.12.19 18:23:33.370 Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 91, T: 0, W: 9, H: 30, Name: CIRCLE3
2020.12.19 18:23:33.370 Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 91, T: 0, W: 9, H: 30, Name: CIRCLE3
2020.12.19 18:23:33.370 Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 91, T: 0, W: 9, H: 30, Name: CIRCLE3
2020.12.19 18:23:33.370 Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 91, T: 0, W: 9, H: 30, Name: CIRCLE3
2020.12.19 18:23:33.370 Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 91, T: 0, W: 9, H: 30, Name: CIRCLE3
2020.12.19 18:23:33.371 Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 91, T: 0, W: 9, H: 30, Name: CIRCLE3
2020.12.19 18:23:33.371 Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 91, T: 0, W: 9, H: 30, Name: CIRCLE3
2020.12.19 18:23:33.373 Table config loading finished: romname=gldneye, tablename=007 Goldeneye (Sega 1996)
2020.12.19 18:23:33.374 Pinball parts loaded
2020.12.19 18:23:33.375 Starting processes
2020.12.19 18:23:33.375 Initializing cabinet
2020.12.19 18:23:33.375 Debug: Initializing output controllers
2020.12.19 18:23:33.424 TeensyStripController TeensyStripController intialized and updater thread started.
2020.12.19 18:23:33.424 TeensyStripController AudioWEMOS intialized and updater thread started.
2020.12.19 18:23:33.425 Pinscape Pinscape Controller 01 intialized and updater thread started.
2020.12.19 18:23:33.425 Debug: Initializing LedWiz Nr. 01
2020.12.19 18:23:33.426 TeensyStripController TeensyStripController updater thread  started.
2020.12.19 18:23:33.426 Pinscape Pinscape Controller 01 updater thread  started.
2020.12.19 18:23:33.426 TeensyStripController AudioWEMOS updater thread  started.
2020.12.19 18:23:33.426 Pinscape Pinscape Controller 01 updater thread  has connected to Pinscape Pinscape Controller 01.
2020.12.19 18:23:33.427 LedWiz Nr. 01 initialized and updater thread initialized.
2020.12.19 18:23:33.427 Debug: Output controllers initialized
2020.12.19 18:23:33.428 Updater thread for LedWiz 01 started.
2020.12.19 18:23:33.431 Initializing ComPort COM4 with these settings :
2020.12.19 18:23:33.431 BaudRate 2000000, Parity None, DataBits 8, StopBits One, R/W Timeouts 300ms
2020.12.19 18:23:33.431 Handshake Timings : Open 3000ms, Loop Start/End 50/50ms
2020.12.19 18:23:33.431 Initializing ComPort COM5 with these settings :
2020.12.19 18:23:33.431 BaudRate 2000000, Parity None, DataBits 8, StopBits One, R/W Timeouts 300ms
2020.12.19 18:23:33.431 Handshake Timings : Open 3000ms, Loop Start/End 50/50ms
2020.12.19 18:23:33.432 Cabinet initialized
2020.12.19 18:23:33.433 Loading shape definition file: D:\DirectOutput\Config\DirectOutputShapes.xml
2020.12.19 18:23:33.465 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:19, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:10, Bottom:6, Width:11, Height:7)
2020.12.19 18:23:33.467 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:19, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:10, Bottom:6, Width:11, Height:7)
2020.12.19 18:23:33.491 Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 11, H:7, BML: 35, BMT: 18, BMW: 16, BMH: 16
2020.12.19 18:23:33.493 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:19, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:10, Bottom:6, Width:11, Height:7)
2020.12.19 18:23:33.493 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:19, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:10, Bottom:6, Width:11, Height:7)
2020.12.19 18:23:33.493 Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 11, H:7, BML: 35, BMT: 18, BMW: 16, BMH: 16
2020.12.19 18:23:33.493 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:20, T:0, W:19, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 11, Top:0, Right:21, Bottom:6, Width:11, Height:7)
2020.12.19 18:23:33.493 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:20, T:0, W:19, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 11, Top:0, Right:21, Bottom:6, Width:11, Height:7)
2020.12.19 18:23:33.493 Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 11, H:7, BML: 35, BMT: 18, BMW: 16, BMH: 16
2020.12.19 18:23:33.494 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:20, T:0, W:19, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 11, Top:0, Right:21, Bottom:6, Width:11, Height:7)
2020.12.19 18:23:33.494 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:20, T:0, W:19, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 11, Top:0, Right:21, Bottom:6, Width:11, Height:7)
2020.12.19 18:23:33.494 Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 11, H:7, BML: 35, BMT: 18, BMW: 16, BMH: 16
2020.12.19 18:23:33.494 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:40, T:0, W:19, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 22, Top:0, Right:33, Bottom:6, Width:12, Height:7)
2020.12.19 18:23:33.494 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:40, T:0, W:19, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 22, Top:0, Right:33, Bottom:6, Width:12, Height:7)
2020.12.19 18:23:33.494 Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 12, H:7, BML: 35, BMT: 18, BMW: 16, BMH: 16
2020.12.19 18:23:33.494 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:60, T:0, W:19, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 33, Top:0, Right:44, Bottom:6, Width:12, Height:7)
2020.12.19 18:23:33.494 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:60, T:0, W:19, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 33, Top:0, Right:44, Bottom:6, Width:12, Height:7)
2020.12.19 18:23:33.494 Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 12, H:7, BML: 35, BMT: 18, BMW: 16, BMH: 16
2020.12.19 18:23:33.494 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:60, T:0, W:19, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 33, Top:0, Right:44, Bottom:6, Width:12, Height:7)
2020.12.19 18:23:33.494 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:60, T:0, W:19, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 33, Top:0, Right:44, Bottom:6, Width:12, Height:7)
2020.12.19 18:23:33.494 Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 12, H:7, BML: 35, BMT: 18, BMW: 16, BMH: 16
2020.12.19 18:23:33.495 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:60, T:0, W:19, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 33, Top:0, Right:44, Bottom:6, Width:12, Height:7)
2020.12.19 18:23:33.495 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:60, T:0, W:19, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 33, Top:0, Right:44, Bottom:6, Width:12, Height:7)
2020.12.19 18:23:33.495 Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 12, H:7, BML: 35, BMT: 18, BMW: 16, BMH: 16
2020.12.19 18:23:33.495 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:80, T:0, W:19, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 44, Top:0, Right:55, Bottom:6, Width:12, Height:7)
2020.12.19 18:23:33.495 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:80, T:0, W:19, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 44, Top:0, Right:55, Bottom:6, Width:12, Height:7)
2020.12.19 18:23:33.495 Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 12, H:7, BML: 35, BMT: 18, BMW: 16, BMH: 16
2020.12.19 18:23:33.495 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:80, T:0, W:19, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 44, Top:0, Right:55, Bottom:6, Width:12, Height:7)
2020.12.19 18:23:33.495 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:80, T:0, W:19, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 44, Top:0, Right:55, Bottom:6, Width:12, Height:7)
2020.12.19 18:23:33.495 Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 12, H:7, BML: 35, BMT: 18, BMW: 16, BMH: 16
2020.12.19 18:23:33.495 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:80, T:0, W:19, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 44, Top:0, Right:55, Bottom:6, Width:12, Height:7)
2020.12.19 18:23:33.495 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:80, T:0, W:19, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 44, Top:0, Right:55, Bottom:6, Width:12, Height:7)
2020.12.19 18:23:33.495 Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 12, H:7, BML: 35, BMT: 18, BMW: 16, BMH: 16
2020.12.19 18:23:33.496 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixShiftEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:100, H:15), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:55, Bottom:1, Width:56, Height:2)
2020.12.19 18:23:33.496 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixShiftEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:85, W:100, H:15), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:5, Right:55, Bottom:6, Width:56, Height:2)
2020.12.19 18:23:33.496 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:9, H:30), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:5, Bottom:2, Width:6, Height:3)
2020.12.19 18:23:33.496 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:9, H:30), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:5, Bottom:2, Width:6, Height:3)
2020.12.19 18:23:33.496 Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 6, H:3, BML: 35, BMT: 18, BMW: 16, BMH: 16
2020.12.19 18:23:33.496 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:9, H:30), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:5, Bottom:2, Width:6, Height:3)
2020.12.19 18:23:33.496 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:9, H:30), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:5, Bottom:2, Width:6, Height:3)
2020.12.19 18:23:33.496 Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 6, H:3, BML: 35, BMT: 18, BMW: 16, BMH: 16
2020.12.19 18:23:33.497 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:9, H:30), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:5, Bottom:2, Width:6, Height:3)
2020.12.19 18:23:33.497 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:9, H:30), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:5, Bottom:2, Width:6, Height:3)
2020.12.19 18:23:33.497 Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 6, H:3, BML: 35, BMT: 18, BMW: 16, BMH: 16
2020.12.19 18:23:33.497 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:9, H:30), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:5, Bottom:2, Width:6, Height:3)
2020.12.19 18:23:33.497 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:9, H:30), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:5, Bottom:2, Width:6, Height:3)
2020.12.19 18:23:33.497 Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 6, H:3, BML: 35, BMT: 18, BMW: 16, BMH: 16
2020.12.19 18:23:33.497 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:9, H:30), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:5, Bottom:2, Width:6, Height:3)
2020.12.19 18:23:33.497 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:9, H:30), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:5, Bottom:2, Width:6, Height:3)
2020.12.19 18:23:33.497 Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 6, H:3, BML: 35, BMT: 18, BMW: 16, BMH: 16
2020.12.19 18:23:33.497 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:9, H:30), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:5, Bottom:2, Width:6, Height:3)
2020.12.19 18:23:33.497 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:9, H:30), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:5, Bottom:2, Width:6, Height:3)
2020.12.19 18:23:33.497 Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 6, H:3, BML: 35, BMT: 18, BMW: 16, BMH: 16
2020.12.19 18:23:33.498 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:9, H:30), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:5, Bottom:2, Width:6, Height:3)
2020.12.19 18:23:33.498 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:9, H:30), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:5, Bottom:2, Width:6, Height:3)
2020.12.19 18:23:33.498 Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 6, H:3, BML: 35, BMT: 18, BMW: 16, BMH: 16
2020.12.19 18:23:33.498 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:91, T:0, W:9, H:30), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 50, Top:0, Right:55, Bottom:2, Width:6, Height:3)
2020.12.19 18:23:33.498 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:91, T:0, W:9, H:30), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 50, Top:0, Right:55, Bottom:2, Width:6, Height:3)
2020.12.19 18:23:33.498 Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 6, H:3, BML: 35, BMT: 18, BMW: 16, BMH: 16
2020.12.19 18:23:33.498 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:91, T:0, W:9, H:30), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 50, Top:0, Right:55, Bottom:2, Width:6, Height:3)
2020.12.19 18:23:33.498 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:91, T:0, W:9, H:30), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 50, Top:0, Right:55, Bottom:2, Width:6, Height:3)
2020.12.19 18:23:33.498 Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 6, H:3, BML: 35, BMT: 18, BMW: 16, BMH: 16
2020.12.19 18:23:33.498 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:91, T:0, W:9, H:30), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 50, Top:0, Right:55, Bottom:2, Width:6, Height:3)
2020.12.19 18:23:33.498 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:91, T:0, W:9, H:30), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 50, Top:0, Right:55, Bottom:2, Width:6, Height:3)
2020.12.19 18:23:33.498 Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 6, H:3, BML: 35, BMT: 18, BMW: 16, BMH: 16
2020.12.19 18:23:33.498 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:91, T:0, W:9, H:30), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 50, Top:0, Right:55, Bottom:2, Width:6, Height:3)
2020.12.19 18:23:33.498 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:91, T:0, W:9, H:30), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 50, Top:0, Right:55, Bottom:2, Width:6, Height:3)
2020.12.19 18:23:33.498 Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 6, H:3, BML: 35, BMT: 18, BMW: 16, BMH: 16
2020.12.19 18:23:33.498 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:91, T:0, W:9, H:30), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 50, Top:0, Right:55, Bottom:2, Width:6, Height:3)
2020.12.19 18:23:33.498 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:91, T:0, W:9, H:30), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 50, Top:0, Right:55, Bottom:2, Width:6, Height:3)
2020.12.19 18:23:33.499 Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 6, H:3, BML: 35, BMT: 18, BMW: 16, BMH: 16
2020.12.19 18:23:33.499 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:91, T:0, W:9, H:30), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 50, Top:0, Right:55, Bottom:2, Width:6, Height:3)
2020.12.19 18:23:33.499 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:91, T:0, W:9, H:30), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 50, Top:0, Right:55, Bottom:2, Width:6, Height:3)
2020.12.19 18:23:33.499 Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 6, H:3, BML: 35, BMT: 18, BMW: 16, BMH: 16
2020.12.19 18:23:33.499 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:91, T:0, W:9, H:30), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 50, Top:0, Right:55, Bottom:2, Width:6, Height:3)
2020.12.19 18:23:33.499 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:91, T:0, W:9, H:30), Matrix(W:7, H:56), ResultArea(Left: 50, Top:0, Right:55, Bottom:2, Width:6, Height:3)
2020.12.19 18:23:33.499 Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 6, H:3, BML: 35, BMT: 18, BMW: 16, BMH: 16
2020.12.19 18:23:33.499 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:100, H:15), Matrix(W:100, H:1), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:0, Bottom:15, Width:1, Height:16)
2020.12.19 18:23:33.499 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:100, H:15), Matrix(W:100, H:1), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:0, Bottom:15, Width:1, Height:16)
2020.12.19 18:23:33.499 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:100, H:15), Matrix(W:100, H:1), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:0, Bottom:15, Width:1, Height:16)
2020.12.19 18:23:33.499 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixPlasmaEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:85, W:100, H:15), Matrix(W:100, H:1), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:85, Right:0, Bottom:99, Width:1, Height:15)
2020.12.19 18:23:33.499 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:100, H:15), Matrix(W:100, H:1), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:0, Bottom:15, Width:1, Height:16)
2020.12.19 18:23:33.499 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:100, H:15), Matrix(W:100, H:1), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:0, Bottom:15, Width:1, Height:16)
2020.12.19 18:23:33.499 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:100, H:100), Matrix(W:48, H:1), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:0, Bottom:47, Width:1, Height:48)
2020.12.19 18:23:33.499 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:100, H:100), Matrix(W:87, H:1), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:0, Bottom:86, Width:1, Height:87)
2020.12.19 18:23:33.499 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:100, H:100), Matrix(W:1, H:1), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:0, Bottom:0, Width:1, Height:1)
2020.12.19 18:23:33.510 Framework initialized.
2020.12.19 18:23:33.510 Have fun!
2020.12.19 18:23:36.567 TeensyStripController AudioWEMOS updater thread  has connected to TeensyStripController AudioWEMOS.
2020.12.19 18:23:39.076 EXCEPTION: Could not put the controller on com-port COM4 into the commandmode. Will not send data to the controller.
2020.12.19 18:23:39.076 EXCEPTION: Thread: TeensyStripController TeensyStripController updater thread
2020.12.19 18:23:39.093 TeensyStripController TeensyStripController updater thread  has connected to TeensyStripController TeensyStripController.
2020.12.19 18:23:39.093 EXCEPTION: TeensyStripController TeensyStripController updater thread  could not send update for TeensyStripController TeensyStripController: Comport is not initialized. Will try again.
2020.12.19 18:23:39.093 EXCEPTION: Thread: TeensyStripController TeensyStripController updater thread
2020.12.19 18:23:39.093 EXCEPTION: Message: Exception --> Comport is not initialized
2020.12.19 18:23:39.094 EXCEPTION: Stacktrace:    at DirectOutput.Cab.Out.AdressableLedStrip.TeensyStripController.UpdateOutputs(Byte[] OutputValues)
2020.12.19 18:23:39.094 EXCEPTION: Stacktrace:    at DirectOutput.Cab.Out.OutputControllerCompleteBase.UpdaterThreadDoIt()
2020.12.19 18:23:39.094 EXCEPTION: Targetsite: Void UpdateOutputs(Byte[])
2020.12.19 18:23:39.094 Warning: TeensyStripController TeensyStripController updater thread  tries to reconnect to TeensyStripController TeensyStripController.
2020.12.19 18:23:39.195 Initializing ComPort COM4 with these settings :
2020.12.19 18:23:39.195 BaudRate 2000000, Parity None, DataBits 8, StopBits One, R/W Timeouts 300ms
2020.12.19 18:23:39.195 Handshake Timings : Open 3000ms, Loop Start/End 50/50ms
2020.12.19 18:23:44.900 EXCEPTION: Could not put the controller on com-port COM4 into the commandmode. Will not send data to the controller.
2020.12.19 18:23:44.900 EXCEPTION: Thread: TeensyStripController TeensyStripController updater thread
2020.12.19 18:23:44.933 TeensyStripController TeensyStripController updater thread  has reconnected to TeensyStripController TeensyStripController.
2020.12.19 18:23:45.034 EXCEPTION: TeensyStripController TeensyStripController updater thread  could still not send update for TeensyStripController TeensyStripController: Comport is not initialized. Thread will quit.
2020.12.19 18:23:45.034 EXCEPTION: Thread: TeensyStripController TeensyStripController updater thread
2020.12.19 18:23:45.034 EXCEPTION: Message: Exception --> Comport is not initialized
2020.12.19 18:23:45.034 EXCEPTION: Stacktrace:    at DirectOutput.Cab.Out.AdressableLedStrip.TeensyStripController.UpdateOutputs(Byte[] OutputValues)
2020.12.19 18:23:45.034 EXCEPTION: Stacktrace:    at DirectOutput.Cab.Out.OutputControllerCompleteBase.UpdaterThreadDoIt()
2020.12.19 18:23:45.034 EXCEPTION: Targetsite: Void UpdateOutputs(Byte[])
2020.12.19 18:24:02.003 Finishing framework
2020.12.19 18:24:02.005 Finishing cabinet
2020.12.19 18:24:02.006 Debug: Finishing output controllers
2020.12.19 18:24:02.006 TeensyStripController TeensyStripController finished and updater thread stopped.
2020.12.19 18:24:02.029 TeensyStripController AudioWEMOS updater thread  has disconnected from TeensyStripController AudioWEMOS and will terminate.
2020.12.19 18:24:02.030 TeensyStripController AudioWEMOS finished and updater thread stopped.
2020.12.19 18:24:02.032 Pinscape Pinscape Controller 01 updater thread  has disconnected from Pinscape Pinscape Controller 01 and will terminate.
2020.12.19 18:24:02.032 Pinscape Pinscape Controller 01 finished and updater thread stopped.
2020.12.19 18:24:02.033 Debug: Finishing LedWiz Nr. 01
2020.12.19 18:24:02.033 Updater thread for LedWiz 01 terminated.
2020.12.19 18:24:02.036 LedWiz Nr. 01 finished and updater thread stopped.
2020.12.19 18:24:02.036 Debug: Output controllers finished
2020.12.19 18:24:02.036 Cabinet finished
2020.12.19 18:24:02.036 DirectOutput framework finished.
2020.12.19 18:24:02.036 Bye and thanks for using!

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J'ai touché pas mal de trucs mais rien côté fichiers de config du DOF.
J'ai mis comme dans ton code Serial.begin(2000000) et ça passe. Si c'est ça, c'est probablement en lien avec la nouvelle version récupérée chez MJR.
J'ai donc l'ancienne Wemos qui fonctionne et la nouvelle AUDIO aussi sur ton code de Check.
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Dernière édition par ebor le Sam 19 Déc 2020 - 21:12, édité 1 fois
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[TUTO] Audio undercab - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [TUTO] Audio undercab   [TUTO] Audio undercab - Page 6 EmptySam 19 Déc 2020 - 20:53

Pour ta  WEMOS originale, ça peut être parce que le code n'est plus à jour du coup, la dernière version à injecter avec le programme Arduino est ici [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]
Pour l'Audio undercab, si ça marche avec la version "check" et pas l'autre, c'est que la WEMOS ne reçoit rien sur son entrée A0, car la seule différence entre les 2 codes, c'est que la version check n'utilise pas ce qui est capté en entrée de la carte et considère que c'est à fond tout le temps, l'autre adapte l'intensité en fonction du volume capté en entrée. Donc... ça doit venir du montage. Difficile de juger sans avoir le truc sous la main. Je vais réfléchir
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[TUTO] Audio undercab - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [TUTO] Audio undercab   [TUTO] Audio undercab - Page 6 EmptySam 19 Déc 2020 - 21:43

Je te confirme que le code d'Aetios fonctionne nickel aussi Very Happy 
On va pouvoir se concentrer sur la partie audio [TUTO] Audio undercab - Page 6 1982470514 
Dans le tuto, il faudra bien préciser que le DOF doit être à jour [TUTO] Audio undercab - Page 6 3253257302
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[TUTO] Audio undercab - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [TUTO] Audio undercab   [TUTO] Audio undercab - Page 6 EmptySam 19 Déc 2020 - 21:45

Vi, je vais m'en occuper
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[TUTO] Audio undercab - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [TUTO] Audio undercab   [TUTO] Audio undercab - Page 6 EmptyDim 3 Jan 2021 - 15:56

Punaise [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien], grâce à [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien], je viens de me rendre compte que je m'étais trompé dans la liste, ce n'est pas un AOP TL071 qui est monté, mais un LM358 (AOP double). Pour le montage, ça ne change rien, puisqu'il y a aussi 8 pattes, donc juste à retirer le TL et mettre le LM à la place, mais du coup ça ne pouvait pas marcher. Je suis sincèrement désolé pour vous 2, j'espère que ça va marcher nickel maintenant.
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[TUTO] Audio undercab - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [TUTO] Audio undercab   [TUTO] Audio undercab - Page 6 EmptyDim 3 Jan 2021 - 16:34

T'inquiète pas, pas de problème. On débugue le tuto  [TUTO] Audio undercab - Page 6 773715342
C'est commandé  [TUTO] Audio undercab - Page 6 3253257302

zedrummer aime ce message

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[TUTO] Audio undercab - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [TUTO] Audio undercab   [TUTO] Audio undercab - Page 6 EmptyJeu 7 Jan 2021 - 19:14

J'ai reçu les LM358.
J'ai fait le test avec ta version Check, j'ai bien la lumière dans mes HP tout le temps.
Avec la version 'normale', j'ai une toute petite lumière qui s'allume au rythme de la musique mais c'est à peine visible et que sur les 2-3 premières leds (je n'ai pas mieux même en tournant le potard).
Une idée ?
On s'approche du but  Very Happy
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[TUTO] Audio undercab - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [TUTO] Audio undercab   [TUTO] Audio undercab - Page 6 EmptyJeu 7 Jan 2021 - 21:41

1/ Avec la version Check, toutes les LEDs sont bien allumées? Parce que si oui, c'est étonnant que seules les premières s'allument dans la version normale, sachant que c'est du LED strip non adressable, ça ne devrait pas pouvoir arriver et donc il y a peut-être un problème de puissance avec ton alim
2/ Le potentiomètre DOIT avoir un effet, si c'est faible à fond, ça doit être complètement à l'arrêt si tu baisses même un peu
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[TUTO] Audio undercab - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [TUTO] Audio undercab   [TUTO] Audio undercab - Page 6 EmptyJeu 7 Jan 2021 - 22:33

1/ Oui, toutes les leds sont allumées. Ce qui exclue le problème de puissance, non ?

2/ Oui, le potard a un effet. Une lumière faible dans un sens et plus rien si je bouge.

C'est + comme si ça n'avait pas le temps de tout allumer.

J'ai regardé ton code. Pour définir la variable NormVol, tu mets en commentaire : "*4.0f car les couleurs sont des valeurs entre 0 et 255 et on veut des valeurs entre 0 et 1024" mais la fonction AnalogRead sort déjà un nombre entre 0 et 1023.

J'ai simplement mis Normvol à la valeur de la variable Vol passée en paramètre et ça fonctionne plutôt correctement. Simplement, je trouve que l'intensité est un peu faible (pas autant que lorsque je redémarre la Wemos).

J'ai modifié les 3 variables BRIGHTNESS_PIN à 255 au lieu de 32 et ça ne change rien.

J'ai l'impression que l'utilisation du potard ne change rien avec ces nouvelles conditions comme si l'amplitude des variations du potard étaient infimes mais quand même suffisantes lors de mon premier test lorsque la lumière était très faible. Un pb de potard ?

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En fait j'ai l'impression que ça dépend de la table jouée.
Les tests ci-dessus étaient faits avec AC/DC et le pup pack.
Sur World Cup Soccer, ça marche nickel (y/c le potard) mais toujours avec la luminosité un peu faible.
Sur World Poker Tour, peu de variations et le potard n'a pas d'effet.
Il faudra que je complète les tests

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[TUTO] Audio undercab - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [TUTO] Audio undercab   [TUTO] Audio undercab - Page 6 EmptyVen 8 Jan 2021 - 8:20

Est-ce que le son de ton PC est à fond?
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[TUTO] Audio undercab
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