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 [RESOLU] Probleme pin2dmd

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[RESOLU] Probleme pin2dmd Empty
MessageSujet: [RESOLU] Probleme pin2dmd   [RESOLU] Probleme pin2dmd EmptyVen 16 Sep 2016 - 19:40

Salut à tous
J'ai installer le pindmd activation ok mais j'ai toujours rien sur le dmd avec la mise à jour de vpinmame je pense que j'ai oublier un truc comme d'habitude Wink
Merci de votre aide

Dernière édition par kwak le Sam 17 Sep 2016 - 2:32, édité 1 fois
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Messages : 161
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[RESOLU] Probleme pin2dmd Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [RESOLU] Probleme pin2dmd   [RESOLU] Probleme pin2dmd EmptyVen 16 Sep 2016 - 21:43


Do you have install special Vpinmame DLL for DMD ??, see steps 18 to 20 instructions I posted.
Also must config USB driver with Zadig to allow device is a libusb32 (steps 1 to 3 instructions I posted).

18.- If you want use DMDST32 DMD with virtual pinball like Pinmame, then need replace the VpinMame.DLL file in your pinmame installation. Download new DLL file from this link and replace it.

VpinMame.DLL replace in your pinmame installation

19.- Now run your Pinmame, select and run pinball table, and then push F1, will see following screen. Select "Use PinDMD" and "Colorize DMD", then select the colors you want apply and push OK to save it.
[RESOLU] Probleme pin2dmd Screen56

[RESOLU] Probleme pin2dmd 13680010

20.- For Pinmame with 16 colors Stern SAM tables, need a special version of Pinmame. 

   19.1  Download from this link Pinmame SAM , and apply following instructions.
   19.2  Install VPXsetup in C: , after install folder will be C:/visual pinball  
   19.3  Uncompress vpinmame_25 and paste in C:/visual pinball
   19.4  Run setup.exe in C:/visual pinball. Push Uninstall, then Install to update version, close window.
   19.5  Uncompress pinmame_sam2.29 file, copy exe file to C:/visual pinball and run. Push OK, if all ok will open a text file with register.
   19.6  Uncompress vpinmame_sam_non_pim, copy file sam.vbs to C:/visual pinball/tables.
   19.7  Now copy files bass.dll and vpinamame.dll to C:/visual pinball
   19.8  And thats all, now only need download Roms and Tables for SAM games you want.

To avoid mistakes its important to know version of Rom for Table. Will know if open the Table with visual pinball v9.9 and push Script, if look you will see the Rom that need and how rename and compress in zip file to store in Rom folder.

1.- Install Zadig software.
2.- Connect DMD to PC with USB cable (do not need provide power supply to DMD).
3.- Run Zadig, select PIN2DMD device and libusb-win32, push Replace Driver button. USB drivers are already installed.

[RESOLU] Probleme pin2dmd Zadig10
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[RESOLU] Probleme pin2dmd Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [RESOLU] Probleme pin2dmd   [RESOLU] Probleme pin2dmd EmptyVen 16 Sep 2016 - 22:03

Thx Luis 
Je resterai ce soir
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[RESOLU] Probleme pin2dmd Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [RESOLU] Probleme pin2dmd   [RESOLU] Probleme pin2dmd EmptySam 17 Sep 2016 - 2:32

Parfait c'était le vpinmame.dll 
Merci Wink
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Messages : 1293
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[RESOLU] Probleme pin2dmd Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [RESOLU] Probleme pin2dmd   [RESOLU] Probleme pin2dmd EmptySam 17 Sep 2016 - 10:50

je viens de voir qu'il y avait un Tuto dédié au DMD de PinballSp déolé Sad  tellement pressé de le mettre ne place que je me suis précipité Wink
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[RESOLU] Probleme pin2dmd
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