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 [TUTO] Pilotage de Ledstrip adressable style "Teensy" via WEMOS D1 PRO

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[TUTO] Pilotage de Ledstrip adressable style "Teensy" via WEMOS D1 PRO - Page 27 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [TUTO] Pilotage de Ledstrip adressable style "Teensy" via WEMOS D1 PRO   [TUTO] Pilotage de Ledstrip adressable style "Teensy" via WEMOS D1 PRO - Page 27 EmptySam 26 Jan 2019 - 10:48

Dites donc là ^^ Je vous vois parler de drivers : Est ce que ca peut avoir un lien avec ma wemos qui rame ? 

Vous les trouvez ou ces drivers ? combien de versions sont dispo ?

J'ai lu aussi que les ports USB2 sont préférables à l'USB3... Malheureusement mon PC n'a que des ports USB3. 
Est ce que ca peut aussi être lié à ca ?
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[TUTO] Pilotage de Ledstrip adressable style "Teensy" via WEMOS D1 PRO - Page 27 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [TUTO] Pilotage de Ledstrip adressable style "Teensy" via WEMOS D1 PRO   [TUTO] Pilotage de Ledstrip adressable style "Teensy" via WEMOS D1 PRO - Page 27 EmptySam 26 Jan 2019 - 11:49

Pour les driver il’sont dispo version 6 quelques page avant....
Pour ton PC, impossible qu’il’ai que dés port 3.0
Regarde sur la carte mère il doit y avoir des connecteurs qui permet de rajouter des ports et ceux ci sont en 2.0. Le même type de connecteur qui permet de connecter l’audio en façade ou autre.
C’est écris dessus (USB 10/11) regarde dans la doc
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[TUTO] Pilotage de Ledstrip adressable style "Teensy" via WEMOS D1 PRO - Page 27 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [TUTO] Pilotage de Ledstrip adressable style "Teensy" via WEMOS D1 PRO   [TUTO] Pilotage de Ledstrip adressable style "Teensy" via WEMOS D1 PRO - Page 27 EmptySam 26 Jan 2019 - 15:20

Merci de ta réponse, je vais tester avec un autre driver.

Sinon, je t'assure que mon PC n'a que des ports USB3 super speed. 
C'est mon PC principal (un portable asus g75vx) que j'utilise temporairement pour faire des tests et pré-réglages avant d'installer le pc définitif dans le cab. 

Je sais que sur les tours, il y a toujours de l'USB2, du coup je pourrai verrifier ca que quand j'aurai installé une motherboard dans le cab.
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[TUTO] Pilotage de Ledstrip adressable style "Teensy" via WEMOS D1 PRO - Page 27 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [TUTO] Pilotage de Ledstrip adressable style "Teensy" via WEMOS D1 PRO   [TUTO] Pilotage de Ledstrip adressable style "Teensy" via WEMOS D1 PRO - Page 27 EmptySam 26 Jan 2019 - 18:06

Ceci dit, le problème avec les USB 3 a l'air résolu, j'ai lu çà et là qu'il n'y avait plus de souci

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[TUTO] Pilotage de Ledstrip adressable style "Teensy" via WEMOS D1 PRO - Page 27 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [TUTO] Pilotage de Ledstrip adressable style "Teensy" via WEMOS D1 PRO   [TUTO] Pilotage de Ledstrip adressable style "Teensy" via WEMOS D1 PRO - Page 27 EmptyMar 2 Avr 2019 - 14:36


j'avais vu une modification de programme afin de faire clignoter toutes les sorties au démarrage, et aussi pouvoir sélectionner la luminosité de chaque port...

impossible de remettre la main dessus.

Avez vous vu ça quelque part ?
Si oui, avez vous le lien Smile

Merci d'avance.
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Messages : 499
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[TUTO] Pilotage de Ledstrip adressable style "Teensy" via WEMOS D1 PRO - Page 27 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [TUTO] Pilotage de Ledstrip adressable style "Teensy" via WEMOS D1 PRO   [TUTO] Pilotage de Ledstrip adressable style "Teensy" via WEMOS D1 PRO - Page 27 EmptyMar 16 Avr 2019 - 20:15

Bonjour à tous
Je cherche à savoir quelle est la section de fil la plus adaptée pour souder sur les bandes led en 144leds/m
Pas trop gros pour réussir à le souder sur les tout petits raccords des bords, et pas pas trop petit pour pouvoir alimenter le tout sans « fumer »les fils

0,5 mm2     0,75 mm2     Q’en Pensez vous ?
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[TUTO] Pilotage de Ledstrip adressable style "Teensy" via WEMOS D1 PRO - Page 27 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [TUTO] Pilotage de Ledstrip adressable style "Teensy" via WEMOS D1 PRO   [TUTO] Pilotage de Ledstrip adressable style "Teensy" via WEMOS D1 PRO - Page 27 EmptyMar 16 Avr 2019 - 20:40

J'ai utilisé de la jarretière téléphonique c'est très petit .

Voila un exemple de bobine

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Sinon du câble réseau marche aussi.
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Messages : 499
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[TUTO] Pilotage de Ledstrip adressable style "Teensy" via WEMOS D1 PRO - Page 27 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [TUTO] Pilotage de Ledstrip adressable style "Teensy" via WEMOS D1 PRO   [TUTO] Pilotage de Ledstrip adressable style "Teensy" via WEMOS D1 PRO - Page 27 EmptyMar 16 Avr 2019 - 21:23

C’est pas trop petit pour cracher 9A Max (0,06 A/led X 144 led) ?!
Même en 5v ça fait quand même 45 w, pour des fils si fin ça me parait vraiment léger
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Messages : 1355
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[TUTO] Pilotage de Ledstrip adressable style "Teensy" via WEMOS D1 PRO - Page 27 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [TUTO] Pilotage de Ledstrip adressable style "Teensy" via WEMOS D1 PRO   [TUTO] Pilotage de Ledstrip adressable style "Teensy" via WEMOS D1 PRO - Page 27 EmptyMer 17 Avr 2019 - 10:52

J'ai 576 leds sur mon backboard, pas de soucis, mis à part pour les flashs qui flash blanc jaune. Mais c'est du à mon alim qui donne pas assez d'ampère.
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[TUTO] Pilotage de Ledstrip adressable style "Teensy" via WEMOS D1 PRO - Page 27 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [TUTO] Pilotage de Ledstrip adressable style "Teensy" via WEMOS D1 PRO   [TUTO] Pilotage de Ledstrip adressable style "Teensy" via WEMOS D1 PRO - Page 27 EmptyVen 19 Avr 2019 - 10:15

Bonjour à tous,
Petit drame aujourd'hui en recevant ma commande leds made in china...
J'ai reçu une wemos d1 mini classique à la place d'une pro...
D'où ma question existentielle :p .... est ce que la wemos d1 mini classique permet de piloter une mini backboard (deux bandes de leds)+deux bandes sides sur un mini-pincab ou la version pro de la wemos est obligatoire?
Sachant que l'upload du code de aetios (pincabledstrip.ino) s'est parfaitement déroulé après avoir bien sélectionné "lolin wemos d1 r2&mini" dans ardunio.
Merci d'avance pour vos lumières.
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[TUTO] Pilotage de Ledstrip adressable style "Teensy" via WEMOS D1 PRO - Page 27 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [TUTO] Pilotage de Ledstrip adressable style "Teensy" via WEMOS D1 PRO   [TUTO] Pilotage de Ledstrip adressable style "Teensy" via WEMOS D1 PRO - Page 27 EmptyMer 24 Avr 2019 - 19:43

[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien] : malheureusement non, la mini classique n'a pas la même puissance de calcul et ne sera pas capable de gérer les effets des ledstrips. Désolé

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[TUTO] Pilotage de Ledstrip adressable style "Teensy" via WEMOS D1 PRO - Page 27 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [TUTO] Pilotage de Ledstrip adressable style "Teensy" via WEMOS D1 PRO   [TUTO] Pilotage de Ledstrip adressable style "Teensy" via WEMOS D1 PRO - Page 27 EmptyMer 24 Avr 2019 - 19:48

Merci pour ta réponse Aetios tu m'evites des soudures inutiles et je suis enfin fixé Smile du coups j'ai 5 wemos mini d1 qui me sont inutiles si ça peut servir à quelqu'un du groupe qui habite dans la région lilloise c'est cadeau ^^
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Messages : 78
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[TUTO] Pilotage de Ledstrip adressable style "Teensy" via WEMOS D1 PRO - Page 27 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [TUTO] Pilotage de Ledstrip adressable style "Teensy" via WEMOS D1 PRO   [TUTO] Pilotage de Ledstrip adressable style "Teensy" via WEMOS D1 PRO - Page 27 EmptyLun 6 Mai 2019 - 9:13

Bon je galère un peu a faire marcher ma Wemos donc je viens demander un coup de main ici.

J'avais installé le dof R3++ mais j'ai tout viré, réinstallé Dof avec la modif pour la wemos.
Quand je branche la Wemos en usb j'ai bien la séquence RVB qui se fait.

Voici mon Log DirectOutput

2019.05.06 08:56:47.781 DirectOutput Logger initialized
2019.05.06 08:56:47.782 DirectOutput Version 0.9.6474.38194 as of 2017.09.22 21:13
2019.05.06 08:56:47.782 Global config loaded from: C:\DIRECTOUTPUT\config\GlobalConfig_B2SServer.xml
2019.05.06 08:56:47.783 Loading Pinball parts
2019.05.06 08:56:47.783 Loading cabinet
2019.05.06 08:56:47.784 Will load cabinet config file: C:\DirectOutput\Config\cabinet.xml
2019.05.06 08:56:48.176 1 output controller defnitions and 2 toy definitions loaded from cabinet config.
2019.05.06 08:56:48.179 Cabinet config file has AutoConfig feature enabled. Calling AutoConfig.
2019.05.06 08:56:48.179 Cabinet auto configuration started
2019.05.06 08:56:48.217 Detected and added Pinscape Controller Nr. 1 with name Pinscape Controller 01
2019.05.06 08:56:48.217 Added LedwizEquivalent Nr. 51 with name Pinscape Controller 01 Equivalent for Pinscape Controller Nr. 1, 22
2019.05.06 08:56:48.229 Debug: Ledwiz devicelist content. Handles: 1, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, Num devices: 2
2019.05.06 08:56:48.230 Debug: Disposing LedWiz instance -01.
2019.05.06 08:56:48.237 Debug: Ledwiz devicelist content. Handles: 1, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, Num devices: 2
2019.05.06 08:56:48.237 Detected and added LedWiz Nr. 1 with name LedWiz 01
2019.05.06 08:56:48.237 Added LedwizEquivalent Nr. 1 with name LedWiz 01 Equivalent for Ledwiz Nr. 1
2019.05.06 08:56:48.237 Detected and added LedWiz Nr. 8 with name LedWiz 08
2019.05.06 08:56:48.237 Added LedwizEquivalent Nr. 8 with name LedWiz 08 Equivalent for Ledwiz Nr. 8
2019.05.06 08:56:48.238 Cabinet auto configuration finished
2019.05.06 08:56:48.238 Autoconfig complete.
2019.05.06 08:56:48.238 Cabinet config loaded successfully from C:\DirectOutput\Config\cabinet.xml
2019.05.06 08:56:48.238 Cabinet loaded
2019.05.06 08:56:48.238 Loading table config
2019.05.06 08:56:48.241 Warning: No table config file found. Will try to load config from LedControl file(s).
2019.05.06 08:56:48.241 Will try to load configs from DirectOutput.ini or LedControl.ini file(s) for RomName afm_113b
2019.05.06 08:56:48.247 Loading LedControl file C:\DirectOutput\Config\directoutputconfig.ini
2019.05.06 08:56:48.255 Min DOF Version is 0.8 for file directoutputconfig.ini
2019.05.06 08:56:48.385 Loading LedControl file C:\DirectOutput\Config\directoutputconfig30.ini
2019.05.06 08:56:48.413 Min DOF Version is 0.8 for file directoutputconfig30.ini
2019.05.06 08:56:49.551 Failed: W16 CYAN
2019.05.06 08:56:49.551 Warning: Cant parse the trigger part W16 CYAN of the ledcontrol table config setting W16 Cyan AT0 AH15 AL0 AW100 ASDL ASS200 BLINK 490 BPW15 F50 L-19.
2019.05.06 08:56:49.552 EXCEPTION: Could not parse setting W16 Cyan AT0 AH15 AL0 AW100 ASDL ASS200 BLINK 490 BPW15 F50 L-19 in column data L39|W39 Cadet_blue AH100 AL0 AT0 AW14 SHPLetterT L15/L40|W39 Cadet_blue  AH100 AL20 AT0 AW14 SHPLetterI L15/L41|W39 Cadet_blue  AH100 AL60 AT0 AW14 SHPLetterM L15/L42|W39 Cadet_blue  AH100 AL80 AT0 AW14 SHPLetterE L15/W12 Orange  AH100 AL20 AT0 AW19 SHPCircle3 L3/W13 Dark_orange  AH100 AL40 AT0 AW19 SHPCircle3 L3/W14 Tomato  AH100 AL60 AT0 AW19 SHPCircle3 L3/L2|L20|L21 Dark_green L1 AT0 AFDEN8 AFMIN150 AFMAX250 AFFADE150/L8|L20|L21 Midnight_blue L2 AT0 AFDEN8 AFMIN150 AFMAX250 AFFADE150/L31 Blue L3 AT0 AFDEN8 AFMIN150 AFMAX250 AFFADE150/L32 Cyan L4 AT0 AFDEN8 AFMIN150 AFMAX250 AFFADE150/L33 Green L5 AT0 AFDEN8 AFMIN150 AFMAX250 AFFADE150/L34 Dark_magenta L6 AT0 AFDEN8 AFMIN150 AFMAX250 AFFADE150/S17 Gold 10 AT0 AL0 AH10 AW40 AS400 ADL L25/S17 Gold 10 AT0 AL60 AH10 AW40 AS400 ADR L25/S17 Gold 10 AT90 AL0 AH10 AW40 AS400 ADL L25/S17 Gold 10 AT90 AL60 AH10 AW40 AS400 ADR L25/S17 Gold 10 AT40 AL0 AH10 AW35 AS400 ADL L26/S17 Gold 10 AT40 AL65 AH10 AW35 AS400 ADR L26/S17 Gold 10 AT40 AL0 AH10 AW35 AS400 ADL L26/S17 Gold 10 AT40 AL65 AH10 AW35 AS400 ADR L26/S17 Gold 10 AL42 AW16 AT0 AH100 SHPCircle3 L2/S18 Gold 10 AT0 AL0 AH10 AW40 AS400 ADL L25/S18 Gold 10 AT0 AL60 AH10 AW40 AS400 ADR L25/S18 Gold 10 AT90 AL0 AH10 AW40 AS400 ADL L25/S18 Gold 10 AT90 AL60 AH10 AW40 AS400 ADR L25/S18 Gold 10 AT40 AL0 AH10 AW35 AS400 ADL L26/S18 Gold 10 AT40 AL65 AH10 AW35 AS400 ADR L26/S18 Gold 10 AT40 AL0 AH10 AW35 AS400 ADL L26/S18 Gold 10 AT40 AL65 AH10 AW35 AS400 ADR L26/S18 Gold 10 AL42 AW16 AT0 AH100 SHPCircle3 L2/S21 Gold 10 AT0 AL0 AH10 AW40 AS400 ADL L25/S21 Gold 10 AT0 AL60 AH10 AW40 AS400 ADR L25/S21 Gold 10 AT90 AL0 AH10 AW40 AS400 ADL L25/S21 Gold 10 AT90 AL60 AH10 AW40 AS400 ADR L25/S21 Gold 10 AT40 AL0 AH10 AW35 AS400 ADL L26/S21 Gold 10 AT40 AL65 AH10 AW35 AS400 ADR L26/S21 Gold 10 AT40 AL0 AH10 AW35 AS400 ADL L26/S21 Gold 10 AT40 AL65 AH10 AW35 AS400 ADR L26/S21 Gold 10 AL42 AW16 AT0 AH100 SHPCircle3 L2/S17 Green AH100 AL20 AT0 AW20 SHPCirclePulse/S18 Green AH100 AL40 AT0 AW20 SHPCirclePulse/S21 Green AH100 AL60 AT0 AW20 SHPCirclePulse/W39 Dark_red FD400 AL0 AW50 AH100 ADL AS300/W39 Dark_red FD400 AL50 AW50 AH100 ADR AS300/W39 Dark_red W200 FD400 AL0 AW50 AH100 ADL AS300/W39 Dark_red W200 FD400 AL50 AW50 AH100 ADR AS300/W39 White W300 AH100 AL0 AT0 AW20 FD600 AFDEN20 AFMIN100 AFMAX140 500/W39 White W150 AH100 AL20 AT0 AW20 FD600 AFDEN20 AFMIN100 AFMAX140 500/W39 White AH100 AL40 AT0 AW20 FD600 AFDEN20 AFMIN100 AFMAX140 500/W39 White W150 AH100 AL60 AT0 AW20 FD600 AFDEN20 AFMIN100 AFMAX140 500/W39 White W300 AH100 AL80 AT0 AW20 FD600 AFDEN20 AFMIN100 AFMAX140 500/W39 Dark_red L3 AT0/W39 Orange_red L4 AT0 AL0 AW50 BLINK F500 ASDL/W39 Orange_red L4 AT0 AL50 AW50 BLINK F500 ASDR/W39 White L1 AT0 AFDEN8 AFMIN150 AFMAX250 AFFADE150/W2 Red 1500 AH100 AL0 AW23 AT0 SHPRoundAndRound L19/W2 Red 1500 AH100 AL77 AW23 AT0 SHPRoundAndRound L19/W1 Red AH100 AL40 AT0 AW20 SHPRoundAndRound/W41|W7 Red L3 AT0/W41|W7 Red L4 AT0 AL0 AW50 BLINK F500 ASDL/W41|W7 Red L4 AT0 AL50 AW50 BLINK F500 ASDR/W39|W41|W7|W1|W2 Red AT0 AH15 AL0 AW100 ASDL ASS200 BLINK 490 BPW15 F50 L19/W39|W41|W7|W1|W2 Red AT85 AH15 AL0 AW100 ASDR ASS200 BLINK 490 BPW15 F50 L19/W16 Navy L11 AT0 AH20 F50 BLINK BPW10 ASDL/W16 White L12 AT0 AH20 F50 BLINK BPW10 ASDL W500/W16 Navy L11 AT80 AH20 F50 BLINK BPW10 ASDR/W16 White L12 AT80 AH20 F50 BLINK BPW10 ASDR W500/W16 White L13 AT0 AFDEN8 AFMIN150 AFMAX250 AFFADE150/W16 Cyan AT0 AH15 AL0 AW100 ASDL ASS200 BLINK 490 BPW15 F50 L-19/W16 Blue AT85 AH15 AL0 AW100 ASDR ASS200 BLINK 490 BPW15 F50 L-19/W16 Deep_pink AH100 AL40 AT0 AW20 SHPDiamondBoxPulse/W17 Dark_olive_green AH100 AL0 AW23 AT0 SHPRoundAndRound L19/W17 Dark_olive_green AH100 AL77 AW23 AT0 SHPRoundAndRound L19/W17 Aqua AH100 AL40 AT0 AW20 SHPPointPlop/W17 Blue_violet L13 AT0 AFDEN8 AFMIN150 AFMAX250 AFFADE150/W36 Amber FD400 AL0 AW50 AH100 ADL AS300/W36 Amber FD400 AL50 AW50 AH100 ADR AS300/W36 Amber W200 FD400 AL0 AW50 AH100 ADL AS300/W36 Amber W200 FD400 AL50 AW50 AH100 ADR AS300/W36 Red W300 AH100 AL0 AT0 AW20 FD600 AFDEN20 AFMIN100 AFMAX140 500/W36 Red W150 AH100 AL20 AT0 AW20 FD600 AFDEN20 AFMIN100 AFMAX140 500/W36 Red AH100 AL40 AT0 AW20 FD600 AFDEN20 AFMIN100 AFMAX140 500/W36 Red W150 AH100 AL60 AT0 AW20 FD600 AFDEN20 AFMIN100 AFMAX140 500/W36 Red W300 AH100 AL80 AT0 AW20 FD600 AFDEN20 AFMIN100 AFMAX140 500/W29 Light_steel_blue AH100 AL0 AT0 AW20 FD300 AFDEN30 AFMIN100 AFMAX140 500 W200/W29 Light_steel_blue AH100 AL20 AT0 AW20 FD300 AFDEN30 AFMIN100 AFMAX140 500 W150/W29 Light_steel_blue AH100 AL40 AT0 AW20 FD300 AFDEN30 AFMIN100 AFMAX140 500 W100/W29 Light_steel_blue AH100 AL60 AT0 AW20 FD300 AFDEN30 AFMIN100 AFMAX140 500 W50/W29 Light_steel_blue AH100 AL80 AT0 AW20 FD300 AFDEN30 AFMIN100 AFMAX140 500/W42 Blue_violet AH100 AL0 AT0 AW20 FD300 AFDEN30 AFMIN100 AFMAX140 500/W42 Blue_violet AH100 AL20 AT0 AW20 FD300 AFDEN30 AFMIN100 AFMAX140 500 W50/W42 Blue_violet AH100 AL40 AT0 AW20 FD300 AFDEN30 AFMIN100 AFMAX140 500 W100/W42 Blue_violet AH100 AL60 AT0 AW20 FD300 AFDEN30 AFMIN100 AFMAX140 500 W150/W42 Blue_violet AH100 AL80 AT0 AW20 FD300 AFDEN30 AFMIN100 AFMAX140 500 W200//S15 White AH30 AL0 AT0 AW9 SHPCircle3 300 L11/S15 White AH30 AL91 AT0 AW9 SHPCircle3 300 L11.
2019.05.06 08:56:49.552 EXCEPTION: Thread:
2019.05.06 08:56:49.552 EXCEPTION: Message: Exception --> Cant parse the part W16 CYAN of the ledcontrol table config setting W16 Cyan AT0 AH15 AL0 AW100 ASDL ASS200 BLINK 490 BPW15 F50 L-19.
2019.05.06 08:56:49.571 EXCEPTION: Stacktrace:    à DirectOutput.LedControl.Loader.TableConfigSetting.ParseSettingData(String SettingData) dans C:\Users\arcade\Desktop\DIRECT-OUTPUT\DirectOutput-master-djrobx\DirectOutput\LedControl\Loader\TableConfigSetting.cs:ligne 426
2019.05.06 08:56:49.571 EXCEPTION: Stacktrace:    à DirectOutput.LedControl.Loader.TableConfigSetting..ctor(String SettingData) dans C:\Users\arcade\Desktop\DIRECT-OUTPUT\DirectOutput-master-djrobx\DirectOutput\LedControl\Loader\TableConfigSetting.cs:ligne 783
2019.05.06 08:56:49.571 EXCEPTION: Stacktrace:    à DirectOutput.LedControl.Loader.TableConfigColumn.ParseColumnData(String ColumnData, Boolean ThrowExceptions) dans C:\Users\arcade\Desktop\DIRECT-OUTPUT\DirectOutput-master-djrobx\DirectOutput\LedControl\Loader\TableConfigColumn.cs:ligne 114
2019.05.06 08:56:49.571 EXCEPTION: Targetsite: Void ParseSettingData(System.String)
2019.05.06 08:56:49.574 Failed: W16 BLUE
2019.05.06 08:56:49.574 Warning: Cant parse the trigger part W16 BLUE of the ledcontrol table config setting W16 Blue AT85 AH15 AL0 AW100 ASDR ASS200 BLINK 490 BPW15 F50 L-19.
2019.05.06 08:56:49.574 EXCEPTION: Could not parse setting W16 Blue AT85 AH15 AL0 AW100 ASDR ASS200 BLINK 490 BPW15 F50 L-19 in column data L39|W39 Cadet_blue AH100 AL0 AT0 AW14 SHPLetterT L15/L40|W39 Cadet_blue  AH100 AL20 AT0 AW14 SHPLetterI L15/L41|W39 Cadet_blue  AH100 AL60 AT0 AW14 SHPLetterM L15/L42|W39 Cadet_blue  AH100 AL80 AT0 AW14 SHPLetterE L15/W12 Orange  AH100 AL20 AT0 AW19 SHPCircle3 L3/W13 Dark_orange  AH100 AL40 AT0 AW19 SHPCircle3 L3/W14 Tomato  AH100 AL60 AT0 AW19 SHPCircle3 L3/L2|L20|L21 Dark_green L1 AT0 AFDEN8 AFMIN150 AFMAX250 AFFADE150/L8|L20|L21 Midnight_blue L2 AT0 AFDEN8 AFMIN150 AFMAX250 AFFADE150/L31 Blue L3 AT0 AFDEN8 AFMIN150 AFMAX250 AFFADE150/L32 Cyan L4 AT0 AFDEN8 AFMIN150 AFMAX250 AFFADE150/L33 Green L5 AT0 AFDEN8 AFMIN150 AFMAX250 AFFADE150/L34 Dark_magenta L6 AT0 AFDEN8 AFMIN150 AFMAX250 AFFADE150/S17 Gold 10 AT0 AL0 AH10 AW40 AS400 ADL L25/S17 Gold 10 AT0 AL60 AH10 AW40 AS400 ADR L25/S17 Gold 10 AT90 AL0 AH10 AW40 AS400 ADL L25/S17 Gold 10 AT90 AL60 AH10 AW40 AS400 ADR L25/S17 Gold 10 AT40 AL0 AH10 AW35 AS400 ADL L26/S17 Gold 10 AT40 AL65 AH10 AW35 AS400 ADR L26/S17 Gold 10 AT40 AL0 AH10 AW35 AS400 ADL L26/S17 Gold 10 AT40 AL65 AH10 AW35 AS400 ADR L26/S17 Gold 10 AL42 AW16 AT0 AH100 SHPCircle3 L2/S18 Gold 10 AT0 AL0 AH10 AW40 AS400 ADL L25/S18 Gold 10 AT0 AL60 AH10 AW40 AS400 ADR L25/S18 Gold 10 AT90 AL0 AH10 AW40 AS400 ADL L25/S18 Gold 10 AT90 AL60 AH10 AW40 AS400 ADR L25/S18 Gold 10 AT40 AL0 AH10 AW35 AS400 ADL L26/S18 Gold 10 AT40 AL65 AH10 AW35 AS400 ADR L26/S18 Gold 10 AT40 AL0 AH10 AW35 AS400 ADL L26/S18 Gold 10 AT40 AL65 AH10 AW35 AS400 ADR L26/S18 Gold 10 AL42 AW16 AT0 AH100 SHPCircle3 L2/S21 Gold 10 AT0 AL0 AH10 AW40 AS400 ADL L25/S21 Gold 10 AT0 AL60 AH10 AW40 AS400 ADR L25/S21 Gold 10 AT90 AL0 AH10 AW40 AS400 ADL L25/S21 Gold 10 AT90 AL60 AH10 AW40 AS400 ADR L25/S21 Gold 10 AT40 AL0 AH10 AW35 AS400 ADL L26/S21 Gold 10 AT40 AL65 AH10 AW35 AS400 ADR L26/S21 Gold 10 AT40 AL0 AH10 AW35 AS400 ADL L26/S21 Gold 10 AT40 AL65 AH10 AW35 AS400 ADR L26/S21 Gold 10 AL42 AW16 AT0 AH100 SHPCircle3 L2/S17 Green AH100 AL20 AT0 AW20 SHPCirclePulse/S18 Green AH100 AL40 AT0 AW20 SHPCirclePulse/S21 Green AH100 AL60 AT0 AW20 SHPCirclePulse/W39 Dark_red FD400 AL0 AW50 AH100 ADL AS300/W39 Dark_red FD400 AL50 AW50 AH100 ADR AS300/W39 Dark_red W200 FD400 AL0 AW50 AH100 ADL AS300/W39 Dark_red W200 FD400 AL50 AW50 AH100 ADR AS300/W39 White W300 AH100 AL0 AT0 AW20 FD600 AFDEN20 AFMIN100 AFMAX140 500/W39 White W150 AH100 AL20 AT0 AW20 FD600 AFDEN20 AFMIN100 AFMAX140 500/W39 White AH100 AL40 AT0 AW20 FD600 AFDEN20 AFMIN100 AFMAX140 500/W39 White W150 AH100 AL60 AT0 AW20 FD600 AFDEN20 AFMIN100 AFMAX140 500/W39 White W300 AH100 AL80 AT0 AW20 FD600 AFDEN20 AFMIN100 AFMAX140 500/W39 Dark_red L3 AT0/W39 Orange_red L4 AT0 AL0 AW50 BLINK F500 ASDL/W39 Orange_red L4 AT0 AL50 AW50 BLINK F500 ASDR/W39 White L1 AT0 AFDEN8 AFMIN150 AFMAX250 AFFADE150/W2 Red 1500 AH100 AL0 AW23 AT0 SHPRoundAndRound L19/W2 Red 1500 AH100 AL77 AW23 AT0 SHPRoundAndRound L19/W1 Red AH100 AL40 AT0 AW20 SHPRoundAndRound/W41|W7 Red L3 AT0/W41|W7 Red L4 AT0 AL0 AW50 BLINK F500 ASDL/W41|W7 Red L4 AT0 AL50 AW50 BLINK F500 ASDR/W39|W41|W7|W1|W2 Red AT0 AH15 AL0 AW100 ASDL ASS200 BLINK 490 BPW15 F50 L19/W39|W41|W7|W1|W2 Red AT85 AH15 AL0 AW100 ASDR ASS200 BLINK 490 BPW15 F50 L19/W16 Navy L11 AT0 AH20 F50 BLINK BPW10 ASDL/W16 White L12 AT0 AH20 F50 BLINK BPW10 ASDL W500/W16 Navy L11 AT80 AH20 F50 BLINK BPW10 ASDR/W16 White L12 AT80 AH20 F50 BLINK BPW10 ASDR W500/W16 White L13 AT0 AFDEN8 AFMIN150 AFMAX250 AFFADE150/W16 Cyan AT0 AH15 AL0 AW100 ASDL ASS200 BLINK 490 BPW15 F50 L-19/W16 Blue AT85 AH15 AL0 AW100 ASDR ASS200 BLINK 490 BPW15 F50 L-19/W16 Deep_pink AH100 AL40 AT0 AW20 SHPDiamondBoxPulse/W17 Dark_olive_green AH100 AL0 AW23 AT0 SHPRoundAndRound L19/W17 Dark_olive_green AH100 AL77 AW23 AT0 SHPRoundAndRound L19/W17 Aqua AH100 AL40 AT0 AW20 SHPPointPlop/W17 Blue_violet L13 AT0 AFDEN8 AFMIN150 AFMAX250 AFFADE150/W36 Amber FD400 AL0 AW50 AH100 ADL AS300/W36 Amber FD400 AL50 AW50 AH100 ADR AS300/W36 Amber W200 FD400 AL0 AW50 AH100 ADL AS300/W36 Amber W200 FD400 AL50 AW50 AH100 ADR AS300/W36 Red W300 AH100 AL0 AT0 AW20 FD600 AFDEN20 AFMIN100 AFMAX140 500/W36 Red W150 AH100 AL20 AT0 AW20 FD600 AFDEN20 AFMIN100 AFMAX140 500/W36 Red AH100 AL40 AT0 AW20 FD600 AFDEN20 AFMIN100 AFMAX140 500/W36 Red W150 AH100 AL60 AT0 AW20 FD600 AFDEN20 AFMIN100 AFMAX140 500/W36 Red W300 AH100 AL80 AT0 AW20 FD600 AFDEN20 AFMIN100 AFMAX140 500/W29 Light_steel_blue AH100 AL0 AT0 AW20 FD300 AFDEN30 AFMIN100 AFMAX140 500 W200/W29 Light_steel_blue AH100 AL20 AT0 AW20 FD300 AFDEN30 AFMIN100 AFMAX140 500 W150/W29 Light_steel_blue AH100 AL40 AT0 AW20 FD300 AFDEN30 AFMIN100 AFMAX140 500 W100/W29 Light_steel_blue AH100 AL60 AT0 AW20 FD300 AFDEN30 AFMIN100 AFMAX140 500 W50/W29 Light_steel_blue AH100 AL80 AT0 AW20 FD300 AFDEN30 AFMIN100 AFMAX140 500/W42 Blue_violet AH100 AL0 AT0 AW20 FD300 AFDEN30 AFMIN100 AFMAX140 500/W42 Blue_violet AH100 AL20 AT0 AW20 FD300 AFDEN30 AFMIN100 AFMAX140 500 W50/W42 Blue_violet AH100 AL40 AT0 AW20 FD300 AFDEN30 AFMIN100 AFMAX140 500 W100/W42 Blue_violet AH100 AL60 AT0 AW20 FD300 AFDEN30 AFMIN100 AFMAX140 500 W150/W42 Blue_violet AH100 AL80 AT0 AW20 FD300 AFDEN30 AFMIN100 AFMAX140 500 W200//S15 White AH30 AL0 AT0 AW9 SHPCircle3 300 L11/S15 White AH30 AL91 AT0 AW9 SHPCircle3 300 L11.
2019.05.06 08:56:49.574 EXCEPTION: Thread:
2019.05.06 08:56:49.574 EXCEPTION: Message: Exception --> Cant parse the part W16 BLUE of the ledcontrol table config setting W16 Blue AT85 AH15 AL0 AW100 ASDR ASS200 BLINK 490 BPW15 F50 L-19.
2019.05.06 08:56:49.574 EXCEPTION: Stacktrace:    à DirectOutput.LedControl.Loader.TableConfigSetting.ParseSettingData(String SettingData) dans C:\Users\arcade\Desktop\DIRECT-OUTPUT\DirectOutput-master-djrobx\DirectOutput\LedControl\Loader\TableConfigSetting.cs:ligne 426
2019.05.06 08:56:49.574 EXCEPTION: Stacktrace:    à DirectOutput.LedControl.Loader.TableConfigSetting..ctor(String SettingData) dans C:\Users\arcade\Desktop\DIRECT-OUTPUT\DirectOutput-master-djrobx\DirectOutput\LedControl\Loader\TableConfigSetting.cs:ligne 783
2019.05.06 08:56:49.574 EXCEPTION: Stacktrace:    à DirectOutput.LedControl.Loader.TableConfigColumn.ParseColumnData(String ColumnData, Boolean ThrowExceptions) dans C:\Users\arcade\Desktop\DIRECT-OUTPUT\DirectOutput-master-djrobx\DirectOutput\LedControl\Loader\TableConfigColumn.cs:ligne 114
2019.05.06 08:56:49.574 EXCEPTION: Targetsite: Void ParseSettingData(System.String)
2019.05.06 08:56:49.575 Warning: Previous exceptions occured in the line tmfnt,L39|W39 Cadet_blue AH100 AL0 AT0 AW14 SHPLetterT L15/L40|W39 Cadet_blue  AH100 AL20 AT0 AW14 SHPLetterI L15/L41|W39 Cadet_blue  AH100 AL60 AT0 AW14 SHPLetterM L15/L42|W39 Cadet_blue  AH100 AL80 AT0 AW14 SHPLetterE L15/W12 Orange  AH100 AL20 AT0 AW19 SHPCircle3 L3/W13 Dark_orange  AH100 AL40 AT0 AW19 SHPCircle3 L3/W14 Tomato  AH100 AL60 AT0 AW19 SHPCircle3 L3/L2|L20|L21 Dark_green L1 AT0 AFDEN8 AFMIN150 AFMAX250 AFFADE150/L8|L20|L21 Midnight_blue L2 AT0 AFDEN8 AFMIN150 AFMAX250 AFFADE150/L31 Blue L3 AT0 AFDEN8 AFMIN150 AFMAX250 AFFADE150/L32 Cyan L4 AT0 AFDEN8 AFMIN150 AFMAX250 AFFADE150/L33 Green L5 AT0 AFDEN8 AFMIN150 AFMAX250 AFFADE150/L34 Dark_magenta L6 AT0 AFDEN8 AFMIN150 AFMAX250 AFFADE150/S17 Gold 10 AT0 AL0 AH10 AW40 AS400 ADL L25/S17 Gold 10 AT0 AL60 AH10 AW40 AS400 ADR L25/S17 Gold 10 AT90 AL0 AH10 AW40 AS400 ADL L25/S17 Gold 10 AT90 AL60 AH10 AW40 AS400 ADR L25/S17 Gold 10 AT40 AL0 AH10 AW35 AS400 ADL L26/S17 Gold 10 AT40 AL65 AH10 AW35 AS400 ADR L26/S17 Gold 10 AT40 AL0 AH10 AW35 AS400 ADL L26/S17 Gold 10 AT40 AL65 AH10 AW35 AS400 ADR L26/S17 Gold 10 AL42 AW16 AT0 AH100 SHPCircle3 L2/S18 Gold 10 AT0 AL0 AH10 AW40 AS400 ADL L25/S18 Gold 10 AT0 AL60 AH10 AW40 AS400 ADR L25/S18 Gold 10 AT90 AL0 AH10 AW40 AS400 ADL L25/S18 Gold 10 AT90 AL60 AH10 AW40 AS400 ADR L25/S18 Gold 10 AT40 AL0 AH10 AW35 AS400 ADL L26/S18 Gold 10 AT40 AL65 AH10 AW35 AS400 ADR L26/S18 Gold 10 AT40 AL0 AH10 AW35 AS400 ADL L26/S18 Gold 10 AT40 AL65 AH10 AW35 AS400 ADR L26/S18 Gold 10 AL42 AW16 AT0 AH100 SHPCircle3 L2/S21 Gold 10 AT0 AL0 AH10 AW40 AS400 ADL L25/S21 Gold 10 AT0 AL60 AH10 AW40 AS400 ADR L25/S21 Gold 10 AT90 AL0 AH10 AW40 AS400 ADL L25/S21 Gold 10 AT90 AL60 AH10 AW40 AS400 ADR L25/S21 Gold 10 AT40 AL0 AH10 AW35 AS400 ADL L26/S21 Gold 10 AT40 AL65 AH10 AW35 AS400 ADR L26/S21 Gold 10 AT40 AL0 AH10 AW35 AS400 ADL L26/S21 Gold 10 AT40 AL65 AH10 AW35 AS400 ADR L26/S21 Gold 10 AL42 AW16 AT0 AH100 SHPCircle3 L2/S17 Green AH100 AL20 AT0 AW20 SHPCirclePulse/S18 Green AH100 AL40 AT0 AW20 SHPCirclePulse/S21 Green AH100 AL60 AT0 AW20 SHPCirclePulse/W39 Dark_red FD400 AL0 AW50 AH100 ADL AS300/W39 Dark_red FD400 AL50 AW50 AH100 ADR AS300/W39 Dark_red W200 FD400 AL0 AW50 AH100 ADL AS300/W39 Dark_red W200 FD400 AL50 AW50 AH100 ADR AS300/W39 White W300 AH100 AL0 AT0 AW20 FD600 AFDEN20 AFMIN100 AFMAX140 500/W39 White W150 AH100 AL20 AT0 AW20 FD600 AFDEN20 AFMIN100 AFMAX140 500/W39 White AH100 AL40 AT0 AW20 FD600 AFDEN20 AFMIN100 AFMAX140 500/W39 White W150 AH100 AL60 AT0 AW20 FD600 AFDEN20 AFMIN100 AFMAX140 500/W39 White W300 AH100 AL80 AT0 AW20 FD600 AFDEN20 AFMIN100 AFMAX140 500/W39 Dark_red L3 AT0/W39 Orange_red L4 AT0 AL0 AW50 BLINK F500 ASDL/W39 Orange_red L4 AT0 AL50 AW50 BLINK F500 ASDR/W39 White L1 AT0 AFDEN8 AFMIN150 AFMAX250 AFFADE150/W2 Red 1500 AH100 AL0 AW23 AT0 SHPRoundAndRound L19/W2 Red 1500 AH100 AL77 AW23 AT0 SHPRoundAndRound L19/W1 Red AH100 AL40 AT0 AW20 SHPRoundAndRound/W41|W7 Red L3 AT0/W41|W7 Red L4 AT0 AL0 AW50 BLINK F500 ASDL/W41|W7 Red L4 AT0 AL50 AW50 BLINK F500 ASDR/W39|W41|W7|W1|W2 Red AT0 AH15 AL0 AW100 ASDL ASS200 BLINK 490 BPW15 F50 L19/W39|W41|W7|W1|W2 Red AT85 AH15 AL0 AW100 ASDR ASS200 BLINK 490 BPW15 F50 L19/W16 Navy L11 AT0 AH20 F50 BLINK BPW10 ASDL/W16 White L12 AT0 AH20 F50 BLINK BPW10 ASDL W500/W16 Navy L11 AT80 AH20 F50 BLINK BPW10 ASDR/W16 White L12 AT80 AH20 F50 BLINK BPW10 ASDR W500/W16 White L13 AT0 AFDEN8 AFMIN150 AFMAX250 AFFADE150/W16 Cyan AT0 AH15 AL0 AW100 ASDL ASS200 BLINK 490 BPW15 F50 L-19/W16 Blue AT85 AH15 AL0 AW100 ASDR ASS200 BLINK 490 BPW15 F50 L-19/W16 Deep_pink AH100 AL40 AT0 AW20 SHPDiamondBoxPulse/W17 Dark_olive_green AH100 AL0 AW23 AT0 SHPRoundAndRound L19/W17 Dark_olive_green AH100 AL77 AW23 AT0 SHPRoundAndRound L19/W17 Aqua AH100 AL40 AT0 AW20 SHPPointPlop/W17 Blue_violet L13 AT0 AFDEN8 AFMIN150 AFMAX250 AFFADE150/W36 Amber FD400 AL0 AW50 AH100 ADL AS300/W36 Amber FD400 AL50 AW50 AH100 ADR AS300/W36 Amber W200 FD400 AL0 AW50 AH100 ADL AS300/W36 Amber W200 FD400 AL50 AW50 AH100 ADR AS300/W36 Red W300 AH100 AL0 AT0 AW20 FD600 AFDEN20 AFMIN100 AFMAX140 500/W36 Red W150 AH100 AL20 AT0 AW20 FD600 AFDEN20 AFMIN100 AFMAX140 500/W36 Red AH100 AL40 AT0 AW20 FD600 AFDEN20 AFMIN100 AFMAX140 500/W36 Red W150 AH100 AL60 AT0 AW20 FD600 AFDEN20 AFMIN100 AFMAX140 500/W36 Red W300 AH100 AL80 AT0 AW20 FD600 AFDEN20 AFMIN100 AFMAX140 500/W29 Light_steel_blue AH100 AL0 AT0 AW20 FD300 AFDEN30 AFMIN100 AFMAX140 500 W200/W29 Light_steel_blue AH100 AL20 AT0 AW20 FD300 AFDEN30 AFMIN100 AFMAX140 500 W150/W29 Light_steel_blue AH100 AL40 AT0 AW20 FD300 AFDEN30 AFMIN100 AFMAX140 500 W100/W29 Light_steel_blue AH100 AL60 AT0 AW20 FD300 AFDEN30 AFMIN100 AFMAX140 500 W50/W29 Light_steel_blue AH100 AL80 AT0 AW20 FD300 AFDEN30 AFMIN100 AFMAX140 500/W42 Blue_violet AH100 AL0 AT0 AW20 FD300 AFDEN30 AFMIN100 AFMAX140 500/W42 Blue_violet AH100 AL20 AT0 AW20 FD300 AFDEN30 AFMIN100 AFMAX140 500 W50/W42 Blue_violet AH100 AL40 AT0 AW20 FD300 AFDEN30 AFMIN100 AFMAX140 500 W100/W42 Blue_violet AH100 AL60 AT0 AW20 FD300 AFDEN30 AFMIN100 AFMAX140 500 W150/W42 Blue_violet AH100 AL80 AT0 AW20 FD300 AFDEN30 AFMIN100 AFMAX140 500 W200//S15 White AH30 AL0 AT0 AW9 SHPCircle3 300 L11/S15 White AH30 AL91 AT0 AW9 SHPCircle3 300 L11 of the ledcontrol file
2019.05.06 08:56:49.735 Loading LedControl file C:\DirectOutput\Config\directoutputconfig8.ini
2019.05.06 08:56:49.743 Min DOF Version is 0.8 for file directoutputconfig8.ini
2019.05.06 08:56:49.945 3 directoutputconfig.ini or ledcontrol.ini files loaded.
2019.05.06 08:56:49.947 Config for RomName afm_113b exists in LedControl data. Updating cabinet and config.
2019.05.06 08:56:49.986 Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 0, T: 0, W: 19, H: 100
2019.05.06 08:56:49.986 Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 0, T: 0, W: 19, H: 100
2019.05.06 08:56:49.986 Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 0, T: 0, W: 19, H: 100
2019.05.06 08:56:49.986 Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 0, T: 0, W: 19, H: 100
2019.05.06 08:56:49.987 Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 20, T: 0, W: 19, H: 100
2019.05.06 08:56:49.987 Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 20, T: 0, W: 19, H: 100
2019.05.06 08:56:49.987 Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 40, T: 0, W: 19, H: 100
2019.05.06 08:56:49.987 Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 40, T: 0, W: 19, H: 100
2019.05.06 08:56:49.987 Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 40, T: 0, W: 19, H: 100
2019.05.06 08:56:49.987 Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 40, T: 0, W: 19, H: 100
2019.05.06 08:56:49.987 Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 60, T: 0, W: 19, H: 100
2019.05.06 08:56:49.987 Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 60, T: 0, W: 19, H: 100
2019.05.06 08:56:49.987 Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 60, T: 0, W: 19, H: 100
2019.05.06 08:56:49.987 Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 60, T: 0, W: 19, H: 100
2019.05.06 08:56:49.987 Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 60, T: 0, W: 19, H: 100
2019.05.06 08:56:49.987 Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 80, T: 0, W: 19, H: 100
2019.05.06 08:56:49.987 Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 80, T: 0, W: 19, H: 100
2019.05.06 08:56:49.987 Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 80, T: 0, W: 19, H: 100
2019.05.06 08:56:49.987 Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 80, T: 0, W: 19, H: 100
2019.05.06 08:56:49.987 Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 80, T: 0, W: 19, H: 100
2019.05.06 08:56:50.002 Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 0, T: 0, W: 9, H: 30
2019.05.06 08:56:50.002 Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 91, T: 0, W: 9, H: 30
2019.05.06 08:56:50.002 Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 0, T: 0, W: 9, H: 30
2019.05.06 08:56:50.002 Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 91, T: 0, W: 9, H: 30
2019.05.06 08:56:50.002 Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 0, T: 0, W: 9, H: 30
2019.05.06 08:56:50.002 Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 91, T: 0, W: 9, H: 30
2019.05.06 08:56:50.002 Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 0, T: 0, W: 9, H: 30
2019.05.06 08:56:50.002 Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 91, T: 0, W: 9, H: 30
2019.05.06 08:56:50.002 Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 0, T: 0, W: 9, H: 30
2019.05.06 08:56:50.002 Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 91, T: 0, W: 9, H: 30
2019.05.06 08:56:50.002 Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 0, T: 0, W: 9, H: 30
2019.05.06 08:56:50.002 Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 91, T: 0, W: 9, H: 30
2019.05.06 08:56:50.002 Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 0, T: 0, W: 9, H: 30
2019.05.06 08:56:50.002 Debug: Setting up shape effect for area. L: 91, T: 0, W: 9, H: 30
2019.05.06 08:56:50.003 Table config loading finished
2019.05.06 08:56:50.003 Pinball parts loaded
2019.05.06 08:56:50.003 Starting processes
2019.05.06 08:56:50.003 Initializing cabinet
2019.05.06 08:56:50.003 Debug: Initializing output controllers
2019.05.06 08:56:50.029 TeensyStripController LedStripController intialized and updater thread started.
2019.05.06 08:56:50.030 Pinscape Pinscape Controller 01 intialized and updater thread started.
2019.05.06 08:56:50.030 TeensyStripController LedStripController updater thread  started.
2019.05.06 08:56:50.030 Pinscape Pinscape Controller 01 updater thread  started.
2019.05.06 08:56:50.030 Pinscape Pinscape Controller 01 updater thread  has connected to Pinscape Pinscape Controller 01.
2019.05.06 08:56:50.030 Debug: Initializing LedWiz Nr. 01
2019.05.06 08:56:50.032 LedWiz Nr. 01 initialized and updater thread initialized.
2019.05.06 08:56:50.032 Debug: Initializing LedWiz Nr. 08
2019.05.06 08:56:50.033 LedWiz Nr. 08 initialized and updater thread initialized.
2019.05.06 08:56:50.033 Debug: Output controllers initialized
2019.05.06 08:56:50.033 Updater thread for LedWiz 01 started.
2019.05.06 08:56:50.033 Debug: Open Port
2019.05.06 08:56:50.033 Updater thread for LedWiz 08 started.
2019.05.06 08:56:50.040 Cabinet initialized
2019.05.06 08:56:50.041 Loading shape definition file: C:\DirectOutput\Config\DirectOutputShapes.xml
2019.05.06 08:56:50.083 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:19, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:80), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:15, Bottom:6, Width:16, Height:7)
2019.05.06 08:56:50.086 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:19, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:80), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:15, Bottom:6, Width:16, Height:7)
2019.05.06 08:56:50.120 Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 16, H:7, BML: 35, BMT: 18, BMW: 16, BMH: 16
2019.05.06 08:56:50.122 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:19, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:80), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:15, Bottom:6, Width:16, Height:7)
2019.05.06 08:56:50.122 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:19, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:80), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:15, Bottom:6, Width:16, Height:7)
2019.05.06 08:56:50.122 Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 16, H:7, BML: 35, BMT: 18, BMW: 16, BMH: 16
2019.05.06 08:56:50.123 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:19, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:80), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:15, Bottom:6, Width:16, Height:7)
2019.05.06 08:56:50.123 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:19, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:80), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:15, Bottom:6, Width:16, Height:7)
2019.05.06 08:56:50.123 Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 16, H:7, BML: 35, BMT: 18, BMW: 16, BMH: 16
2019.05.06 08:56:50.123 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:19, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:80), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:15, Bottom:6, Width:16, Height:7)
2019.05.06 08:56:50.123 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:19, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:80), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:15, Bottom:6, Width:16, Height:7)
2019.05.06 08:56:50.123 Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 16, H:7, BML: 35, BMT: 18, BMW: 16, BMH: 16
2019.05.06 08:56:50.123 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:20, T:0, W:19, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:80), ResultArea(Left: 16, Top:0, Right:31, Bottom:6, Width:16, Height:7)
2019.05.06 08:56:50.123 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:20, T:0, W:19, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:80), ResultArea(Left: 16, Top:0, Right:31, Bottom:6, Width:16, Height:7)
2019.05.06 08:56:50.124 Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 16, H:7, BML: 35, BMT: 18, BMW: 16, BMH: 16
2019.05.06 08:56:50.124 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:20, T:0, W:19, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:80), ResultArea(Left: 16, Top:0, Right:31, Bottom:6, Width:16, Height:7)
2019.05.06 08:56:50.124 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:20, T:0, W:19, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:80), ResultArea(Left: 16, Top:0, Right:31, Bottom:6, Width:16, Height:7)
2019.05.06 08:56:50.124 Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 16, H:7, BML: 35, BMT: 18, BMW: 16, BMH: 16
2019.05.06 08:56:50.124 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:40, T:0, W:19, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:80), ResultArea(Left: 32, Top:0, Right:47, Bottom:6, Width:16, Height:7)
2019.05.06 08:56:50.124 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:40, T:0, W:19, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:80), ResultArea(Left: 32, Top:0, Right:47, Bottom:6, Width:16, Height:7)
2019.05.06 08:56:50.124 Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 16, H:7, BML: 35, BMT: 18, BMW: 16, BMH: 16
2019.05.06 08:56:50.124 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:40, T:0, W:19, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:80), ResultArea(Left: 32, Top:0, Right:47, Bottom:6, Width:16, Height:7)
2019.05.06 08:56:50.124 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:40, T:0, W:19, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:80), ResultArea(Left: 32, Top:0, Right:47, Bottom:6, Width:16, Height:7)
2019.05.06 08:56:50.124 Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 16, H:7, BML: 35, BMT: 18, BMW: 16, BMH: 16
2019.05.06 08:56:50.125 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:40, T:0, W:19, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:80), ResultArea(Left: 32, Top:0, Right:47, Bottom:6, Width:16, Height:7)
2019.05.06 08:56:50.125 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:40, T:0, W:19, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:80), ResultArea(Left: 32, Top:0, Right:47, Bottom:6, Width:16, Height:7)
2019.05.06 08:56:50.125 Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 16, H:7, BML: 35, BMT: 18, BMW: 16, BMH: 16
2019.05.06 08:56:50.125 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:40, T:0, W:19, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:80), ResultArea(Left: 32, Top:0, Right:47, Bottom:6, Width:16, Height:7)
2019.05.06 08:56:50.125 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:40, T:0, W:19, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:80), ResultArea(Left: 32, Top:0, Right:47, Bottom:6, Width:16, Height:7)
2019.05.06 08:56:50.125 Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 16, H:7, BML: 35, BMT: 18, BMW: 16, BMH: 16
2019.05.06 08:56:50.125 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:60, T:0, W:19, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:80), ResultArea(Left: 48, Top:0, Right:63, Bottom:6, Width:16, Height:7)
2019.05.06 08:56:50.125 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:60, T:0, W:19, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:80), ResultArea(Left: 48, Top:0, Right:63, Bottom:6, Width:16, Height:7)
2019.05.06 08:56:50.125 Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 16, H:7, BML: 35, BMT: 18, BMW: 16, BMH: 16
2019.05.06 08:56:50.125 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:60, T:0, W:19, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:80), ResultArea(Left: 48, Top:0, Right:63, Bottom:6, Width:16, Height:7)
2019.05.06 08:56:50.125 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:60, T:0, W:19, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:80), ResultArea(Left: 48, Top:0, Right:63, Bottom:6, Width:16, Height:7)
2019.05.06 08:56:50.126 Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 16, H:7, BML: 35, BMT: 18, BMW: 16, BMH: 16
2019.05.06 08:56:50.126 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:60, T:0, W:19, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:80), ResultArea(Left: 48, Top:0, Right:63, Bottom:6, Width:16, Height:7)
2019.05.06 08:56:50.126 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:60, T:0, W:19, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:80), ResultArea(Left: 48, Top:0, Right:63, Bottom:6, Width:16, Height:7)
2019.05.06 08:56:50.126 Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 16, H:7, BML: 35, BMT: 18, BMW: 16, BMH: 16
2019.05.06 08:56:50.126 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:60, T:0, W:19, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:80), ResultArea(Left: 48, Top:0, Right:63, Bottom:6, Width:16, Height:7)
2019.05.06 08:56:50.126 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:60, T:0, W:19, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:80), ResultArea(Left: 48, Top:0, Right:63, Bottom:6, Width:16, Height:7)
2019.05.06 08:56:50.126 Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 16, H:7, BML: 35, BMT: 18, BMW: 16, BMH: 16
2019.05.06 08:56:50.126 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:60, T:0, W:19, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:80), ResultArea(Left: 48, Top:0, Right:63, Bottom:6, Width:16, Height:7)
2019.05.06 08:56:50.126 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:60, T:0, W:19, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:80), ResultArea(Left: 48, Top:0, Right:63, Bottom:6, Width:16, Height:7)
2019.05.06 08:56:50.126 Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 16, H:7, BML: 35, BMT: 18, BMW: 16, BMH: 16
2019.05.06 08:56:50.127 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:80, T:0, W:19, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:80), ResultArea(Left: 64, Top:0, Right:79, Bottom:6, Width:16, Height:7)
2019.05.06 08:56:50.127 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:80, T:0, W:19, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:80), ResultArea(Left: 64, Top:0, Right:79, Bottom:6, Width:16, Height:7)
2019.05.06 08:56:50.127 Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 16, H:7, BML: 35, BMT: 18, BMW: 16, BMH: 16
2019.05.06 08:56:50.127 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:80, T:0, W:19, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:80), ResultArea(Left: 64, Top:0, Right:79, Bottom:6, Width:16, Height:7)
2019.05.06 08:56:50.127 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:80, T:0, W:19, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:80), ResultArea(Left: 64, Top:0, Right:79, Bottom:6, Width:16, Height:7)
2019.05.06 08:56:50.127 Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 16, H:7, BML: 35, BMT: 18, BMW: 16, BMH: 16
2019.05.06 08:56:50.127 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:80, T:0, W:19, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:80), ResultArea(Left: 64, Top:0, Right:79, Bottom:6, Width:16, Height:7)
2019.05.06 08:56:50.127 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:80, T:0, W:19, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:80), ResultArea(Left: 64, Top:0, Right:79, Bottom:6, Width:16, Height:7)
2019.05.06 08:56:50.127 Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 16, H:7, BML: 35, BMT: 18, BMW: 16, BMH: 16
2019.05.06 08:56:50.127 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:80, T:0, W:19, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:80), ResultArea(Left: 64, Top:0, Right:79, Bottom:6, Width:16, Height:7)
2019.05.06 08:56:50.128 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:80, T:0, W:19, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:80), ResultArea(Left: 64, Top:0, Right:79, Bottom:6, Width:16, Height:7)
2019.05.06 08:56:50.128 Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 16, H:7, BML: 35, BMT: 18, BMW: 16, BMH: 16
2019.05.06 08:56:50.128 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:80, T:0, W:19, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:80), ResultArea(Left: 64, Top:0, Right:79, Bottom:6, Width:16, Height:7)
2019.05.06 08:56:50.128 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:80, T:0, W:19, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:80), ResultArea(Left: 64, Top:0, Right:79, Bottom:6, Width:16, Height:7)
2019.05.06 08:56:50.128 Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 16, H:7, BML: 35, BMT: 18, BMW: 16, BMH: 16
2019.05.06 08:56:50.128 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:60, T:66, W:5, H:33), Matrix(W:7, H:80), ResultArea(Left: 48, Top:4, Right:52, Bottom:6, Width:5, Height:3)
2019.05.06 08:56:50.128 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:73, T:66, W:5, H:33), Matrix(W:7, H:80), ResultArea(Left: 58, Top:4, Right:62, Bottom:6, Width:5, Height:3)
2019.05.06 08:56:50.128 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:60, T:0, W:15, H:66), Matrix(W:7, H:80), ResultArea(Left: 48, Top:0, Right:60, Bottom:4, Width:13, Height:5)
2019.05.06 08:56:50.128 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:75, T:0, W:15, H:66), Matrix(W:7, H:80), ResultArea(Left: 60, Top:0, Right:72, Bottom:4, Width:13, Height:5)
2019.05.06 08:56:50.128 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:68, T:0, W:15, H:66), Matrix(W:7, H:80), ResultArea(Left: 54, Top:0, Right:66, Bottom:4, Width:13, Height:5)
2019.05.06 08:56:50.128 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixShiftEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:50, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:80), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:40, Bottom:6, Width:41, Height:7)
2019.05.06 08:56:50.131 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixShiftEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:50, T:0, W:50, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:80), ResultArea(Left: 40, Top:0, Right:79, Bottom:6, Width:40, Height:7)
2019.05.06 08:56:50.131 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:66, W:9, H:33), Matrix(W:7, H:80), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:4, Right:7, Bottom:6, Width:8, Height:3)
2019.05.06 08:56:50.131 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:25, T:66, W:10, H:33), Matrix(W:7, H:80), ResultArea(Left: 20, Top:4, Right:28, Bottom:6, Width:9, Height:3)
2019.05.06 08:56:50.131 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixFlickerEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:30, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:80), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:24, Bottom:6, Width:25, Height:7)
2019.05.06 08:56:50.132 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixFlickerEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:70, T:0, W:30, H:100), Matrix(W:7, H:80), ResultArea(Left: 56, Top:0, Right:79, Bottom:6, Width:24, Height:7)
2019.05.06 08:56:50.132 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:9, H:30), Matrix(W:7, H:80), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:7, Bottom:2, Width:8, Height:3)
2019.05.06 08:56:50.132 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:9, H:30), Matrix(W:7, H:80), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:7, Bottom:2, Width:8, Height:3)
2019.05.06 08:56:50.132 Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 8, H:3, BML: 35, BMT: 18, BMW: 16, BMH: 16
2019.05.06 08:56:50.132 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:91, T:0, W:9, H:30), Matrix(W:7, H:80), ResultArea(Left: 72, Top:0, Right:79, Bottom:2, Width:8, Height:3)
2019.05.06 08:56:50.132 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:91, T:0, W:9, H:30), Matrix(W:7, H:80), ResultArea(Left: 72, Top:0, Right:79, Bottom:2, Width:8, Height:3)
2019.05.06 08:56:50.132 Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 8, H:3, BML: 35, BMT: 18, BMW: 16, BMH: 16
2019.05.06 08:56:50.132 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:9, H:30), Matrix(W:7, H:80), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:7, Bottom:2, Width:8, Height:3)
2019.05.06 08:56:50.132 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:9, H:30), Matrix(W:7, H:80), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:7, Bottom:2, Width:8, Height:3)
2019.05.06 08:56:50.132 Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 8, H:3, BML: 35, BMT: 18, BMW: 16, BMH: 16
2019.05.06 08:56:50.133 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:91, T:0, W:9, H:30), Matrix(W:7, H:80), ResultArea(Left: 72, Top:0, Right:79, Bottom:2, Width:8, Height:3)
2019.05.06 08:56:50.133 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:91, T:0, W:9, H:30), Matrix(W:7, H:80), ResultArea(Left: 72, Top:0, Right:79, Bottom:2, Width:8, Height:3)
2019.05.06 08:56:50.133 Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 8, H:3, BML: 35, BMT: 18, BMW: 16, BMH: 16
2019.05.06 08:56:50.133 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:9, H:30), Matrix(W:7, H:80), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:7, Bottom:2, Width:8, Height:3)
2019.05.06 08:56:50.133 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:9, H:30), Matrix(W:7, H:80), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:7, Bottom:2, Width:8, Height:3)
2019.05.06 08:56:50.133 Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 8, H:3, BML: 35, BMT: 18, BMW: 16, BMH: 16
2019.05.06 08:56:50.133 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:91, T:0, W:9, H:30), Matrix(W:7, H:80), ResultArea(Left: 72, Top:0, Right:79, Bottom:2, Width:8, Height:3)
2019.05.06 08:56:50.133 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:91, T:0, W:9, H:30), Matrix(W:7, H:80), ResultArea(Left: 72, Top:0, Right:79, Bottom:2, Width:8, Height:3)
2019.05.06 08:56:50.133 Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 8, H:3, BML: 35, BMT: 18, BMW: 16, BMH: 16
2019.05.06 08:56:50.133 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:9, H:30), Matrix(W:7, H:80), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:7, Bottom:2, Width:8, Height:3)
2019.05.06 08:56:50.133 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:9, H:30), Matrix(W:7, H:80), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:7, Bottom:2, Width:8, Height:3)
2019.05.06 08:56:50.133 Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 8, H:3, BML: 35, BMT: 18, BMW: 16, BMH: 16
2019.05.06 08:56:50.133 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:91, T:0, W:9, H:30), Matrix(W:7, H:80), ResultArea(Left: 72, Top:0, Right:79, Bottom:2, Width:8, Height:3)
2019.05.06 08:56:50.133 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:91, T:0, W:9, H:30), Matrix(W:7, H:80), ResultArea(Left: 72, Top:0, Right:79, Bottom:2, Width:8, Height:3)
2019.05.06 08:56:50.134 Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 8, H:3, BML: 35, BMT: 18, BMW: 16, BMH: 16
2019.05.06 08:56:50.134 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:9, H:30), Matrix(W:7, H:80), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:7, Bottom:2, Width:8, Height:3)
2019.05.06 08:56:50.134 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:9, H:30), Matrix(W:7, H:80), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:7, Bottom:2, Width:8, Height:3)
2019.05.06 08:56:50.134 Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 8, H:3, BML: 35, BMT: 18, BMW: 16, BMH: 16
2019.05.06 08:56:50.134 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:91, T:0, W:9, H:30), Matrix(W:7, H:80), ResultArea(Left: 72, Top:0, Right:79, Bottom:2, Width:8, Height:3)
2019.05.06 08:56:50.134 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:91, T:0, W:9, H:30), Matrix(W:7, H:80), ResultArea(Left: 72, Top:0, Right:79, Bottom:2, Width:8, Height:3)
2019.05.06 08:56:50.134 Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 8, H:3, BML: 35, BMT: 18, BMW: 16, BMH: 16
2019.05.06 08:56:50.134 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:9, H:30), Matrix(W:7, H:80), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:7, Bottom:2, Width:8, Height:3)
2019.05.06 08:56:50.134 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:9, H:30), Matrix(W:7, H:80), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:7, Bottom:2, Width:8, Height:3)
2019.05.06 08:56:50.134 Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 8, H:3, BML: 35, BMT: 18, BMW: 16, BMH: 16
2019.05.06 08:56:50.134 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:91, T:0, W:9, H:30), Matrix(W:7, H:80), ResultArea(Left: 72, Top:0, Right:79, Bottom:2, Width:8, Height:3)
2019.05.06 08:56:50.134 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:91, T:0, W:9, H:30), Matrix(W:7, H:80), ResultArea(Left: 72, Top:0, Right:79, Bottom:2, Width:8, Height:3)
2019.05.06 08:56:50.134 Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 8, H:3, BML: 35, BMT: 18, BMW: 16, BMH: 16
2019.05.06 08:56:50.135 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:9, H:30), Matrix(W:7, H:80), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:7, Bottom:2, Width:8, Height:3)
2019.05.06 08:56:50.135 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:0, T:0, W:9, H:30), Matrix(W:7, H:80), ResultArea(Left: 0, Top:0, Right:7, Bottom:2, Width:8, Height:3)
2019.05.06 08:56:50.135 Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 8, H:3, BML: 35, BMT: 18, BMW: 16, BMH: 16
2019.05.06 08:56:50.135 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleShapeEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:91, T:0, W:9, H:30), Matrix(W:7, H:80), ResultArea(Left: 72, Top:0, Right:79, Bottom:2, Width:8, Height:3)
2019.05.06 08:56:50.135 Debug: MatrixBase for RGBAMatrixColorScaleBitmapEffect. Calculated area size: AreaDef(L:91, T:0, W:9, H:30), Matrix(W:7, H:80), ResultArea(Left: 72, Top:0, Right:79, Bottom:2, Width:8, Height:3)
2019.05.06 08:56:50.135 Debug: BitmapEffectBase. Grabbing image clip: W: 8, H:3, BML: 35, BMT: 18, BMW: 16, BMH: 16
2019.05.06 08:56:50.144 Framework initialized.
2019.05.06 08:56:50.144 Have fun!
2019.05.06 08:56:55.505 EXCEPTION: TeensyStripController LedStripController updater thread  could not connect to the controller. Thread will quit.
2019.05.06 08:56:55.505 EXCEPTION: Thread: TeensyStripController LedStripController updater thread
2019.05.06 08:56:55.505 EXCEPTION: Message: Exception --> Expected 1 bytes after outputing the buffer of the TeensyStripController to the ledstrips, but the read operation resulted in a exception. Will not send data to the controller.
2019.05.06 08:56:55.512 EXCEPTION: Stacktrace:    à DirectOutput.Cab.Out.AdressableLedStrip.TeensyStripController.ConnectToController() dans C:\Users\arcade\Desktop\DIRECT-OUTPUT\DirectOutput-master-djrobx\DirectOutput\Cab\Out\AdressableLedStrip\TeensyStripController.cs:ligne 626
2019.05.06 08:56:55.512 EXCEPTION: Stacktrace:    à DirectOutput.Cab.Out.OutputControllerCompleteBase.UpdaterThreadDoIt() dans C:\Users\arcade\Desktop\DIRECT-OUTPUT\DirectOutput-master-djrobx\DirectOutput\Cab\Out\OutputControllerCompleteBase.cs:ligne 333
2019.05.06 08:56:55.512 EXCEPTION: Targetsite: Void ConnectToController()
2019.05.06 08:56:55.512 EXCEPTION: InnerException 1: Exception --> A TimeoutException occured while trying to read byte 1 of 1 from Com-Port COM4.
2019.05.06 08:56:55.512 EXCEPTION: InnerException 2: TimeoutException --> Le délai d'attente de l'opération a expiré.
2019.05.06 08:56:55.512 Debug: Close Port
2019.05.06 08:57:25.741 Finishing framework
2019.05.06 08:57:25.743 Finishing cabinet
2019.05.06 08:57:25.743 Debug: Finishing output controllers
2019.05.06 08:57:25.744 TeensyStripController LedStripController finished and updater thread stopped.
2019.05.06 08:57:25.746 Pinscape Pinscape Controller 01 updater thread  has disconnected from Pinscape Pinscape Controller 01 and will terminate.
2019.05.06 08:57:25.746 Pinscape Pinscape Controller 01 finished and updater thread stopped.
2019.05.06 08:57:25.746 Debug: Finishing LedWiz Nr. 01
2019.05.06 08:57:25.746 Updater thread for LedWiz 01 terminated.
2019.05.06 08:57:25.749 LedWiz Nr. 01 finished and updater thread stopped.
2019.05.06 08:57:25.749 Debug: Finishing LedWiz Nr. 08
2019.05.06 08:57:25.749 Updater thread for LedWiz 08 terminated.
2019.05.06 08:57:25.751 LedWiz Nr. 08 finished and updater thread stopped.
2019.05.06 08:57:25.751 Debug: Output controllers finished
2019.05.06 08:57:25.751 Cabinet finished
2019.05.06 08:57:25.751 DirectOutput framework finished.
2019.05.06 08:57:25.751 Bye and thanks for using!

mon cabinet.xml

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Cabinet xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">






   <Name>LedWizEquivalent 30</Name>





Et mon GlobalConfig.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!--Global configuration for the DirectOutput framework.-->
<!--Saved by DirectOutput Version 0.9.6474.38194: 2019-05-05 20-42-01-->
  <TableConfigFilePatterns />

D'avance merci


Bon alors apres avoir tenté de multiple choses, j'y suis enfin arrivé. Je flashais la wemos avec la version 1.8.9 de l'IDE pensant que ca n'avait pas d'incidence, mais il faut absolument le faire avec la version 1.8.3.
Le fait que les leds Flash une fois que le code est injecté ne signifie pas que tout va marcher, il faut bien faire attention a toutes les versions recommandées dans le tuto.
Je vais enfin pouvoir avancer yes


Bon alors j'ai aussi constaté que si je ne mets pas 3 au nombre de ledstrip ca ne marche plus. Je vais voir quand j'aurais préparé l'ensemble des leds si j'ai toujours ce soucis. De toute façon j'ai aussi pris une teensy au cas où!

Dernière édition par katzd le Jeu 9 Mai 2019 - 21:11, édité 2 fois
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[TUTO] Pilotage de Ledstrip adressable style "Teensy" via WEMOS D1 PRO - Page 27 Empty
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salut à tous

je viens enfin de finir mes soudures et branchement de ma wemos.
ça marche nikel et du premier coup en plus, garce à ce tuto super détaillé!

maintenant que j'arrive à afficher les effets sur mes ledstrip, je test les différentes possibilités du DOF (carré, rond, croix,...)
par contre je ne trouve pas comment afficher des effets plus complexe comme on peut le voir sur certaine vidéo, comme par exemple pour acdc ou l'on peut voir afficher "ACDC" sur les leds ainsi que des effets plus variés et plus complexes que ceux dispo dans le DOF

quelqu'un aurait le solution
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[TUTO] Pilotage de Ledstrip adressable style "Teensy" via WEMOS D1 PRO - Page 27 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [TUTO] Pilotage de Ledstrip adressable style "Teensy" via WEMOS D1 PRO   [TUTO] Pilotage de Ledstrip adressable style "Teensy" via WEMOS D1 PRO - Page 27 EmptyVen 10 Mai 2019 - 0:30

Si ça peut aider voilà le code pour écrire "COIN":

E103 Cyan M2000 Blink F200 AH100 AL30 AT0 AW15 SHPLetterC L15/E103 Yellow M2000 Blink F200 AH100 AL45 AT0 AW15 SHPLetterO L15/E103 Green M2000 Blink F200 F100 AH100 AL60 AT0 AW15 SHPLetterI L15/E103 Purple M2000 Blink F200 AH100 AL75 AT0 AW15 SHPLetterN L15

Je utilise le fichier Excel de TerryRed pour faire mes effets DOF que tu peux trouver ici:
lien sur
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MessageSujet: Re: [TUTO] Pilotage de Ledstrip adressable style "Teensy" via WEMOS D1 PRO   [TUTO] Pilotage de Ledstrip adressable style "Teensy" via WEMOS D1 PRO - Page 27 EmptyVen 10 Mai 2019 - 15:45

merci [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien] !!!
J'avais le même problème que toi depuis 15j.......réinstallé 10 fois le dof etc pour devenir finalement c’était bien le flashage de la wemos avec la version 1.8.9 de l'ide qui posait problème......
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[TUTO] Pilotage de Ledstrip adressable style "Teensy" via WEMOS D1 PRO - Page 27 Empty
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Cool [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien] !

Moi aussi ca m'a rendu fou pendant 1 semaine. Je pense que dans le tuto faudrait un gros Warning pour dire de faire gaffe aux versions Very Happy
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[TUTO] Pilotage de Ledstrip adressable style "Teensy" via WEMOS D1 PRO - Page 27 Empty
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Salut [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]

Merci pour ta réponse, donc il faut modifier table par table ?

Sinon j’ai une autre question, est ce qu’il est indispensable de brancher la masse sur la Wemos ?
Quand je la branche cela me fait des parasites dans mes haut parleurs, et sans ça marche quand même
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Je relance ma question concernant la masse de la wemos, faut-il absolument la brancher?
Et j’ai une autre question concernant les effets d’ACDC LE, les lettres apparaissent bien, mais l’ensemble n’est pas centré sur la matrice, alors que les effet standards, ou encore le « JACKPOT » des maîtres de l’univers est bien reparti sur la matrice
Ma configuration matériel est classique (72 leds sur 8 rangées)
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[TUTO] Pilotage de Ledstrip adressable style "Teensy" via WEMOS D1 PRO - Page 27 Empty
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Ta masse est bien branchée sur la prise de terre de ton secteur ?

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[TUTO] Pilotage de Ledstrip adressable style "Teensy" via WEMOS D1 PRO - Page 27 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [TUTO] Pilotage de Ledstrip adressable style "Teensy" via WEMOS D1 PRO   [TUTO] Pilotage de Ledstrip adressable style "Teensy" via WEMOS D1 PRO - Page 27 EmptyMer 22 Mai 2019 - 19:27

Salut zed

Oui la masse est reliée à la terre 
J’ai aussi des bruits parasites à chaque activation de toys

J’ai l’impression que j’ai un pb de masse quelque parts mais je trouve pas où 
J’ai essayer de débrancher toy par toy et alim par alim, et je ne trouve pas d’ou Vient le soucis

J’ai un UPC, et j’ai posé la question au Sav de Art’Cab, mais pas de réponse 

Le seul truc qui m’a permis d’atténuer les bruits c’est en branchant 3 câbles entre ma masse commune et les 3 slots GND de l’upc 

En tout cas pour en revenir à la wemos, qui me faisait un espèce de bip à intervalle regulier, si je débranche la masse de la wemos, plus de bip!
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[TUTO] Pilotage de Ledstrip adressable style "Teensy" via WEMOS D1 PRO - Page 27 Empty
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Tu as bien mis les diodes 1n4007 ?

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Salut [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien] 

oui, et pour être très précis ce sont des diodes 1N4007-1A-1000V-DO41
si ça peut aider à la compréhension du problème...
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[TUTO] Pilotage de Ledstrip adressable style "Teensy" via WEMOS D1 PRO - Page 27 Empty
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Salut les gars

Alors à votre avis, ça craint pour ma wemos si je branche pas la masse dessus?

Sinon, je veux mettre des led en undercab, j’ai donc branché un bandeau de 72 led sur le port 1 de la wemos pour tester, paramètre le dof avec l’effet undercab sur le port 4 (backboard sur la 1) et ensuite modifier mon fichier « cabinet » pour y inclure ce bandeau
Mais ça ne s’allume pas

Comme je ne suis pas sur le même port que ma backboard, il faut bien que je définisse la première led de mon undercab en numéro 1?
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[TUTO] Pilotage de Ledstrip adressable style "Teensy" via WEMOS D1 PRO - Page 27 Empty
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Je pense que la wemos comme la teensy considéré con c'est une seule bande de led. Donc même si c'est pas sur le même port faut faire comme si s'était la continuité de tes LEDs backboard
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[TUTO] Pilotage de Ledstrip adressable style "Teensy" via WEMOS D1 PRO
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