| [TUTO] DOFlinx | |
+74Kenshiro68 rburel flanders moustic57 zack06007 nicofab18 flajolbass BABAS60 daniel6984 Benoit33 M4dd4M leguluc Moussounet Dantes917 Kada MAXxXAM Mick_03 GéraldB xavuis superdimi tiburtz vnguyenquangdo DamsBALL barto107 mikuslegrand mcdmofr Edo75 Gate Sebcemoi mameinabox ozywan coincoin80 xphilou29 tetrafred Chang-mick redmask1974 zedrummer gaetan92 glx sebinouse shynisaou dazer18 captflame2121 JEJE38 doraj90 stephane26101977 crapulax dom69 manples CAPTAINCAV davsouto Allan47 Stef26 arngrim xav71 raph1974 TheHighFlying Nnanard8 ste1073 Aetios kakou sebx Citron68 loftman44 khomodo PHILI50 grozby88 Davidlinch vulbas kwak ced Shadow_SHD peskopat razorbaxx 78 participants | |
Auteur | Message |
Messages : 297 Département : 21
| Sujet: Re: [TUTO] DOFlinx Jeu 25 Avr 2019 - 13:56 | |
| | |
| | | Chang-mick
Messages : 11 Département : 57
| Sujet: Re: [TUTO] DOFlinx Jeu 25 Avr 2019 - 21:47 | |
| Merci de ta réponse, j ai pu avancer un peu, des leds s'allume et quelques contacteurs fonctionne mais pas mes flips. Quelqu'un qui a un fichier Doflinx.ini qui fonctionne correctement (sur fx3 non steam) avec la version 6.71? Ce serait super merci d'avance. | |
| | | captflame2121
Messages : 297 Département : 21
| Sujet: Re: [TUTO] DOFlinx Jeu 25 Avr 2019 - 21:52 | |
| Je me suis remis dedans dans PFX2 non steam avec doflix 6.71 toujours pareil je n ai que mes deux playfields qui fonctionnent et que cela rien d autre.
Sa me broute de ne pas trouver pourquoi depuis des semaines que j essais .....
La je remet pfx3 non steam et te tiens au courant . | |
| | | captflame2121
Messages : 297 Département : 21
| Sujet: Re: [TUTO] DOFlinx Ven 26 Avr 2019 - 8:49 | |
| Ton fichier dolflinx. Ini est unique car il depends de ta Configuration physique de ton matériel. Par rapport ta config doftool. | |
| | | tetrafred
Messages : 2906 Département : 85
| Sujet: Re: [TUTO] DOFlinx Ven 26 Avr 2019 - 11:01 | |
| - Chang-mick a écrit:
- Merci de ta réponse, j ai pu avancer un peu, des leds s'allume et quelques contacteurs fonctionne mais pas mes flips. Quelqu'un qui a un fichier Doflinx.ini qui fonctionne correctement (sur fx3 non steam) avec la version 6.71?
Ce serait super merci d'avance. Moi c'est l'inverse mes flipps fonctionnent toujours mais mes leds sont capricieuses. Elles s'allument au début puis après elles font grèves. Dans ton ini tu as bien mis les bonnes valeurs hexa je ne sais plus de tes touches de flipper (A0 et A1 dans l'exemple pour les touches L et R shift). A priori DOFlinx ne fonctionne qu'avec les clavier et j'ai cru comprendre qu'avec une KL25 ça paosais problème d'où l'obligation de passer par joytokey ou xpadder. peut être que le soucis viens de là aussi dans ton cas. | |
| | | sebinouse
Messages : 742 Département : IDF
| Sujet: Re: [TUTO] DOFlinx Ven 26 Avr 2019 - 11:05 | |
| Je confirme que DOFLinx marche avec les touches assignées aux flipper sur ma config KL25Z (pinscape2). | |
| | | tetrafred
Messages : 2906 Département : 85
| Sujet: Re: [TUTO] DOFlinx Ven 26 Avr 2019 - 11:24 | |
| Pinscape2 remplace à priori Joy2key ou Xpadder si tu le programme bien mais de base la KL25 ne prend en charge que la version joystick du mapping non? (me souviens plus et je passe par un MiniPAC chez moi): "Keyboard mappings for buttons: The V1 software only let you map input buttons to joystick buttons. The new software adds the option to map buttons to regular keyboard keys. Joystick buttons are still supported, of course, and you can even mix and match - some buttons map to the joystick, some to the keyboard. The advantage of keyboard keys is that it's virtually universal among PC pinball software to accept keyboard input, whereas only a subset accept joystick input."[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien] | |
| | | captflame2121
Messages : 297 Département : 21
| Sujet: Re: [TUTO] DOFlinx Ven 26 Avr 2019 - 11:37 | |
| Moi J ai deux kl25 et dans pfx2 et pfx3 j'ai mis 360ce. Les touches de flipper starts launch fonctionnent bien dans les pfx 2 et 3 non steam. J utilise pinupsystem pour lancer les tables de pfx. Dedans j'ai configuré pour lancer dolflinx. Exe puis ensuite sa lance pfx sans pb. J'ai pfx qui se lance puis mes deux playfields droite et gauche qui fonctionnent. Dans mon fichier dolflinx. Ini j'ai tout configurer par rapport à mes deux kl25z. J'ai juste mes deux rgb. Ce que je voudrais ç est les contacteurs minimum pour jouer à pfx2 et 3. Avc pinuosystem et les tables vpx je 'ai pas de pbs de toys tout est OK.
Sa fait des semaines que je regarde les tutos pour comprendre Pk sa fonctionnent seulement avc deux rgb. | |
| | | Chang-mick
Messages : 11 Département : 57
| Sujet: Re: [TUTO] DOFlinx Ven 26 Avr 2019 - 18:24 | |
| [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien] je ne comprend pas trop à quoi correspond le A0 et A1, d après toi je devrais le modifier en fonction de quoi? Je suis passé par x360e pour pouvoir jouer à fx3. | |
| | | tetrafred
Messages : 2906 Département : 85
| Sujet: Re: [TUTO] DOFlinx Ven 26 Avr 2019 - 19:03 | |
| voilà pourquoi tes batteurs ne fonctionnent pas. Il faut que ce soit (à confirmer) des attributions clavier et non joystick comme tu leur fait croire avec x360e. | |
| | | captflame2121
Messages : 297 Département : 21
| Sujet: Re: [TUTO] DOFlinx Ven 26 Avr 2019 - 21:19 | |
| Je viens de recontroler mon fichier doflinx.ini J utilise donc Pinupsystem qui me lance doflinx.exe (DOFLINX 6.71) et je lance pfx2 alien. Doflinx.exe est bien en mode admin. Voici mon fichier doflinx.ini avec mes sorties correspondant a mes 2 KL25Z: Avec PFX2 ou PFX3 je n ai aucun contacteurs qui fonctionnent seulement mes deux RGB droite et gauche de playfield. Je ne comprends pas pourquoi vraiment si quelqu un peut m expliquer et comprendre . - Code:
#### # The config file for DOFLinx # A mad idea by DDH69 to have some flipper sounds, RGB display and turn buttons on when playing Pinball FX3 via Steam # Its grown a lot since that silly start! # Note – this works with LEDWiz, PacLed64, KL25Z and Sainsmart (FTDI devices) # Output devices outputs are entered in the format of # device (D) and output number (#) in the format D##, so controller device 1 and output 3 is “103” without the quotes, controller board 2 output 23 is “223” without quotes # #### MISC ################################
# If you want to list the processes that will wake up DOFLinx, comment it out if you just want Pinball FX3 PROCESSES=Pinball FX2 PROCESSES=Pinball FX3
# The location of your standard DOF outut configuration file
DIRECTOUTPUTCONFIG=c:\DirectOutput\config\directoutputconfig.ini DIRECTOUTPUTCONFIG=c:\DirectOutput\config\directoutputconfig2.ini DIRECTOUTPUTGLOBAL=c:\DirectOutput\config\GlobalConfig_PinballX.xml #DIRECTOUTPUTGLOBAL=c:\DirectOutput\config\GlobalConfig _B2SServer.xml PATH_FX2=c:\DirectOutput\FX2\ PATH_FX3=c:\DirectOutput\FX3\
# Setting FORCE_ACTIVE=1 will cause DOFLinx to not listen for processes and just run until you kill the process.
# If you want the program to stop when Pinball FX3 stops then set this to 1. If you want it to run in the background all the time leave it as 0 QUIT_AFTER_FX2=1 QUIT_AFTER_FX3=1
# Set to 1 to output the game name to the log regardless of the DEBUG flag setting. Set to 0 to simply follow the DEBUG flag. # Quite useful when you trying to get the window game name for setting game specific colours
# 0 = OFF (normal operation), 1 = ON – When ON a window will appear and a log file will be created in the EXE directory.
#### FLIPPER OUTPUTS ###################
# Which DOF Controller output for the flipper solenoids / contactors
#FLIPPER Key Codes:
Left Flipper = DB ([) Right Flipper = DD (])
LINK LF=215,50,10000,255 LINK RF=216,50,10000,255
LINK LS=217,50,10000,255 LINK RS=218,50,10000,255
LINK ML=221,50,10000,255 LINK MC=220,50,10000,255 LINK MR=222,50,10000,255
LINK BL=218,50,10000,255 LINK BC=217,50,10000,255 LINK BR=219,50,10000,255
#### MAX FLIPPER TIME ON ###############
# Just in case things go wrong (ie no keyup signal is detected, flipper held down for a long time), what is the maximum time a flipper solenoid / contactor can be in in milliseconds
MAX_FLIPPER_ON=8000 #### RGB_OUTPUTS #######################
# What LEDWiz output(s) are used for RGB devices. Just enter the Red output number. Multiples can be entered seperated by a space
Outside Right=207 Right=107 Center=104 Left=101 Outside Left=201
RGB_OUTPUT=101,104,107,201,207 #### RGB_OUTPUT Colour Changing ########
# Rainbow – cycle through the colours, Random – pick a random next colour, A colour name as it appears in the DirectOutputConfig.ini file
# What changes the colour? Time – set time period, Flipper = flipper press after the RGB_TRIGGER minimum time (to stop rapid colour changes)
# Dependent on trigger selection the period between changes or the minimum time for change between flipper flips
RGB_MIN_TIME=8000 #### BUTTON LED OUTPUTS ################
# The button(s) to turn on when your game starts, ie the Start button LED
#Fire=113 #Start=111 #Launch=115
BUTTONS_ON=111,113,115 #### KEY_TO_OUTPUT #####################
#Key Codes:
Beacon = 224 Strobe = 231 Fan = 230
#KEY_TO_OUTPUT=224,230,231 #### KEY_TO_COLOUR ######################
Outside Right=207 Right=107 Center=104 Left=101 Outside Left=201
#Key Codes:
#OutLeftLED = 54 (T) #LeftLED = 59 (Y) #CenterLED = 55 (U) #RightLED = 49 (I) #OuterRightLED = 4F (O) #Nudge = 4E (N)
#KEY_TO_COLOUR_TIMER=E,101,Red,3000,4E,107,Red,3000,4E,104,Red,3000,4E,201,Red,3000,4E,207,Red,3000 #### KEY_TO_COLOUR TOGGLE################
#RGB_OUTPUTS: Outside Right=207 Right=107 Center=104 Left=101 Outside Left=201
#Key Codes:
Left Flipper = DB ([) Right Flipper = DD (])
#### GAME_COLOUR ##########################
# Game specific colours in the formnat of a CSV of Game Name,Colour#1,Colour#2 – colours as they appear in your directoutputconfig ##Pinball FX 3 Colours##
GAME_COLOUR=AlienIsolationPinball,Medium_Blue,Lime,Dodger_Blue,Lime_Green GAME_COLOUR=AlienvsPredatorPinball,Medium_Blue,Lime_Green,Dodger_Blue,Yellow_Green GAME_COLOUR=AliensPinball,Medium_Blue,Dark_Golden_Rod,Dodger_Blue GAME_COLOUR=AmericanDadPinball,Medium_Blue,Lime_Green,Dodger_Blue,Yellow_Green GAME_COLOUR=MarvelsAntMan,Medium_Blue,Dark_Red,Dodger_Blue GAME_COLOUR=ArcherPinball,Medium_Blue,Yellow,Dodger_Blue,Blue_Violet GAME_COLOUR=MarvelsTheAvengers,Blue,Dark_Red,Dodger_Blue,Gold GAME_COLOUR=MarvelsAvengersAgeofUltron,Dark_Red,Dodger_Blue,Lime_Green,Light_Salmon,Cyan GAME_COLOUR=Biolab,Dark_Red,Lime,Blue,Cyan,Blue_Violet,Yellow GAME_COLOUR=Blade,Blue,Blue_Violet,Salmon GAME_COLOUR=BobaFett,Lime,Golden_Rod,Blue_Violet GAME_COLOUR=BobsBurgersPinball,Medium_Blue,Lime_Green,Dark_Red,Dodger_Blue,Yellow_Green GAME_COLOUR=CaptainAmerica,Blue,Dark_Red,Dodger_Blue,Gold GAME_COLOUR=CastleStorm,Blue,Gold,Lime,Dodger_Blue,Orange,Lime_Green GAME_COLOUR=CivilWar,Blue,Dark_Red,Dodger_Blue,Light_Salmon GAME_COLOUR=STARWARSDARTHVADER,Light_sky_blue,Dark_Red,Cyan GAME_COLOUR=Deadpool,Dark_Red,Blue,Medium_slate_blue,Dodger_Blue GAME_COLOUR=DoctorStrange,Dark_Red,Blue,Gold,Lime_Green,Dark_Violet,Orange,Dodger_Blue,Lime,Medium_Slate_Blue GAME_COLOUR=StarWarsPinballDroids,Medium_Blue,Yellow,Orange,Navy,Gold,Orange_Red GAME_COLOUR=EarthDefense,Dark_Red,Blue,Gold,Dark_Violet,Orange,Dodger_Blue,Lime GAME_COLOUR=ElDorado,Orange,Lime_Green,Yellow,Coral,Lime,Yellow_Green,Cyan GAME_COLOUR=EpicQuest,Lime_Green,Dodger_Blue,Yellow_Green,Cyan GAME_COLOUR=StarWarsPinballEpisodeIVANewHope,Cyan,Golden_Rod,Dodger_Blue,Yellow GAME_COLOUR=StarWarsEpisodeVTheEmpireStrikesBack,Medium_Blue,Yellow,Dark_Red,Dodger_Blue GAME_COLOUR=StarWarsEpisodeVIReturnoftheJedi,Slate_Blue,Golden_Rod,Medium_Blue,Lime_Green,Dodger_Blue,Yellow GAME_COLOUR=Excalibur,Dark_Red,Blue,Lime,Dodger_Blue,Cyan GAME_COLOUR=FamilyGuyPinball,Dodger_Blue,Lime_Green,Salmon,Dark_Violet,Yellow_Green GAME_COLOUR=FantasticFour,Blue,Yellow,Dodger_Blue,Orange_Red GAME_COLOUR=FearItself,Dark_Red,Blue,Yellow,Lime,Dark_Violet,Orange GAME_COLOUR=SuperLeagueZenStudiosFC,Lime_Green,Orange,Lime,Yellow,Red GAME_COLOUR=GhostRider,Dodger_Blue,White,Yellow,Light_Salmon,Orange_Red GAME_COLOUR=GuardiansoftheGalaxy,Dodger_Blue,Orange,Medium_Purple GAME_COLOUR=StarWarsPinballHanSolo,Dodger_Blue,Royal_Blue,Antique_White GAME_COLOUR=IRONMAN,Blue,Dark_Red,Dodger_Blue,Gold GAME_COLOUR=Mars,Blue,Yellow,Deep_sky_blue,Gold GAME_COLOUR=StarWarsPinballMastersoftheForce,Medium_Blue,Salmon,Dodger_Blue,Purple,Cyan,Dark_Red GAME_COLOUR=StarWarsPinballMightoftheFirstOrder,Light_sky_blue,Dodger_Blue,Dark_Red,Cyan GAME_COLOUR=MoonKnight,Dodger_Blue,Blue,Cyan,Royal_Blue GAME_COLOUR=MsSplosionMan,Dodger_Blue,Pink,Medium_Blue,Purple,Royal_Blue GAME_COLOUR=Paranormal,Lime_Green,Dodger_Blue,Yellow_Green GAME_COLOUR=Pasha,Dark_Violet,Golden_Rod,Dodger_Blue GAME_COLOUR=PlantsVSZombies,Lime_Green,Yellow_Green,Dodger_Blue GAME_COLOUR=Portal,Dodger_Blue,Yellow_Green,Medium_Blue,Yellow GAME_COLOUR=StarWarsPinballStarWarsRebels,Medium_Blue,Yellow,Royal_Blue,Orange_Red,Purple,Lime_Green GAME_COLOUR=Rome,Dark_Red,Gold,Dodger_Blue,Light_Salmon,Yellow_Green,Orange GAME_COLOUR=SecretsoftheDeep,Blue,Yellow,Dodger_Blue GAME_COLOUR=Shaman,Dark_Red,Blue,Gold,Dark_Violet,Orange,Dodger_Blue,Lime GAME_COLOUR=SorcerersLair,Blue,Blue_Violet,Dodger_Blue,Slate_Blue GAME_COLOUR=SouthParkButtersVeryOwnPinballGame,Dark_Red,Blue,Gold,Dark_Violet,Orange,Dodger_Blue,Lime_Green GAME_COLOUR=SouthParkSuperSweetPinball,Dark_Red,Lime,Blue,Gold,Dark_Violet,Orange,Dodger_Blue,Lime_Green,Yellow_Green GAME_COLOUR=SpiderMan,Dark_Red,Lime,Blue,Gold,Dark_Violet,Orange GAME_COLOUR=StarWarsStarfighterAssault,Medium_Blue,Dodger_Blue,Dark_Red GAME_COLOUR=Tesla,Lime_Green,Yellow_Green,Dodger_Blue,Golden_Rod GAME_COLOUR=StarWarsTheCloneWars,Dark_Red,Pink,Medium_Blue,Medium_Turquoise,Lime,Lime_Green GAME_COLOUR=StarWarsPinballTheForceAwakens,Dark_Red,Medium_Blue,Blue_Violet GAME_COLOUR=TheInfinity Gauntlet,Dark_Red,Blue,Gold,Dark_Violet,Orange,Dodger_Blue,Lime GAME_COLOUR=TheWalkingDead,Lime_Green,Royal_Blue,Yellow_Green GAME_COLOUR=Thor,Dark_Red,Blue,Gold,Dark_Violet,Orange,Dodger_Blue,Lime GAME_COLOUR=V12,Dark_Red,Blue,Gold,Dark_Violet,Orange,Dodger_Blue GAME_COLOUR=Venom,Dark_Red,Blue,Dark_Violet,Dodger_Blue GAME_COLOUR=WildWestRampage,Yellow_Green,Dodger_Blue,Royal_Blue GAME_COLOUR=Wolverine,Dark_Red,Medium_Blue,Yellow,Dark_Violet GAME_COLOUR=WorldWarHulk,Lime_Green,Yellow_Green,Dodger_Blue,Lime,Yellow GAME_COLOUR=XMen,Blue,Blue_Violet,Gold,Dodger_Blue,Slate_Blue,Orange
##Future Pinball Colours##
GAME_COLOUR=A Nightmare on Elm Street (Ultimate Edition).fpt,Red,Black,Red,Black GAME_COLOUR=Tron Legacy (Ultimate Edition).fpt,Yellow,Cyan,Orange,Dodger_blue ##Future Pinball NoDMD Colours##
GAME_COLOUR=Blue Vs Pink.fpt,Blue,Pink,Blue,Pink GAME_COLOUR=Bad Cats (Ultimate Edition).fpt,Yellow,Orange,Yellow,Orange ##The Pinball Arcade Colours##
GAME_COLOUR=Attack From Mars,Red,Blue,Red,Blue,Red,Blue,Red,Blue GAME_COLOUR=Black Hole,Blue,Black,Blue,Black
#LF = Left flipper #RF = Right flipper #LS = Left slingshot #RS= Right slingshot #ML = Mid field left solenoid #MC = Mid field centre solenoid #MR = Mid field right solenoid #BL = Back left solenoid #BC = Back centre solenoid #BR = Back right solenoid #SH = Shaker motor #GR = Gear motor #KN = Knocker #FN=Fan #SR=Strobe #BK=Beacon
#ST = Start button #EB = Extra Ball button #EX = Exit button #CN = Coin button #LB = Launch Ball button #FR = Fire Button Mes contacteurs dans le fichier doflinx.ini sont en 213 ....222 (sorties 13 a 22 sur ma kl25z n2) L_FLIPPER_OUTPUT=214R_FLIPPER_OUTPUT=213LINK LF=215,50,10000,255LINK RF=216,50,10000,255LINK LS=217,50,10000,255LINK RS=218,50,10000,255LINK ML=221,50,10000,255LINK MC=220,50,10000,255LINK MR=222,50,10000,255LINK BL=218,50,10000,255LINK BC=217,50,10000,255LINK BR=219,50,10000,255Rien nada quedal les contacteurs ne fonctionnent pas juste mes deux RGB de playfield Je me repète mais je gagate .... J utilise 360ce pour utiliser mes propres boutons avec la KL25Z boutons: start launch flip droit flip gauche credit Existe t il un petit logiciel pour tester les sorties de nos toys avec le fichier doflinx.ini Merci les gars | |
| | | tetrafred
Messages : 2906 Département : 85
| Sujet: Re: [TUTO] DOFlinx Ven 26 Avr 2019 - 21:34 | |
| bon pas sur que ça fonctionne mais corrige ces lignes: - Code:
#FLIPPER Key Codes:
Left Flipper = X1DB Right Flipper = X1DD
L_FLIPPER_KEY=X1DB R_FLIPPER_KEY=X1DD c'est marqué ça dans le guide foruni avec doflinx 6.71: Xbox ControllerThe code to indicate an Xbox key has three parts; 1. “X” to indicate Xbox 2. # is the controller number from 1 to 4 3. CC the 1 or 2 digit code for the button So “X1A” (no quotes in the INI file) is Xbox controller #1 “A” button. Valid button codes are; DU – Dpad Up DD – Dpad Down DL – Dpad Left DR – Dpad Right ST – Start BK – Back LT – Left Thumb RT – Right Thumb LS – Left Shoulder RS – Right Shoulder A – A button B – B button X – X button Y – Y button | |
| | | captflame2121
Messages : 297 Département : 21
| Sujet: Re: [TUTO] DOFlinx Ven 26 Avr 2019 - 22:06 | |
| Merci [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]Mais ce que tu donnes se sont pour les boutons physique du flipperstartlaunchflip droitflip gauchecreditexit .....Moi cela fonctionne dans PFX2 ET PFX3 avec 360 ce qui passe ensuite avec la KL25ZMoi j ai seulement mes 2 rgb qui fonctionnemt je voudrais surtoutles contacteurs,puis knockerpuis flash gyro , MOTEUR .... | |
| | | tetrafred
Messages : 2906 Département : 85
| Sujet: Re: [TUTO] DOFlinx Ven 26 Avr 2019 - 22:54 | |
| et bien c'est exactement ce que je te dit. Dof ou Doflinx n'ont pas vocation a communiquer entre ton interface et l'emulateur mais entre l'emulateur et tes toys.
Donc en gros dans la section ou tu doit faire les modifs tu indique a Doflinx quels imput de touches te servent dans l'émulateur pour les batteurs pour que cette activation serve également à activer les contacteurs des batteurs dont les numéro de sorti de ta KL sont indiqué dans la partie Futur Pinball de l'ini de Doflinx.
En gros la condition c'est si "L_FLIPPER_KEY=X1DB" (imput) "L_FLIPPER_OUTPUT=214" (output)
!!!!!!A noter que X1DB n'existe pas en fait en imput xbox...pas dans la liste cité plus haut!!!!! | |
| | | captflame2121
Messages : 297 Département : 21
| Sujet: Re: [TUTO] DOFlinx Ven 26 Avr 2019 - 23:13 | |
| ok je vais essayer pour les flip droit et gauche mais j ai vu l affectation que tu as mis cela va m aider mais comment tu definis X1DB pour le flip left je comprends pas
Mais comment alors mes contacteurs pourquoi ils ne fonctionnent pas | |
| | | tetrafred
Messages : 2906 Département : 85
| Sujet: Re: [TUTO] DOFlinx Sam 27 Avr 2019 - 0:44 | |
| DB n'existe pas....je l'ai tiré de ton doflinx.ini que t'a posté plus haut. il faut que tu mette x(pour xbox)1(pour le numero de la manette) et enfin le code bouton affecté au batteurs de flipp dans ton émulateur (exemple LT pour la gachette gauche) ce qui nous donne X1LT
je me plante peut être mais c’est ce que j'ai compris du document fournis dans l'archive de DOFlinx 6.71. Tu l'a en version pdf et docx. | |
| | | captflame2121
Messages : 297 Département : 21
| Sujet: Re: [TUTO] DOFlinx Sam 27 Avr 2019 - 8:18 | |
| Bonjour les gars,
Qui fait fonctionner son pincab avec des KL25Z en utilisant l émulateur XBOX 360CE avec un doflinx fonctionnel ? ( C est a dire ou les contacteurs, rgb, flash, knocker, strob, beacon .... fonctionnent en jouant aux tables PFX2 et PFX3 steam ou non steam)
Je n arrive pas a faire fonctionner autre chose que mes deux strips RBG alors que tout fonctionne avec les tables VPX.
Est il possible qu une âme charitable aurait la même config que moi et veuille bien poster le code de son doflin.ini ?
Car franchement je ne vois pas ou est mon problème.
merci beaucoup | |
| | | tetrafred
Messages : 2906 Département : 85
| Sujet: Re: [TUTO] DOFlinx Sam 27 Avr 2019 - 9:37 | |
| Ca ne fonctionne pas ce que je te disais plus haut? C'est quoi tes entrées bouton pour les batteurs de flipps dans PinballFX2 et ou 3? | |
| | | captflame2121
Messages : 297 Département : 21
| Sujet: Re: [TUTO] DOFlinx Sam 27 Avr 2019 - 9:45 | |
| Je n ai pas essayer encore car je ne trouve pas les noms exacte entre les boutons 360ce a mettre dans le doflinx.ini Je regarde les noms dans 360ce pour les mettres dans mon doflinx.ini mais ...... Je prends des photos dans pfx2 et dans 360ce : [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir cette image]Merci tetrafred | |
| | | tetrafred
Messages : 2906 Département : 85
| Sujet: Re: [TUTO] DOFlinx Sam 27 Avr 2019 - 10:20 | |
| le mapping classique,
donc dans ton doflinx essaye ça:
#FLIPPER Key Codes:
Left Flipper = X1LT Right Flipper = X1RT
| | | Chang-mick
Messages : 11 Département : 57
| Sujet: Re: [TUTO] DOFlinx Sam 27 Avr 2019 - 11:19 | |
| J'ai bien renseigné les lignes en X1LT/X1RT comme tu l'a indiqué (j ai les mêmes reglages pour les flips que captflame2121). Je suis toujours au même point j ai mes leds et mes contacteurs qui fonctionne mais pas mes contacteurs de flips. | |
| | | tetrafred
Messages : 2906 Département : 85
| Sujet: Re: [TUTO] DOFlinx Sam 27 Avr 2019 - 11:23 | |
| arff Désolé pour le faux espoir alors | |
| | | Chang-mick
Messages : 11 Département : 57
| Sujet: Re: [TUTO] DOFlinx Sam 27 Avr 2019 - 13:07 | |
| Oui dommage j'y croyais . Tu utilise autre chose que x360ce? Si oui je vais me tourner par la pour essayer. | |
| | | captflame2121
Messages : 297 Département : 21
| Sujet: Re: [TUTO] DOFlinx Sam 27 Avr 2019 - 13:38 | |
| Je viens de faire le test idem que Chang-mickToujours que mes deux playfields et 0 contacteurs dans pfx2 Ci-joint le code doflinx.txt une fois que doflinx.exe est lançé: - Code:
27-avr.-19 13:27:43.140 - Shutting down 27-avr.-19 13:27:43.233 - Program close 27-avr.-19 13:27:53.560 - DOF Linx for Pinball Emulators - DOFLinx by DDH69 27-avr.-19 13:27:53.575 - Starting up - version 6.71 27-avr.-19 13:27:53.583 - For support come and visit the community here http://www.vpforums.org/index.php?showforum=104 27-avr.-19 13:27:53.583 - Pre-Reading DOFLinx.INI startup config file details 27-avr.-19 13:27:53.614 - DEBUG enabled with showing of window True 27-avr.-19 13:27:53.630 - No DOF Global Config file supplied 27-avr.-19 13:27:53.645 - Joystick # 1 detected : 32 buttons Z-Axis 27-avr.-19 13:27:53.677 - 1 Pinscape device(s) found 27-avr.-19 13:27:53.677 - DOFLinx device: 1 Initializing as Pinscape #1 with name=Pinscape Controller 27-avr.-19 13:27:53.739 - DOFLinx device:1 Pinscape setup with 22 outputs 27-avr.-19 13:27:53.755 - 2 LEDWiz device(s) found 27-avr.-19 13:27:53.755 - DOFLinx device: 2 Initializing as LEDWiz #1 with ID=0 27-avr.-19 13:27:53.771 - DOFLinx device:2 LEDWiz setup with 32 outputs 27-avr.-19 13:27:53.771 - DOFLinx device: 3 Initializing as LEDWiz #2 with ID=1 27-avr.-19 13:27:53.786 - DOFLinx device:3 LEDWiz setup with 32 outputs 27-avr.-19 13:27:53.786 - 0 FTDI (Sainsmart) device(s) found 27-avr.-19 13:27:53.802 - 0 PacLED64 device(s) found 27-avr.-19 13:27:53.802 - Reading DOFLinx.INI startup config file details 27-avr.-19 13:27:53.802 - Reading DirectOutputConfig file named c:\DirectOutput\config\directoutputconfig.ini 27-avr.-19 13:27:53.817 - Reading DirectOutputConfig file named c:\DirectOutput\config\directoutputconfig2.ini 27-avr.-19 13:27:53.817 - The parameter 'QUIT_AFTER_FX3' with data '1' was not processed. Realtime flag=False Process active flag=False 27-avr.-19 13:27:53.833 - Turning DEBUG off 27-avr.-19 13:27:53.849 - DEBUG enabled with showing of window True 27-avr.-19 13:27:53.849 - The parameter 'Left Flipper' with data 'X1LT' was not processed. Realtime flag=False Process active flag=False 27-avr.-19 13:27:53.864 - The parameter 'Right Flipper' with data 'X1RT' was not processed. Realtime flag=False Process active flag=False 27-avr.-19 13:27:53.864 - You are trying to set an Xbox key when you don't have XBox controller #1 connected 27-avr.-19 13:27:53.864 - You are trying to set an Xbox key when you don't have XBox controller #1 connected 27-avr.-19 13:27:53.880 - The parameter 'LINK LF' with data '215,50,10000,255' was not processed. Realtime flag=False Process active flag=False 27-avr.-19 13:27:53.880 - The parameter 'LINK RF' with data '216,50,10000,255' was not processed. Realtime flag=False Process active flag=False 27-avr.-19 13:27:53.896 - The parameter 'LINK LS' with data '217,50,10000,255' was not processed. Realtime flag=False Process active flag=False 27-avr.-19 13:27:53.896 - The parameter 'LINK RS' with data '218,50,10000,255' was not processed. Realtime flag=False Process active flag=False 27-avr.-19 13:27:53.896 - The parameter 'LINK ML' with data '221,50,10000,255' was not processed. Realtime flag=False Process active flag=False 27-avr.-19 13:27:53.911 - The parameter 'LINK MC' with data '220,50,10000,255' was not processed. Realtime flag=False Process active flag=False 27-avr.-19 13:27:53.911 - The parameter 'LINK MR' with data '222,50,10000,255' was not processed. Realtime flag=False Process active flag=False 27-avr.-19 13:27:53.911 - The parameter 'LINK BL' with data '218,50,10000,255' was not processed. Realtime flag=False Process active flag=False 27-avr.-19 13:27:53.927 - The parameter 'LINK BC' with data '217,50,10000,255' was not processed. Realtime flag=False Process active flag=False 27-avr.-19 13:27:53.927 - The parameter 'LINK BR' with data '219,50,10000,255' was not processed. Realtime flag=False Process active flag=False 27-avr.-19 13:27:53.927 - The parameter 'Outside Right' with data '207' was not processed. Realtime flag=False Process active flag=False 27-avr.-19 13:27:53.942 - The parameter 'Right' with data '107' was not processed. Realtime flag=False Process active flag=False 27-avr.-19 13:27:53.942 - The parameter 'Center' with data '104' was not processed. Realtime flag=False Process active flag=False 27-avr.-19 13:27:53.958 - The parameter 'Left' with data '101' was not processed. Realtime flag=False Process active flag=False 27-avr.-19 13:27:53.958 - The parameter 'Outside Left' with data '201' was not processed. Realtime flag=False Process active flag=False 27-avr.-19 13:27:53.958 - The parameter 'Beacon' with data '224' was not processed. Realtime flag=False Process active flag=False 27-avr.-19 13:27:53.974 - The parameter 'Strobe' with data '231' was not processed. Realtime flag=False Process active flag=False 27-avr.-19 13:27:53.974 - The parameter 'Fan' with data '230' was not processed. Realtime flag=False Process active flag=False 27-avr.-19 13:27:53.974 - The parameter 'Outside Right' with data '207' was not processed. Realtime flag=False Process active flag=False 27-avr.-19 13:27:53.989 - The parameter 'Right' with data '107' was not processed. Realtime flag=False Process active flag=False 27-avr.-19 13:27:53.989 - The parameter 'Center' with data '104' was not processed. Realtime flag=False Process active flag=False 27-avr.-19 13:27:53.989 - The parameter 'Left' with data '101' was not processed. Realtime flag=False Process active flag=False 27-avr.-19 13:27:54.005 - The parameter 'Outside Left' with data '201' was not processed. Realtime flag=False Process active flag=False 27-avr.-19 13:27:54.005 - The parameter 'Outside Right' with data '207' was not processed. Realtime flag=False Process active flag=False 27-avr.-19 13:27:54.005 - The parameter 'Right' with data '107' was not processed. Realtime flag=False Process active flag=False 27-avr.-19 13:27:54.021 - The parameter 'Center' with data '104' was not processed. Realtime flag=False Process active flag=False 27-avr.-19 13:27:54.021 - The parameter 'Left' with data '101' was not processed. Realtime flag=False Process active flag=False 27-avr.-19 13:27:54.036 - The parameter 'Outside Left' with data '201' was not processed. Realtime flag=False Process active flag=False 27-avr.-19 13:27:54.036 - The parameter 'Left Flipper' with data 'DB ([)' was not processed. Realtime flag=False Process active flag=False 27-avr.-19 13:27:54.036 - The parameter 'Right Flipper' with data 'DD (])' was not processed. Realtime flag=False Process active flag=False 27-avr.-19 13:27:55.071 - Game name = 'Forced' 27-avr.-19 13:27:55.087 - Named process detected and startup commenced 27-avr.-19 13:27:55.102 - Using full colour palette 27-avr.-19 13:27:55.118 - 244 colours added to the palette 27-avr.-19 13:27:55.133 - Turning on fixed out Device=1 Output=11 27-avr.-19 13:27:55.149 - Turning on fixed out Device=1 Output=13 27-avr.-19 13:27:55.165 - Turning on fixed out Device=1 Output=15 27-avr.-19 13:27:55.634 - 1 Pinscape device(s) found 27-avr.-19 13:27:55.634 - DOFLinx device: 1 Initializing as Pinscape #1 with name=Pinscape Controller 27-avr.-19 13:27:55.649 - DOFLinx device:1 Pinscape setup with 22 outputs 27-avr.-19 13:27:55.673 - 2 LEDWiz device(s) found 27-avr.-19 13:27:55.682 - DOFLinx device: 2 Initializing as LEDWiz #1 with ID=0 27-avr.-19 13:27:55.698 - DOFLinx device:2 LEDWiz setup with 32 outputs 27-avr.-19 13:27:55.698 - DOFLinx device: 3 Initializing as LEDWiz #2 with ID=1 27-avr.-19 13:27:55.714 - DOFLinx device:3 LEDWiz setup with 32 outputs 27-avr.-19 13:27:55.729 - 0 FTDI (Sainsmart) device(s) found 27-avr.-19 13:27:55.745 - 0 PacLED64 device(s) found 27-avr.-19 13:28:42.394 - Shutting down 27-avr.-19 13:28:42.410 - Program close 27-avr.-19 13:29:02.949 - DOF Linx for Pinball Emulators - DOFLinx by DDH69 27-avr.-19 13:29:02.949 - Starting up - version 6.71 27-avr.-19 13:29:02.964 - For support come and visit the community here http://www.vpforums.org/index.php?showforum=104 27-avr.-19 13:29:02.964 - Pre-Reading DOFLinx.INI startup config file details 27-avr.-19 13:29:03.011 - DEBUG enabled with showing of window True 27-avr.-19 13:29:03.027 - No DOF Global Config file supplied 27-avr.-19 13:29:03.042 - Joystick # 1 detected : 32 buttons Z-Axis 27-avr.-19 13:29:03.074 - 1 Pinscape device(s) found 27-avr.-19 13:29:03.074 - DOFLinx device: 1 Initializing as Pinscape #1 with name=Pinscape Controller 27-avr.-19 13:29:03.089 - DOFLinx device:1 Pinscape setup with 22 outputs 27-avr.-19 13:29:03.105 - 2 LEDWiz device(s) found 27-avr.-19 13:29:03.105 - DOFLinx device: 2 Initializing as LEDWiz #1 with ID=0 27-avr.-19 13:29:03.120 - DOFLinx device:2 LEDWiz setup with 32 outputs 27-avr.-19 13:29:03.120 - DOFLinx device: 3 Initializing as LEDWiz #2 with ID=1 27-avr.-19 13:29:03.120 - DOFLinx device:3 LEDWiz setup with 32 outputs 27-avr.-19 13:29:03.136 - 0 FTDI (Sainsmart) device(s) found 27-avr.-19 13:29:03.136 - 0 PacLED64 device(s) found 27-avr.-19 13:29:03.152 - Reading DOFLinx.INI startup config file details 27-avr.-19 13:29:03.152 - Reading DirectOutputConfig file named c:\DirectOutput\config\directoutputconfig.ini 27-avr.-19 13:29:03.167 - Reading DirectOutputConfig file named c:\DirectOutput\config\directoutputconfig2.ini 27-avr.-19 13:29:03.167 - The parameter 'QUIT_AFTER_FX3' with data '1' was not processed. Realtime flag=False Process active flag=False 27-avr.-19 13:29:03.167 - Turning DEBUG off 27-avr.-19 13:29:03.199 - DEBUG enabled with showing of window True 27-avr.-19 13:29:03.199 - The parameter 'Left Flipper' with data 'X1LT' was not processed. Realtime flag=False Process active flag=False 27-avr.-19 13:29:03.199 - The parameter 'Right Flipper' with data 'X1RT' was not processed. Realtime flag=False Process active flag=False 27-avr.-19 13:29:03.214 - You are trying to set an Xbox key when you don't have XBox controller #1 connected 27-avr.-19 13:29:03.214 - You are trying to set an Xbox key when you don't have XBox controller #1 connected 27-avr.-19 13:29:03.230 - The parameter 'LINK LF' with data '215,50,10000,255' was not processed. Realtime flag=False Process active flag=False 27-avr.-19 13:29:03.230 - The parameter 'LINK RF' with data '216,50,10000,255' was not processed. Realtime flag=False Process active flag=False 27-avr.-19 13:29:03.230 - The parameter 'LINK LS' with data '217,50,10000,255' was not processed. Realtime flag=False Process active flag=False 27-avr.-19 13:29:03.245 - The parameter 'LINK RS' with data '218,50,10000,255' was not processed. Realtime flag=False Process active flag=False 27-avr.-19 13:29:03.245 - The parameter 'LINK ML' with data '221,50,10000,255' was not processed. Realtime flag=False Process active flag=False 27-avr.-19 13:29:03.261 - The parameter 'LINK MC' with data '220,50,10000,255' was not processed. Realtime flag=False Process active flag=False 27-avr.-19 13:29:03.261 - The parameter 'LINK MR' with data '222,50,10000,255' was not processed. Realtime flag=False Process active flag=False 27-avr.-19 13:29:03.261 - The parameter 'LINK BL' with data '218,50,10000,255' was not processed. Realtime flag=False Process active flag=False 27-avr.-19 13:29:03.277 - The parameter 'LINK BC' with data '217,50,10000,255' was not processed. Realtime flag=False Process active flag=False 27-avr.-19 13:29:03.277 - The parameter 'LINK BR' with data '219,50,10000,255' was not processed. Realtime flag=False Process active flag=False 27-avr.-19 13:29:03.292 - The parameter 'Outside Right' with data '207' was not processed. Realtime flag=False Process active flag=False 27-avr.-19 13:29:03.292 - The parameter 'Right' with data '107' was not processed. Realtime flag=False Process active flag=False 27-avr.-19 13:29:03.308 - The parameter 'Center' with data '104' was not processed. Realtime flag=False Process active flag=False 27-avr.-19 13:29:03.308 - The parameter 'Left' with data '101' was not processed. Realtime flag=False Process active flag=False 27-avr.-19 13:29:03.324 - The parameter 'Outside Left' with data '201' was not processed. Realtime flag=False Process active flag=False 27-avr.-19 13:29:03.324 - The parameter 'Beacon' with data '224' was not processed. Realtime flag=False Process active flag=False 27-avr.-19 13:29:03.324 - The parameter 'Strobe' with data '231' was not processed. Realtime flag=False Process active flag=False 27-avr.-19 13:29:03.339 - The parameter 'Fan' with data '230' was not processed. Realtime flag=False Process active flag=False 27-avr.-19 13:29:03.339 - The parameter 'Outside Right' with data '207' was not processed. Realtime flag=False Process active flag=False 27-avr.-19 13:29:03.355 - The parameter 'Right' with data '107' was not processed. Realtime flag=False Process active flag=False 27-avr.-19 13:29:03.355 - The parameter 'Center' with data '104' was not processed. Realtime flag=False Process active flag=False 27-avr.-19 13:29:03.355 - The parameter 'Left' with data '101' was not processed. Realtime flag=False Process active flag=False 27-avr.-19 13:29:03.370 - The parameter 'Outside Left' with data '201' was not processed. Realtime flag=False Process active flag=False 27-avr.-19 13:29:03.370 - The parameter 'Outside Right' with data '207' was not processed. Realtime flag=False Process active flag=False 27-avr.-19 13:29:03.370 - The parameter 'Right' with data '107' was not processed. Realtime flag=False Process active flag=False 27-avr.-19 13:29:03.386 - The parameter 'Center' with data '104' was not processed. Realtime flag=False Process active flag=False 27-avr.-19 13:29:03.386 - The parameter 'Left' with data '101' was not processed. Realtime flag=False Process active flag=False 27-avr.-19 13:29:03.402 - The parameter 'Outside Left' with data '201' was not processed. Realtime flag=False Process active flag=False 27-avr.-19 13:29:03.402 - The parameter 'Left Flipper' with data 'DB ([)' was not processed. Realtime flag=False Process active flag=False 27-avr.-19 13:29:03.402 - The parameter 'Right Flipper' with data 'DD (])' was not processed. Realtime flag=False Process active flag=False 27-avr.-19 13:29:04.458 - Game name = 'Forced' 27-avr.-19 13:29:04.474 - Named process detected and startup commenced 27-avr.-19 13:29:04.489 - Using full colour palette 27-avr.-19 13:29:04.505 - 244 colours added to the palette 27-avr.-19 13:29:04.520 - Turning on fixed out Device=1 Output=11 27-avr.-19 13:29:04.520 - Turning on fixed out Device=1 Output=13 27-avr.-19 13:29:04.536 - Turning on fixed out Device=1 Output=15 27-avr.-19 13:29:05.036 - 1 Pinscape device(s) found 27-avr.-19 13:29:05.036 - DOFLinx device: 1 Initializing as Pinscape #1 with name=Pinscape Controller 27-avr.-19 13:29:05.052 - DOFLinx device:1 Pinscape setup with 22 outputs 27-avr.-19 13:29:05.068 - 2 LEDWiz device(s) found 27-avr.-19 13:29:05.083 - DOFLinx device: 2 Initializing as LEDWiz #1 with ID=0 27-avr.-19 13:29:05.099 - DOFLinx device:2 LEDWiz setup with 32 outputs 27-avr.-19 13:29:05.099 - DOFLinx device: 3 Initializing as LEDWiz #2 with ID=1 27-avr.-19 13:29:05.115 - DOFLinx device:3 LEDWiz setup with 32 outputs 27-avr.-19 13:29:05.130 - 0 FTDI (Sainsmart) device(s) found 27-avr.-19 13:29:05.151 - 0 PacLED64 device(s) found 27-avr.-19 13:30:28.813 - Shutting down 27-avr.-19 13:30:28.855 - Program close 27-avr.-19 13:30:40.754 - DOF Linx for Pinball Emulators - DOFLinx by DDH69 27-avr.-19 13:30:40.770 - Starting up - version 6.71 27-avr.-19 13:30:40.770 - For support come and visit the community here http://www.vpforums.org/index.php?showforum=104 27-avr.-19 13:30:40.786 - Pre-Reading DOFLinx.INI startup config file details 27-avr.-19 13:30:40.817 - DEBUG enabled with showing of window True 27-avr.-19 13:30:40.832 - No DOF Global Config file supplied 27-avr.-19 13:30:40.848 - Joystick # 1 detected : 32 buttons Z-Axis 27-avr.-19 13:30:40.879 - 1 Pinscape device(s) found 27-avr.-19 13:30:40.879 - DOFLinx device: 1 Initializing as Pinscape #1 with name=Pinscape Controller 27-avr.-19 13:30:40.895 - DOFLinx device:1 Pinscape setup with 22 outputs 27-avr.-19 13:30:40.911 - 2 LEDWiz device(s) found 27-avr.-19 13:30:40.926 - DOFLinx device: 2 Initializing as LEDWiz #1 with ID=0 27-avr.-19 13:30:40.926 - DOFLinx device:2 LEDWiz setup with 32 outputs 27-avr.-19 13:30:40.942 - DOFLinx device: 3 Initializing as LEDWiz #2 with ID=1 27-avr.-19 13:30:40.942 - DOFLinx device:3 LEDWiz setup with 32 outputs 27-avr.-19 13:30:40.942 - 0 FTDI (Sainsmart) device(s) found 27-avr.-19 13:30:40.957 - 0 PacLED64 device(s) found 27-avr.-19 13:30:40.957 - Reading DOFLinx.INI startup config file details 27-avr.-19 13:30:40.973 - Reading DirectOutputConfig file named c:\DirectOutput\config\directoutputconfig.ini 27-avr.-19 13:30:40.973 - Reading DirectOutputConfig file named c:\DirectOutput\config\directoutputconfig2.ini 27-avr.-19 13:30:40.989 - The parameter 'QUIT_AFTER_FX3' with data '1' was not processed. Realtime flag=False Process active flag=False 27-avr.-19 13:30:40.989 - Turning DEBUG off 27-avr.-19 13:30:41.004 - DEBUG enabled with showing of window True 27-avr.-19 13:30:41.020 - The parameter 'Left Flipper' with data 'X1LT' was not processed. Realtime flag=False Process active flag=False 27-avr.-19 13:30:41.020 - The parameter 'Right Flipper' with data 'X1RT' was not processed. Realtime flag=False Process active flag=False 27-avr.-19 13:30:41.020 - You are trying to set an Xbox key when you don't have XBox controller #1 connected 27-avr.-19 13:30:41.036 - You are trying to set an Xbox key when you don't have XBox controller #1 connected 27-avr.-19 13:30:41.036 - The parameter 'LINK LF' with data '215,50,10000,255' was not processed. Realtime flag=False Process active flag=False 27-avr.-19 13:30:41.051 - The parameter 'LINK RF' with data '216,50,10000,255' was not processed. Realtime flag=False Process active flag=False 27-avr.-19 13:30:41.051 - The parameter 'LINK LS' with data '217,50,10000,255' was not processed. Realtime flag=False Process active flag=False 27-avr.-19 13:30:41.051 - The parameter 'LINK RS' with data '218,50,10000,255' was not processed. Realtime flag=False Process active flag=False 27-avr.-19 13:30:41.067 - The parameter 'LINK ML' with data '221,50,10000,255' was not processed. Realtime flag=False Process active flag=False 27-avr.-19 13:30:41.067 - The parameter 'LINK MC' with data '220,50,10000,255' was not processed. Realtime flag=False Process active flag=False 27-avr.-19 13:30:41.067 - The parameter 'LINK MR' with data '222,50,10000,255' was not processed. Realtime flag=False Process active flag=False 27-avr.-19 13:30:41.082 - The parameter 'LINK BL' with data '218,50,10000,255' was not processed. Realtime flag=False Process active flag=False 27-avr.-19 13:30:41.082 - The parameter 'LINK BC' with data '217,50,10000,255' was not processed. Realtime flag=False Process active flag=False 27-avr.-19 13:30:41.082 - The parameter 'LINK BR' with data '219,50,10000,255' was not processed. Realtime flag=False Process active flag=False 27-avr.-19 13:30:41.098 - The parameter 'Outside Right' with data '207' was not processed. Realtime flag=False Process active flag=False 27-avr.-19 13:30:41.098 - The parameter 'Right' with data '107' was not processed. Realtime flag=False Process active flag=False 27-avr.-19 13:30:41.098 - The parameter 'Center' with data '104' was not processed. Realtime flag=False Process active flag=False 27-avr.-19 13:30:41.114 - The parameter 'Left' with data '101' was not processed. Realtime flag=False Process active flag=False 27-avr.-19 13:30:41.114 - The parameter 'Outside Left' with data '201' was not processed. Realtime flag=False Process active flag=False 27-avr.-19 13:30:41.114 - The parameter 'Beacon' with data '224' was not processed. Realtime flag=False Process active flag=False 27-avr.-19 13:30:41.129 - The parameter 'Strobe' with data '231' was not processed. Realtime flag=False Process active flag=False 27-avr.-19 13:30:41.129 - The parameter 'Fan' with data '230' was not processed. Realtime flag=False Process active flag=False 27-avr.-19 13:30:41.145 - The parameter 'Outside Right' with data '207' was not processed. Realtime flag=False Process active flag=False 27-avr.-19 13:30:41.145 - The parameter 'Right' with data '107' was not processed. Realtime flag=False Process active flag=False 27-avr.-19 13:30:41.145 - The parameter 'Center' with data '104' was not processed. Realtime flag=False Process active flag=False 27-avr.-19 13:30:41.161 - The parameter 'Left' with data '101' was not processed. Realtime flag=False Process active flag=False 27-avr.-19 13:30:41.161 - The parameter 'Outside Left' with data '201' was not processed. Realtime flag=False Process active flag=False 27-avr.-19 13:30:41.161 - The parameter 'Outside Right' with data '207' was not processed. Realtime flag=False Process active flag=False 27-avr.-19 13:30:41.176 - The parameter 'Right' with data '107' was not processed. Realtime flag=False Process active flag=False 27-avr.-19 13:30:41.176 - The parameter 'Center' with data '104' was not processed. Realtime flag=False Process active flag=False 27-avr.-19 13:30:41.176 - The parameter 'Left' with data '101' was not processed. Realtime flag=False Process active flag=False 27-avr.-19 13:30:41.192 - The parameter 'Outside Left' with data '201' was not processed. Realtime flag=False Process active flag=False 27-avr.-19 13:30:41.192 - The parameter 'Left Flipper' with data 'DB ([)' was not processed. Realtime flag=False Process active flag=False 27-avr.-19 13:30:41.192 - The parameter 'Right Flipper' with data 'DD (])' was not processed. Realtime flag=False Process active flag=False 27-avr.-19 13:30:42.241 - Game name = 'Forced' 27-avr.-19 13:30:42.257 - Named process detected and startup commenced 27-avr.-19 13:30:42.273 - Using full colour palette 27-avr.-19 13:30:42.288 - 244 colours added to the palette 27-avr.-19 13:30:42.304 - Turning on fixed out Device=1 Output=11 27-avr.-19 13:30:42.304 - Turning on fixed out Device=1 Output=13 27-avr.-19 13:30:42.319 - Turning on fixed out Device=1 Output=15 27-avr.-19 13:30:42.819 - 1 Pinscape device(s) found 27-avr.-19 13:30:42.819 - DOFLinx device: 1 Initializing as Pinscape #1 with name=Pinscape Controller 27-avr.-19 13:30:42.835 - DOFLinx device:1 Pinscape setup with 22 outputs 27-avr.-19 13:30:42.851 - 2 LEDWiz device(s) found 27-avr.-19 13:30:42.866 - DOFLinx device: 2 Initializing as LEDWiz #1 with ID=0 27-avr.-19 13:30:42.882 - DOFLinx device:2 LEDWiz setup with 32 outputs 27-avr.-19 13:30:42.882 - DOFLinx device: 3 Initializing as LEDWiz #2 with ID=1 27-avr.-19 13:30:42.897 - DOFLinx device:3 LEDWiz setup with 32 outputs 27-avr.-19 13:30:42.913 - 0 FTDI (Sainsmart) device(s) found 27-avr.-19 13:30:42.929 - 0 PacLED64 device(s) found Comment je peux être sur que ma carte KL25Z ou se trouvent les sorties (avec les 10 contacteurs de flipp) ets bien prise en compte avec doflinx.ini Car la carte kl25z avec les entrées fonctionne car tous les boutons start, launch ball, flip droit et gauche, credit ..... Un petit logiciel de test serait le bien venu | |
| | | tetrafred
Messages : 2906 Département : 85
| Sujet: Re: [TUTO] DOFlinx Sam 27 Avr 2019 - 17:04 | |
| Moi c'est un vieux Pincab de 2011 ou à l’époque les tutos n'étaient qu'en anglais et on aviat pas autant de solutions "Plug and play" qu'aujourd'hui. Du coup j'ai un encodeurs clavier Minipac pour mes boutons, une ledwiz pour les toys et une kl25 pour le nudge (elle ne me sert que à ça). je doit être celui qui a cramer le plus de ledwiz ici je pense lol
Sinon, pourquoi vous passer par x360ce pour Pinball FX2 et/ou 3? | |
| | | | [TUTO] DOFlinx | |
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