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 [INFO] PIN2DMD EVO128x32 All-In-One controller

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2 participants


Messages : 23
Département : Allemagne

[INFO] PIN2DMD EVO128x32 All-In-One controller Empty
MessageSujet: [INFO] PIN2DMD EVO128x32 All-In-One controller   [INFO] PIN2DMD EVO128x32 All-In-One controller EmptySam 3 Nov 2018 - 15:47

I just recently published my order information for all-in-one controller boards EVO128x32 manufactured at
It cost me only 60 Euro each for a order of 10 boards including parts, soldering, shipping and tax. It is all in the zip file here…/PIN2DMD/…/master/hardware/EVO128x32
Technically these boards are based on the schematics of the latest Nucleo shield including a 5A DC/DC converter.
You only need the panels and solder panel power plugs to the pcb. Firmware installation is done through USB in DFU mode.

[INFO] PIN2DMD EVO128x32 All-In-One controller IMG_0484.thumb.jpg.e79873b3d0e25fa87570d9f8e2d7eed2

[INFO] PIN2DMD EVO128x32 All-In-One controller IMG_0486.thumb.jpg.438617b38d40b0e01784ad99a276d9ea
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[INFO] PIN2DMD EVO128x32 All-In-One controller Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [INFO] PIN2DMD EVO128x32 All-In-One controller   [INFO] PIN2DMD EVO128x32 All-In-One controller EmptyMar 22 Jan 2019 - 22:40

Great job lucky, thx for Sharing
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[INFO] PIN2DMD EVO128x32 All-In-One controller
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