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 [TUTO] DOFlinx

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[TUTO] DOFlinx  - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [TUTO] DOFlinx    [TUTO] DOFlinx  - Page 4 EmptyVen 14 Avr 2017 - 10:18

[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien] oui ma config n'est pas optimisée  [TUTO] DOFlinx  - Page 4 3746298195
Mais souvent on dit que quand ca marche, faut plus toucher a rien Smile
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[TUTO] DOFlinx  - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [TUTO] DOFlinx    [TUTO] DOFlinx  - Page 4 EmptyVen 14 Avr 2017 - 10:28

lol! lol! lol!

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[TUTO] DOFlinx  - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [TUTO] DOFlinx    [TUTO] DOFlinx  - Page 4 EmptyVen 14 Avr 2017 - 23:58

Après avoir bataillé plus d'une heure ce soir ... bahhh çà marche toujours pas !!! comprends pas ! [TUTO] DOFlinx  - Page 4 773715342 

çà me saoule une fois de plus ... bref !!! [TUTO] DOFlinx  - Page 4 3746298195 

On verra çà demain ... ou pas si ACDC est dispo !!! rire

EDIT voici mon DOFLinx.ini :

# location of your standard DOF outut configuration file.  Keep this as the first item in the file

# If you want to list the processes that will wake up DOFLinx, comment it out if you just want Pinball FX2
#PROCESSES=Pinball FX2,Future Pinball,VPinball_9_9_1,VPPhysMod5

# Which DOF Controller output for the flipper solenoids / contactors
# The keyboard hex code for the key that is used for each flipper from

# Left Shift = A0, Right Shift = A1
# Just in case things go wrong (ie no keyup signal is detected, flipper held down for a long time), what is

the maximum time a flipper solenoid / contactor can be in in milliseconds
# What LEDWiz output(s) are used for RGB devices.  Just enter the Red output number.  Multiples can be

entered seperated by a comma
# Rainbow - cycle through the colours, Random - pick a random next colour, A colour name as it appears in the

DirectOutputConfig.ini file
# What changes the colour?  Time - set time period, Flipper = flipper press after the RGB_TRIGGER minimum

time (to stop rapid colour changes)
# Dependent on trigger selection the period between changes or the minimum time for change between flipper

# The button(s) to turn on when DOFLinx starts, ie the exit button LED
# Make the "1" (31) key (Start in VP) pulse LEDWiz 120 and "4" (34) to pulse controller/output 121
#KEY_TO_OUTPUT=32 101 35 106 36 105
# Set a key to turn on a specific colour for your RGB.  The line below makes the Left Control (A2) and the

Right Control (A3) turn my undercab RGB strip red.
# In Pinball FX2 this means when I nudge it all goes red.
#KEY_TO_COLOUR=A2 117 Red A3 129 Red
# Setting FORCE_ACTIVE=1 will cause DOFFX2 to not listen for processes and just run until you kill the

process.  Handy for using it for things other than PinBall FX2
# If you want the program to stop when your named process stops then set this to 1.  If you want it to run in

the background all the time leave it as 0
# Set to 1 to output the game name to the log regardless of the DEBUG flag setting.  Set to 0 to simply

follow the DEBUG flag.
# Quite useful when you trying to get the FX2 window game name for setting game specific colours

# Sample setup to enable the Future Pinball Link.  Edit the LINK_ items to be your ports and settings.
# Use the line below if you need to extend the wait time for a FP table to load

# 0 = OFF (normal operation), 1 = ON - When ON a window will appear and a log file will be created in the EXE


Et voici le Log du Debug Mode ... on voit pourtant que les actions passent mais il n'y a pas d'effet en cours de jeu (a part un peu de flashers au début de la partie et un flasher blanc central pour les slingshots ... mais pas de contacteurs !!!)... il doit y avoir une couille dans le potage quelque part ! :

15-avr.-17 00:17:46.106 - DOF Linx for Pinball Emulators - DOFLinx by DDH69
15-avr.-17 00:17:46.122 - Starting up - version 4.22
15-avr.-17 00:17:46.137 - 2 LEDWiz device(s) found
15-avr.-17 00:17:46.137 - DOFLinx device: 1 Initializing as LEDWiz #1 with ID=0
15-avr.-17 00:17:46.137 - DOFLinx device:1 LEDWiz setup with 32 outputs
15-avr.-17 00:17:46.137 - DOFLinx device: 2 Initializing as LEDWiz #8 with ID=1
15-avr.-17 00:17:46.137 - DOFLinx device:2 LEDWiz setup with 32 outputs
15-avr.-17 00:17:46.137 - 0 FTDI (Sainsmart) device(s) found
15-avr.-17 00:17:46.137 - Reading DOFLinx.INI startup config file details
15-avr.-17 00:17:46.153 - Reading DOF config file
15-avr.-17 00:18:35.828 - Found valid process name of 'Pinball FX2'
15-avr.-17 00:18:35.830 - Setting FX2 process ID to :3844
15-avr.-17 00:18:37.831 - Activated by process name : 'Pinball FX2'
15-avr.-17 00:18:37.832 - Serching for FX2 game name
15-avr.-17 00:18:38.334 - FX2 window with game name found .... extracting from 'Pinball FX2 - Shaman'
15-avr.-17 00:18:38.336 - Game name = 'Shaman'
15-avr.-17 00:18:38.338 - Named process detected and startup commenced
15-avr.-17 00:18:38.342 - Loading FX2 configuration file G:\DirectOutput\FX2\Shaman.FX2
15-avr.-17 00:18:38.346 - Process has administration rights
15-avr.-17 00:18:38.358 - FX2 EXE name=G:\games\Pinball FX2\Pinball FX2.exe Size=9742848 bytes, Dated 27/01/2017 15:44:54
15-avr.-17 00:18:38.362 - Applying memory offsets for FX2 version circa 4/12/16
15-avr.-17 00:18:38.364 - FX2 full link active for game name=Shaman
15-avr.-17 00:18:38.371 - Building restricted colour palette for game name = Shaman
15-avr.-17 00:18:38.375 - Turning on fixed out Device=1 Output=1
15-avr.-17 00:18:38.378 - Turning on fixed out Device=1 Output=2
15-avr.-17 00:18:38.379 - Turning on fixed out Device=1 Output=3
15-avr.-17 00:18:38.381 - Turning on fixed out Device=1 Output=4
15-avr.-17 00:18:47.593 - GAMEMODE mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_COLOUR,BLACK,RGB_DF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:18:47.597 - GAMEMODE mode=1 action #1 of 'FF_FLASHER,DV_FLOL,FL_FD,6,750,50,RANDOM'
15-avr.-17 00:18:47.600 - GAMEMODE mode=1 action #2 of 'FF_FLASHER,DV_FLOR,FL_FD,6,750,50,RANDOM'
15-avr.-17 00:18:47.602 - GAMEMODE mode=1 action #3 of 'FF_FLASHER,DV_FLIL,FL_FD,6,750,50,RANDOM'
15-avr.-17 00:18:47.607 - GAMEMODE mode=1 action #4 of 'FF_FLASHER,DV_FLIR,FL_FD,6,750,50,RANDOM'
15-avr.-17 00:18:47.612 - GAMEMODE mode=1 action #5 of 'FF_FLASHER,DV_FLCN,FL_FD,6,750,50,RANDOM'
15-avr.-17 00:18:48.969 - LAUNCHMODE mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_BUTTON,BUT_LB,BA_FL,10000,500'
15-avr.-17 00:18:48.974 - There are no ON actions for LAUNCHBALL
15-avr.-17 00:18:48.999 - LAUNCHBALL mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_MR,-1'
15-avr.-17 00:18:49.003 - Link is turning on device #7 for 50 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:18:49.064 - Link is turning off device #7
15-avr.-17 00:18:51.428 - There are no ON actions for LAUNCHBALL
15-avr.-17 00:18:52.146 - LAUNCHBALL mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_MR,-1'
15-avr.-17 00:18:52.150 - Link is turning on device #7 for 50 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:18:52.209 - Link is turning off device #7
15-avr.-17 00:18:52.584 - LAUNCHMODE mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_BUTTON,BUT_LB,BA_OFF,0,0'
15-avr.-17 00:18:53.397 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:18:53.401 - Link is turning on device #1 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:18:53.675 - RIGHTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:18:53.679 - Link is turning on device #2 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:18:53.816 - RIGHTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:18:53.832 - Link is turning off device #2
15-avr.-17 00:18:53.883 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:18:53.893 - Link is turning off device #1
15-avr.-17 00:18:53.991 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:18:53.995 - Link is turning on device #1 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:18:54.735 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:18:54.755 - Link is turning off device #1
15-avr.-17 00:18:55.207 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:18:55.211 - Link is turning on device #1 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:18:55.487 - RIGHTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:18:55.493 - Link is turning on device #2 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:18:55.535 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:18:55.555 - Link is turning off device #1
15-avr.-17 00:18:55.647 - RIGHTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:18:55.656 - Link is turning off device #2
15-avr.-17 00:18:55.742 - BUMPER2 mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_BC,-1'
15-avr.-17 00:18:55.746 - Link is turning on device #9 for 50 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:18:55.750 - BUMPER3_FLASHER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_FLASHER,DV_FLIR,FL_ON,1,1,100,WHITE'
15-avr.-17 00:18:55.766 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:18:55.770 - Link is turning on device #1 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:18:55.800 - There are no OFF actions for BUMPER2
15-avr.-17 00:18:55.804 - Link is turning off device #9
15-avr.-17 00:18:55.893 - BUMPER3_FLASHER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_FLASHER,DV_FLIR,FL_OFF,1,1,100,WHITE'
15-avr.-17 00:18:56.223 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:18:56.233 - Link is turning off device #1
15-avr.-17 00:18:56.519 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:18:56.523 - Link is turning on device #1 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:18:56.710 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:18:56.716 - Link is turning off device #1
15-avr.-17 00:18:56.788 - RIGHTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:18:56.793 - Link is turning on device #2 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:18:57.157 - RIGHT_SLINGSHOT mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RS,-1'
15-avr.-17 00:18:57.161 - Link is turning on device #4 for 50 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:18:57.165 - RIGHT_SLINGSHOT_FLASHER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_FLASHER,DV_FLCN,FL_ON,1,1,100,WHITE'
15-avr.-17 00:18:57.169 - RIGHT_SLINGSHOT_FLASHER mode=1 action #1 of 'FF_COLOUR,WHITE,RGB_TT,200'
15-avr.-17 00:18:57.193 - There are no OFF actions for RIGHT_SLINGSHOT
15-avr.-17 00:18:57.223 - Link is turning off device #4
15-avr.-17 00:18:57.247 - RIGHT_SLINGSHOT_FLASHER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_FLASHER,DV_FLCN,FL_OFF,1,1,100,WHITE'
15-avr.-17 00:18:57.543 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:18:57.548 - Link is turning on device #1 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:18:57.730 - RIGHTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:18:57.748 - Link is turning off device #2
15-avr.-17 00:18:57.907 - RIGHT_SLINGSHOT mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RS,-1'
15-avr.-17 00:18:57.913 - Link is turning on device #4 for 50 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:18:57.917 - RIGHT_SLINGSHOT_FLASHER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_FLASHER,DV_FLCN,FL_ON,1,1,100,WHITE'
15-avr.-17 00:18:57.922 - RIGHT_SLINGSHOT_FLASHER mode=1 action #1 of 'FF_COLOUR,WHITE,RGB_TT,200'
15-avr.-17 00:18:57.959 - RIGHTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:18:57.964 - Link is turning on device #2 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:18:57.968 - There are no OFF actions for RIGHT_SLINGSHOT
15-avr.-17 00:18:57.972 - Link is turning off device #4
15-avr.-17 00:18:57.986 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:18:57.991 - Link is turning off device #1
15-avr.-17 00:18:58.028 - RIGHT_SLINGSHOT_FLASHER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_FLASHER,DV_FLCN,FL_OFF,1,1,100,WHITE'
15-avr.-17 00:18:58.237 - RIGHTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:18:58.241 - Link is turning off device #2
15-avr.-17 00:18:58.362 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:18:58.366 - Link is turning on device #1 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:18:59.545 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:18:59.549 - Link is turning off device #1
15-avr.-17 00:19:00.172 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:19:00.176 - Link is turning on device #1 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:19:00.588 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:19:00.595 - Link is turning off device #1
15-avr.-17 00:19:01.184 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:19:01.188 - Link is turning on device #1 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:19:01.404 - RIGHTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:19:01.410 - Link is turning on device #2 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:19:01.428 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:19:01.432 - Link is turning off device #1
15-avr.-17 00:19:01.667 - RIGHTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:19:01.672 - Link is turning off device #2
15-avr.-17 00:19:01.697 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:19:01.701 - Link is turning on device #1 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:19:02.057 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:19:02.062 - Link is turning off device #1
15-avr.-17 00:19:03.114 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:19:03.118 - Link is turning on device #1 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:19:03.273 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:19:03.278 - Link is turning off device #1
15-avr.-17 00:19:03.475 - RIGHTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:19:03.479 - Link is turning on device #2 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:19:03.753 - RIGHTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:19:03.757 - Link is turning off device #2
15-avr.-17 00:19:04.526 - RIGHTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:19:04.530 - Link is turning on device #2 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:19:04.676 - RIGHTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:19:04.680 - Link is turning off device #2
15-avr.-17 00:19:05.204 - RIGHTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:19:05.209 - Link is turning on device #2 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:19:05.224 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:19:05.228 - Link is turning on device #1 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:19:05.412 - RIGHTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:19:05.416 - Link is turning off device #2
15-avr.-17 00:19:05.471 - BUMPER3 mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_BC,-1'
15-avr.-17 00:19:05.475 - Link is turning on device #9 for 50 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:19:05.480 - BUMPER2_FLASHER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_FLASHER,DV_FLIL,FL_ON,1,1,100,WHITE'
15-avr.-17 00:19:05.537 - There are no OFF actions for BUMPER3
15-avr.-17 00:19:05.541 - Link is turning off device #9
15-avr.-17 00:19:05.645 - BUMPER2_FLASHER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_FLASHER,DV_FLIL,FL_OFF,1,1,100,WHITE'
15-avr.-17 00:19:06.014 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:19:06.018 - Link is turning off device #1
15-avr.-17 00:19:06.507 - RIGHTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:19:06.511 - Link is turning on device #2 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:19:06.685 - RIGHTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:19:06.701 - Link is turning off device #2
15-avr.-17 00:19:06.736 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:19:06.740 - Link is turning on device #1 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:19:06.927 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:19:06.935 - Link is turning off device #1
15-avr.-17 00:19:07.577 - RIGHTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:19:07.581 - Link is turning on device #2 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:19:07.752 - RIGHTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:19:07.762 - Link is turning off device #2
15-avr.-17 00:19:08.354 - RIGHTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:19:08.358 - Link is turning on device #2 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:19:08.495 - RIGHTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:19:08.515 - Link is turning off device #2
15-avr.-17 00:19:09.087 - BUMPER1 mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_BL,-1'
15-avr.-17 00:19:09.091 - Link is turning on device #8 for 50 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:19:09.096 - BUMPER4_FLASHER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_FLASHER,DV_FLOR,FL_ON,1,1,100,WHITE'
15-avr.-17 00:19:09.154 - There are no OFF actions for BUMPER1
15-avr.-17 00:19:09.158 - Link is turning off device #8
15-avr.-17 00:19:09.244 - BUMPER4_FLASHER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_FLASHER,DV_FLOR,FL_OFF,1,1,100,WHITE'
15-avr.-17 00:19:09.477 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:19:09.481 - Link is turning on device #1 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:19:09.497 - BUMPER1 mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_BL,-1'
15-avr.-17 00:19:09.501 - Link is turning on device #8 for 50 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:19:09.509 - BUMPER4_FLASHER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_FLASHER,DV_FLOR,FL_ON,1,1,100,WHITE'
15-avr.-17 00:19:09.547 - There are no OFF actions for BUMPER1
15-avr.-17 00:19:09.573 - Link is turning off device #8
15-avr.-17 00:19:09.668 - BUMPER4_FLASHER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_FLASHER,DV_FLOR,FL_OFF,1,1,100,WHITE'
15-avr.-17 00:19:09.760 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:19:09.764 - RIGHTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:19:09.769 - Link is turning on device #2 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:19:09.773 - Link is turning off device #1
15-avr.-17 00:19:09.885 - RIGHTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:19:09.899 - Link is turning off device #2
15-avr.-17 00:19:10.231 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:19:10.235 - Link is turning on device #1 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:19:10.450 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:19:10.460 - Link is turning off device #1
15-avr.-17 00:19:10.554 - RIGHTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:19:10.558 - Link is turning on device #2 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:19:10.699 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:19:10.703 - Link is turning on device #1 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:19:10.794 - RIGHTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:19:10.804 - Link is turning off device #2
15-avr.-17 00:19:11.400 - RIGHTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:19:11.405 - Link is turning on device #2 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:19:11.443 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:19:11.463 - Link is turning off device #1
15-avr.-17 00:19:12.180 - RIGHTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:19:12.192 - Link is turning off device #2
15-avr.-17 00:19:16.673 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:19:16.678 - Link is turning on device #1 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:19:17.231 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:19:17.235 - Link is turning off device #1
15-avr.-17 00:19:17.515 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:19:17.518 - Link is turning on device #1 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:19:17.785 - RIGHTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:19:17.789 - Link is turning on device #2 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:19:17.980 - RIGHTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:19:17.984 - Link is turning off device #2
15-avr.-17 00:19:18.012 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:19:18.016 - Link is turning off device #1
15-avr.-17 00:19:18.168 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:19:18.172 - Link is turning on device #1 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:19:18.394 - RIGHTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:19:18.398 - Link is turning on device #2 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:19:18.611 - RIGHTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:19:18.615 - Link is turning off device #2
15-avr.-17 00:19:18.687 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:19:18.691 - Link is turning off device #1
15-avr.-17 00:19:19.139 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:19:19.143 - Link is turning on device #1 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:19:19.861 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:19:19.865 - Link is turning off device #1
15-avr.-17 00:19:20.078 - RIGHTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:19:20.082 - Link is turning on device #2 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:19:20.243 - RIGHTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:19:20.247 - Link is turning off device #2
15-avr.-17 00:19:20.278 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:19:20.282 - Link is turning on device #1 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:19:20.494 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:19:20.498 - Link is turning off device #1
15-avr.-17 00:19:20.561 - RIGHTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:19:20.565 - Link is turning on device #2 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:19:20.713 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:19:20.716 - Link is turning on device #1 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:19:20.731 - RIGHTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:19:20.735 - Link is turning off device #2
15-avr.-17 00:19:20.932 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:19:20.936 - Link is turning off device #1
15-avr.-17 00:19:21.071 - RIGHTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:19:21.075 - Link is turning on device #2 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:19:21.230 - RIGHTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:19:21.234 - Link is turning off device #2
15-avr.-17 00:19:21.325 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:19:21.329 - Link is turning on device #1 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:19:21.541 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:19:21.546 - Link is turning off device #1
15-avr.-17 00:19:21.695 - RIGHTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:19:21.698 - Link is turning on device #2 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:19:21.858 - RIGHT_SLINGSHOT mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RS,-1'
15-avr.-17 00:19:21.862 - Link is turning on device #4 for 50 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:19:21.866 - RIGHT_SLINGSHOT_FLASHER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_FLASHER,DV_FLCN,FL_ON,1,1,100,WHITE'
15-avr.-17 00:19:21.871 - RIGHT_SLINGSHOT_FLASHER mode=1 action #1 of 'FF_COLOUR,WHITE,RGB_TT,200'
15-avr.-17 00:19:21.895 - There are no OFF actions for RIGHT_SLINGSHOT
15-avr.-17 00:19:21.927 - Link is turning off device #4
15-avr.-17 00:19:21.967 - RIGHT_SLINGSHOT_FLASHER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_FLASHER,DV_FLCN,FL_OFF,1,1,100,WHITE'
15-avr.-17 00:19:22.319 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:19:22.323 - Link is turning on device #1 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:19:22.397 - RIGHTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:19:22.401 - Link is turning off device #2
15-avr.-17 00:19:22.615 - RIGHT_SLINGSHOT mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RS,-1'
15-avr.-17 00:19:22.619 - Link is turning on device #4 for 50 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:19:22.633 - RIGHT_SLINGSHOT_FLASHER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_FLASHER,DV_FLCN,FL_ON,1,1,100,WHITE'
15-avr.-17 00:19:22.637 - RIGHT_SLINGSHOT_FLASHER mode=1 action #1 of 'FF_COLOUR,WHITE,RGB_TT,200'
15-avr.-17 00:19:22.661 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:19:22.665 - Link is turning off device #1
15-avr.-17 00:19:22.679 - There are no OFF actions for RIGHT_SLINGSHOT
15-avr.-17 00:19:22.683 - Link is turning off device #4
15-avr.-17 00:19:22.756 - RIGHT_SLINGSHOT_FLASHER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_FLASHER,DV_FLCN,FL_OFF,1,1,100,WHITE'
15-avr.-17 00:19:22.862 - RIGHTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:19:22.866 - Link is turning on device #2 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:19:23.023 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:19:23.029 - Link is turning on device #1 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:19:23.128 - RIGHTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:19:23.133 - Link is turning off device #2
15-avr.-17 00:19:23.464 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:19:23.468 - Link is turning off device #1
15-avr.-17 00:19:23.835 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:19:23.839 - Link is turning on device #1 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:19:24.220 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:19:24.240 - Link is turning off device #1
15-avr.-17 00:19:24.347 - RIGHTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:19:24.351 - Link is turning on device #2 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:19:24.491 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:19:24.496 - Link is turning on device #1 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:19:24.533 - RIGHTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:19:24.553 - Link is turning off device #2
15-avr.-17 00:19:24.864 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:19:24.878 - Link is turning off device #1
15-avr.-17 00:19:25.071 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:19:25.076 - Link is turning on device #1 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:19:25.428 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:19:25.438 - Link is turning off device #1
15-avr.-17 00:19:25.452 - RIGHTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:19:25.456 - Link is turning on device #2 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:19:25.627 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:19:25.631 - Link is turning on device #1 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:19:25.634 - RIGHTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:19:25.657 - Link is turning off device #2
15-avr.-17 00:19:25.829 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:19:25.847 - Link is turning off device #1
15-avr.-17 00:19:25.927 - RIGHTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:19:25.931 - Link is turning on device #2 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:19:26.203 - RIGHTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:19:26.218 - Link is turning off device #2
15-avr.-17 00:19:26.330 - RIGHT_SLINGSHOT mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RS,-1'
15-avr.-17 00:19:26.334 - Link is turning on device #4 for 50 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:19:26.348 - RIGHT_SLINGSHOT_FLASHER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_FLASHER,DV_FLCN,FL_ON,1,1,100,WHITE'
15-avr.-17 00:19:26.352 - RIGHT_SLINGSHOT_FLASHER mode=1 action #1 of 'FF_COLOUR,WHITE,RGB_TT,200'
15-avr.-17 00:19:26.378 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:19:26.382 - Link is turning on device #1 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:19:26.390 - Link is turning off device #4
15-avr.-17 00:19:26.410 - There are no OFF actions for RIGHT_SLINGSHOT
15-avr.-17 00:19:26.466 - RIGHT_SLINGSHOT_FLASHER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_FLASHER,DV_FLCN,FL_OFF,1,1,100,WHITE'
15-avr.-17 00:19:26.560 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:19:26.580 - Link is turning off device #1
15-avr.-17 00:19:26.957 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:19:26.961 - Link is turning on device #1 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:19:26.965 - LEFT_SLINGSHOT mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LS,-1'
15-avr.-17 00:19:26.970 - Link is turning on device #3 for 50 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:19:26.976 - LEFT_SLINGSHOT_FLASHER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_FLASHER,DV_FLCN,FL_ON,1,1,100,WHITE'
15-avr.-17 00:19:26.981 - LEFT_SLINGSHOT_FLASHER mode=1 action #1 of 'FF_COLOUR,WHITE,RGB_TT,200'
15-avr.-17 00:19:27.017 - There are no OFF actions for LEFT_SLINGSHOT
15-avr.-17 00:19:27.027 - Link is turning off device #3
15-avr.-17 00:19:27.126 - LEFT_SLINGSHOT_FLASHER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_FLASHER,DV_FLCN,FL_OFF,1,1,100,WHITE'
15-avr.-17 00:19:27.453 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:19:27.457 - RIGHT_SLINGSHOT mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RS,-1'
15-avr.-17 00:19:27.461 - Link is turning on device #4 for 50 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:19:27.465 - RIGHT_SLINGSHOT_FLASHER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_FLASHER,DV_FLCN,FL_ON,1,1,100,WHITE'
15-avr.-17 00:19:27.470 - RIGHT_SLINGSHOT_FLASHER mode=1 action #1 of 'FF_COLOUR,WHITE,RGB_TT,200'
15-avr.-17 00:19:27.476 - Link is turning off device #1
15-avr.-17 00:19:27.495 - RIGHTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:19:27.499 - Link is turning on device #2 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:19:27.513 - There are no OFF actions for RIGHT_SLINGSHOT
15-avr.-17 00:19:27.518 - Link is turning off device #4
15-avr.-17 00:19:27.579 - RIGHT_SLINGSHOT_FLASHER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_FLASHER,DV_FLCN,FL_OFF,1,1,100,WHITE'
15-avr.-17 00:19:27.687 - RIGHTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:19:27.701 - Link is turning off device #2
15-avr.-17 00:19:27.859 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:19:27.863 - Link is turning on device #1 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:19:28.171 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:19:28.186 - Link is turning off device #1
15-avr.-17 00:19:28.858 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:19:28.862 - Link is turning on device #1 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:19:29.570 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:19:29.586 - Link is turning off device #1
15-avr.-17 00:19:29.606 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:19:29.610 - Link is turning on device #1 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:19:29.795 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:19:29.805 - Link is turning off device #1
15-avr.-17 00:19:29.934 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:19:29.939 - Link is turning on device #1 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:19:29.984 - RIGHT_SLINGSHOT mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RS,-1'
15-avr.-17 00:19:29.988 - Link is turning on device #4 for 50 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:19:30.011 - RIGHT_SLINGSHOT_FLASHER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_FLASHER,DV_FLCN,FL_ON,1,1,100,WHITE'
15-avr.-17 00:19:30.015 - RIGHT_SLINGSHOT_FLASHER mode=1 action #1 of 'FF_COLOUR,WHITE,RGB_TT,200'
15-avr.-17 00:19:30.059 - There are no OFF actions for RIGHT_SLINGSHOT
15-avr.-17 00:19:30.063 - Link is turning off device #4
15-avr.-17 00:19:30.120 - RIGHT_SLINGSHOT_FLASHER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_FLASHER,DV_FLCN,FL_OFF,1,1,100,WHITE'
15-avr.-17 00:19:30.211 - RIGHTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:19:30.215 - Link is turning on device #2 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:19:30.231 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:19:30.249 - Link is turning off device #1
15-avr.-17 00:19:30.417 - RIGHTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:19:30.432 - Link is turning off device #2
15-avr.-17 00:19:30.462 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:19:30.466 - Link is turning on device #1 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:19:30.920 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:19:30.930 - Link is turning off device #1
15-avr.-17 00:19:31.354 - RIGHT_SLINGSHOT mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RS,-1'
15-avr.-17 00:19:31.358 - Link is turning on device #4 for 50 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:19:31.364 - RIGHT_SLINGSHOT_FLASHER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_FLASHER,DV_FLCN,FL_ON,1,1,100,WHITE'
15-avr.-17 00:19:31.368 - RIGHT_SLINGSHOT_FLASHER mode=1 action #1 of 'FF_COLOUR,WHITE,RGB_TT,200'
15-avr.-17 00:19:31.382 - RIGHTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:19:31.386 - Link is turning on device #2 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:19:31.395 - There are no OFF actions for RIGHT_SLINGSHOT
15-avr.-17 00:19:31.415 - Link is turning off device #4
15-avr.-17 00:19:31.465 - RIGHT_SLINGSHOT_FLASHER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_FLASHER,DV_FLCN,FL_OFF,1,1,100,WHITE'
15-avr.-17 00:19:31.680 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:19:31.684 - Link is turning on device #1 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:19:31.712 - RIGHTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:19:31.724 - Link is turning off device #2
15-avr.-17 00:19:32.911 - RIGHTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:19:32.915 - Link is turning on device #2 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:19:32.996 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:19:33.000 - Link is turning off device #1
15-avr.-17 00:19:33.206 - RIGHTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:19:33.212 - Link is turning off device #2
15-avr.-17 00:19:33.261 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:19:33.265 - Link is turning on device #1 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:19:33.679 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:19:33.683 - Link is turning off device #1
15-avr.-17 00:19:33.710 - RIGHTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:19:33.714 - Link is turning on device #2 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:19:33.956 - RIGHTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:19:33.961 - Link is turning off device #2
15-avr.-17 00:19:34.081 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:19:34.085 - Link is turning on device #1 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:19:34.251 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:19:34.255 - Link is turning off device #1
15-avr.-17 00:19:34.502 - RIGHTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:19:34.506 - Link is turning on device #2 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:19:34.598 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:19:34.603 - Link is turning on device #1 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:19:34.690 - RIGHTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:19:34.694 - Link is turning off device #2
15-avr.-17 00:19:36.408 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:19:36.412 - Link is turning off device #1
15-avr.-17 00:19:36.678 - RIGHTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:19:36.681 - Link is turning on device #2 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:19:36.750 - RIGHTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:19:36.753 - Link is turning off device #2
15-avr.-17 00:19:44.040 - LAUNCHMODE mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_BUTTON,BUT_LB,BA_FL,10000,500'
15-avr.-17 00:19:53.227 - There are no ON actions for LAUNCHBALL
15-avr.-17 00:19:53.231 - RIGHTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:19:53.236 - Link is turning on device #2 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:19:53.583 - LAUNCHBALL mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_MR,-1'
15-avr.-17 00:19:53.587 - Link is turning on device #7 for 50 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:19:53.598 - RIGHTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:19:53.602 - Link is turning off device #2
15-avr.-17 00:19:53.618 - There are no ON actions for LAUNCHBALL
15-avr.-17 00:19:53.622 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:19:53.626 - Link is turning on device #1 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:19:53.651 - Link is turning off device #7
15-avr.-17 00:19:53.864 - LAUNCHBALL mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_MR,-1'
15-avr.-17 00:19:53.869 - Link is turning on device #7 for 50 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:19:53.899 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:19:53.903 - Link is turning off device #1
15-avr.-17 00:19:53.928 - Link is turning off device #7
15-avr.-17 00:19:54.515 - There are no ON actions for LAUNCHBALL
15-avr.-17 00:19:55.210 - LAUNCHBALL mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_MR,-1'
15-avr.-17 00:19:55.214 - Link is turning on device #7 for 50 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:19:55.268 - Link is turning off device #7
15-avr.-17 00:19:55.657 - LAUNCHMODE mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_BUTTON,BUT_LB,BA_OFF,0,0'
15-avr.-17 00:19:55.967 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:19:55.970 - Link is turning on device #1 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:19:56.222 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:19:56.226 - Link is turning off device #1
15-avr.-17 00:19:56.488 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:19:56.492 - Link is turning on device #1 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:19:56.844 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:19:56.847 - Link is turning off device #1
15-avr.-17 00:19:57.033 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:19:57.037 - Link is turning on device #1 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:19:57.638 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:19:57.642 - Link is turning off device #1
15-avr.-17 00:19:58.135 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:19:58.138 - Link is turning on device #1 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:19:58.680 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:19:58.683 - Link is turning off device #1
15-avr.-17 00:19:59.101 - RIGHTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:19:59.105 - Link is turning on device #2 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:19:59.313 - RIGHTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:19:59.322 - Link is turning off device #2
15-avr.-17 00:19:59.430 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:19:59.435 - Link is turning on device #1 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:19:59.635 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:19:59.655 - Link is turning off device #1
15-avr.-17 00:19:59.881 - RIGHTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:19:59.885 - Link is turning on device #2 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:20:00.103 - RIGHTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:20:00.115 - Link is turning off device #2
15-avr.-17 00:20:00.133 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:20:00.137 - Link is turning on device #1 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:20:00.759 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:20:00.771 - Link is turning off device #1
15-avr.-17 00:20:00.885 - RIGHTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:20:00.888 - Link is turning on device #2 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:20:01.433 - RIGHTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:20:01.447 - Link is turning off device #2
15-avr.-17 00:20:01.477 - RIGHT_SLINGSHOT mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RS,-1'
15-avr.-17 00:20:01.481 - Link is turning on device #4 for 50 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:20:01.484 - RIGHT_SLINGSHOT_FLASHER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_FLASHER,DV_FLCN,FL_ON,1,1,100,WHITE'
15-avr.-17 00:20:01.488 - RIGHT_SLINGSHOT_FLASHER mode=1 action #1 of 'FF_COLOUR,WHITE,RGB_TT,200'
15-avr.-17 00:20:01.527 - There are no OFF actions for RIGHT_SLINGSHOT
15-avr.-17 00:20:01.536 - Link is turning off device #4
15-avr.-17 00:20:01.589 - RIGHT_SLINGSHOT_FLASHER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_FLASHER,DV_FLCN,FL_OFF,1,1,100,WHITE'
15-avr.-17 00:20:01.949 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:20:01.953 - Link is turning on device #1 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:20:02.011 - LEFT_SLINGSHOT mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LS,-1'
15-avr.-17 00:20:02.015 - Link is turning on device #3 for 50 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:20:02.019 - LEFT_SLINGSHOT_FLASHER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_FLASHER,DV_FLCN,FL_ON,1,1,100,WHITE'
15-avr.-17 00:20:02.023 - LEFT_SLINGSHOT_FLASHER mode=1 action #1 of 'FF_COLOUR,WHITE,RGB_TT,200'
15-avr.-17 00:20:02.058 - There are no OFF actions for LEFT_SLINGSHOT
15-avr.-17 00:20:02.085 - Link is turning off device #3
15-avr.-17 00:20:02.161 - LEFT_SLINGSHOT_FLASHER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_FLASHER,DV_FLCN,FL_OFF,1,1,100,WHITE'
15-avr.-17 00:20:02.380 - RIGHT_SLINGSHOT mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RS,-1'
15-avr.-17 00:20:02.384 - Link is turning on device #4 for 50 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:20:02.400 - RIGHT_SLINGSHOT_FLASHER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_FLASHER,DV_FLCN,FL_ON,1,1,100,WHITE'
15-avr.-17 00:20:02.405 - RIGHT_SLINGSHOT_FLASHER mode=1 action #1 of 'FF_COLOUR,WHITE,RGB_TT,200'
15-avr.-17 00:20:02.443 - There are no OFF actions for RIGHT_SLINGSHOT
15-avr.-17 00:20:02.447 - Link is turning off device #4
15-avr.-17 00:20:02.506 - RIGHT_SLINGSHOT_FLASHER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_FLASHER,DV_FLCN,FL_OFF,1,1,100,WHITE'
15-avr.-17 00:20:02.627 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:20:02.642 - Link is turning off device #1
15-avr.-17 00:20:02.845 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:20:02.849 - Link is turning on device #1 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:20:03.157 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:20:03.177 - Link is turning off device #1
15-avr.-17 00:20:04.251 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:20:04.256 - Link is turning on device #1 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:20:04.782 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:20:04.802 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:20:04.806 - Link is turning on device #1 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:20:04.829 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:20:04.849 - Link is turning off device #1
15-avr.-17 00:20:05.548 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:20:05.553 - Link is turning on device #1 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:20:06.051 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:20:06.061 - Link is turning off device #1
15-avr.-17 00:20:06.074 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:20:06.079 - Link is turning on device #1 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:20:06.094 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:20:06.114 - Link is turning off device #1
15-avr.-17 00:20:06.907 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:20:06.912 - Link is turning on device #1 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:20:07.485 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:20:07.495 - Link is turning off device #1
15-avr.-17 00:20:09.716 - RIGHTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:20:09.720 - Link is turning on device #2 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:20:10.024 - RIGHTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:20:10.029 - Link is turning off device #2
15-avr.-17 00:20:10.044 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:20:10.047 - Link is turning on device #1 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:20:10.468 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:20:10.472 - Link is turning off device #1
15-avr.-17 00:20:11.477 - RIGHTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:20:11.481 - Link is turning on device #2 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:20:11.541 - LEFT_SLINGSHOT mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LS,-1'
15-avr.-17 00:20:11.547 - Link is turning on device #3 for 50 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:20:11.551 - LEFT_SLINGSHOT_FLASHER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_FLASHER,DV_FLCN,FL_ON,1,1,100,WHITE'
15-avr.-17 00:20:11.556 - LEFT_SLINGSHOT_FLASHER mode=1 action #1 of 'FF_COLOUR,WHITE,RGB_TT,200'
15-avr.-17 00:20:11.586 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:20:11.590 - Link is turning on device #1 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:20:11.594 - There are no OFF actions for LEFT_SLINGSHOT
15-avr.-17 00:20:11.618 - Link is turning off device #3
15-avr.-17 00:20:11.648 - RIGHTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:20:11.652 - Link is turning off device #2
15-avr.-17 00:20:11.711 - LEFT_SLINGSHOT_FLASHER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_FLASHER,DV_FLCN,FL_OFF,1,1,100,WHITE'
15-avr.-17 00:20:11.849 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:20:11.854 - Link is turning off device #1
15-avr.-17 00:20:11.869 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:20:11.873 - Link is turning on device #1 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:20:11.878 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:20:11.882 - Link is turning off device #1
15-avr.-17 00:20:12.817 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:20:12.822 - Link is turning on device #1 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:20:13.111 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:20:13.115 - Link is turning off device #1
15-avr.-17 00:20:13.129 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:20:13.133 - Link is turning on device #1 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:20:13.163 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:20:13.167 - Link is turning off device #1
15-avr.-17 00:20:14.253 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:20:14.257 - Link is turning on device #1 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:20:14.851 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:20:14.856 - Link is turning off device #1
15-avr.-17 00:20:15.392 - RIGHTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:20:15.398 - Link is turning on device #2 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:20:16.201 - RIGHTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:20:16.205 - Link is turning off device #2
15-avr.-17 00:20:16.563 - RIGHTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:20:16.567 - Link is turning on device #2 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:20:17.517 - RIGHTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:20:17.527 - Link is turning off device #2
15-avr.-17 00:20:18.123 - RIGHTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:20:18.129 - Link is turning on device #2 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:20:18.368 - RIGHTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:20:18.372 - Link is turning off device #2
15-avr.-17 00:20:18.577 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:20:18.581 - Link is turning on device #1 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:20:18.963 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:20:18.983 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:20:18.988 - Link is turning on device #1 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:20:19.007 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:20:19.028 - Link is turning off device #1
15-avr.-17 00:20:19.945 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:20:19.949 - Link is turning on device #1 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:20:20.102 - RIGHTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:20:20.106 - Link is turning on device #2 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:20:20.132 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:20:20.150 - Link is turning off device #1
15-avr.-17 00:20:20.256 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:20:20.261 - Link is turning on device #1 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:20:20.264 - RIGHTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:20:20.271 - Link is turning off device #2
15-avr.-17 00:20:20.396 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:20:20.411 - Link is turning off device #1
15-avr.-17 00:20:20.825 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:20:20.829 - Link is turning on device #1 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:20:20.975 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:20:20.980 - RIGHTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:20:20.984 - Link is turning on device #2 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:20:20.990 - Link is turning off device #1
15-avr.-17 00:20:21.133 - RIGHTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:20:21.137 - Link is turning off device #2
15-avr.-17 00:20:24.156 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:20:24.160 - Link is turning on device #1 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:20:24.862 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:20:24.872 - Link is turning off device #1
15-avr.-17 00:20:25.595 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:20:25.599 - Link is turning on device #1 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:20:26.264 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:20:26.268 - Link is turning off device #1
15-avr.-17 00:20:27.094 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:20:27.098 - Link is turning on device #1 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:20:27.846 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:20:27.850 - Link is turning off device #1
15-avr.-17 00:20:28.495 - RIGHTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:20:28.499 - Link is turning on device #2 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:20:28.727 - RIGHTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:20:28.731 - Link is turning off device #2
15-avr.-17 00:20:29.011 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:20:29.015 - Link is turning on device #1 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:20:29.259 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:20:29.263 - Link is turning off device #1
15-avr.-17 00:20:29.913 - RIGHTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:20:29.917 - Link is turning on device #2 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:20:30.131 - RIGHTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:20:30.135 - Link is turning off device #2
15-avr.-17 00:20:30.349 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:20:30.353 - Link is turning on device #1 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:20:30.699 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:20:30.702 - Link is turning off device #1
15-avr.-17 00:20:31.667 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:20:31.670 - Link is turning on device #1 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:20:32.181 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:20:32.185 - Link is turning off device #1
15-avr.-17 00:20:33.769 - RIGHTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:20:33.772 - Link is turning on device #2 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:20:33.974 - RIGHTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:20:33.979 - Link is turning off device #2
15-avr.-17 00:20:34.004 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:20:34.007 - Link is turning on device #1 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:20:34.132 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:20:34.141 - Link is turning off device #1
15-avr.-17 00:20:34.161 - RIGHTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:20:34.165 - Link is turning on device #2 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:20:34.335 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:20:34.339 - Link is turning on device #1 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:20:34.364 - RIGHTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:20:34.368 - Link is turning off device #2
15-avr.-17 00:20:34.489 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:20:34.499 - Link is turning off device #1
15-avr.-17 00:20:36.659 - RIGHTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:20:36.664 - Link is turning on device #2 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:20:36.840 - RIGHTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:20:36.855 - Link is turning off device #2
15-avr.-17 00:20:37.437 - RIGHTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:20:37.440 - Link is turning on device #2 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:20:37.497 - LEFT_SLINGSHOT mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LS,-1'
15-avr.-17 00:20:37.500 - Link is turning on device #3 for 50 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:20:37.517 - LEFT_SLINGSHOT_FLASHER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_FLASHER,DV_FLCN,FL_ON,1,1,100,WHITE'
15-avr.-17 00:20:37.521 - LEFT_SLINGSHOT_FLASHER mode=1 action #1 of 'FF_COLOUR,WHITE,RGB_TT,200'
15-avr.-17 00:20:37.561 - There are no OFF actions for LEFT_SLINGSHOT
15-avr.-17 00:20:37.565 - Link is turning off device #3
15-avr.-17 00:20:37.589 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:20:37.593 - Link is turning on device #1 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:20:37.665 - LEFT_SLINGSHOT_FLASHER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_FLASHER,DV_FLCN,FL_OFF,1,1,100,WHITE'
15-avr.-17 00:20:37.698 - RIGHTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:20:37.718 - Link is turning off device #2
15-avr.-17 00:20:38.454 - RIGHTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:20:38.458 - Link is turning on device #2 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:20:38.601 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:20:38.621 - Link is turning off device #1
15-avr.-17 00:20:38.711 - RIGHTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:20:38.725 - Link is turning off device #2
15-avr.-17 00:20:39.880 - RIGHTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:20:39.884 - Link is turning on device #2 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:20:40.166 - RIGHTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:20:40.176 - Link is turning off device #2
15-avr.-17 00:20:41.915 - RIGHTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:20:41.919 - Link is turning on device #2 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:20:42.204 - RIGHTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:20:42.224 - Link is turning off device #2
15-avr.-17 00:20:42.517 - RIGHTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:20:42.521 - Link is turning on device #2 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:20:42.735 - RIGHTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:20:42.756 - Link is turning off device #2
15-avr.-17 00:20:42.774 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:20:42.778 - Link is turning on device #1 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:20:43.281 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:20:43.285 - Link is turning off device #1
15-avr.-17 00:20:43.707 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:20:43.713 - Link is turning on device #1 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:20:44.613 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:20:44.617 - Link is turning off device #1
15-avr.-17 00:20:44.953 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:20:44.957 - Link is turning on device #1 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:20:44.982 - RIGHTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:20:44.986 - Link is turning on device #2 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:20:45.154 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:20:45.158 - Link is turning off device #1
15-avr.-17 00:20:45.188 - RIGHTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:20:45.192 - Link is turning off device #2
15-avr.-17 00:20:46.869 - RIGHTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:20:46.873 - Link is turning on device #2 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:20:47.041 - RIGHTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_RF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:20:47.047 - Link is turning off device #2
15-avr.-17 00:20:47.112 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,10000'
15-avr.-17 00:20:47.116 - Link is turning on device #1 for 10000 milliseconds
15-avr.-17 00:20:47.265 - LEFTFLIPPER mode=2 action #0 of 'FF_DEV,DV_LF,0'
15-avr.-17 00:20:47.268 - Link is turning off device #1
15-avr.-17 00:20:51.644 - SCOREMODE mode=1 action #0 of 'FF_FLASHER,DV_FLOL,FL_OFF,1,1,100,RANDOM'
15-avr.-17 00:20:51.648 - SCOREMODE mode=1 action #1 of 'FF_FLASHER,DV_FLIL,FL_OFF,1,1,100,RANDOM'
15-avr.-17 00:20:51.652 - SCOREMODE mode=1 action #2 of 'FF_FLASHER,DV_FLCN,FL_OFF,1,1,100,RANDOM'
15-avr.-17 00:20:51.657 - SCOREMODE mode=1 action #3 of 'FF_FLASHER,DV_FLIR,FL_OFF,1,1,100,RANDOM'
15-avr.-17 00:20:51.661 - SCOREMODE mode=1 action #4 of 'FF_FLASHER,DV_FLOR,FL_OFF,1,1,100,RANDOM'
15-avr.-17 00:20:51.665 - SCOREMODE mode=1 action #5 of 'FF_DEV,DV_SR,0'
15-avr.-17 00:20:51.669 - SCOREMODE mode=1 action #6 of 'FF_DEV,DV_BK,0'
15-avr.-17 00:20:51.673 - Link is turning off device #21
15-avr.-17 00:20:51.752 - Processing incoming message - GAME_NAME=
15-avr.-17 00:20:51.757 - Processing parameter 'GAME_NAME' with data '' in real-time
15-avr.-17 00:20:53.752 - There are no OFF actions for GAMEMODE
15-avr.-17 00:20:53.759 - There are no OFF actions for SCOREMODE
15-avr.-17 00:20:53.767 - Activating process disappeared so stopping things

Dernière édition par peskopat le Sam 15 Avr 2017 - 6:50, édité 1 fois (Raison : correction)
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[TUTO] DOFlinx  - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [TUTO] DOFlinx    [TUTO] DOFlinx  - Page 4 EmptySam 15 Avr 2017 - 6:51

[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien] j'ai transformé des citations en code parce que c'était vraiment trop trop long sinon [TUTO] DOFlinx  - Page 4 3746298195

Ventes : [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien] [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir cette image] Contacteurs Siemens 24vdc

Mon monde : [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien] , [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien] , [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]
Mon groupe Discord : Flipper Homemade
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[TUTO] DOFlinx  - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [TUTO] DOFlinx    [TUTO] DOFlinx  - Page 4 EmptySam 15 Avr 2017 - 9:21

[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien] : rire ... en fait, j'ai cherché hier soir comment faire la même chose ... et je n'avais pas trouvé !!!  [TUTO] DOFlinx  - Page 4 773715342 [TUTO] DOFlinx  - Page 4 3272359583 

Donc je me suis dis (véridique !!!) : "bahhh c'est tellement long que il y a bien un admin qui va passer par là et me changer çà !!!" ... et tu l'as fait ! [TUTO] DOFlinx  - Page 4 1920903367 [TUTO] DOFlinx  - Page 4 3523330250 [TUTO] DOFlinx  - Page 4 2833380491 

Non, plus sérieusement drz  et encore merci , c'est quand même plus sympa comme çà !
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[TUTO] DOFlinx  - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [TUTO] DOFlinx    [TUTO] DOFlinx  - Page 4 EmptySam 15 Avr 2017 - 9:36

[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien] verifie tes parametres encore une fois Smile
notemment tu as des trucs en double du genre : 

C'est normal ?
Au pire, pour tester, tu commentes toutes les lignes LINK_ sauf les contacteurs, tu test, tu ajoute des trucs, tu tests, ...
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[TUTO] DOFlinx  - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [TUTO] DOFlinx    [TUTO] DOFlinx  - Page 4 EmptySam 15 Avr 2017 - 9:42

[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien] : Merci de ton aide ... pour répondre à ta question, oui c'est normal car je dispose dans mon pincab d'une ancienne configuration à 8 contacteurs donc j'ai concentré toutes les contacteurs back sur le seul port 12 (bumper back) de ma config !

Même les contacteurs de flipper ne fonctionnent pas ... c'est bizarre non ? pourtant, je sens qu'on est pas loin de la solution car contrairement à avant, il se passe des choses dans le debug log

Voici ma config DOF :

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[TUTO] DOFlinx  - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [TUTO] DOFlinx    [TUTO] DOFlinx  - Page 4 EmptySam 15 Avr 2017 - 10:07

Essai de decommenter : 

Tu lance doflink.exe, puis pinball fx2

Tu peux aussi ajouter : 

Tu as bien les lignes tables color a la fin du .ini ?
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[TUTO] DOFlinx  - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [TUTO] DOFlinx    [TUTO] DOFlinx  - Page 4 EmptySam 15 Avr 2017 - 10:56

[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien] : j'ai testé la table shaman pour voir, j'ai a priori les même chose que toi dasn le debug.

question con : est-ce que le doflinx marche en mode minimal chez toi ? pour vérifier, tu appuies sur les flips pendant le chargement de la table (pinballfx2 est dejà chargé, donc le mode minimal est actif)

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[TUTO] DOFlinx  - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [TUTO] DOFlinx    [TUTO] DOFlinx  - Page 4 EmptySam 15 Avr 2017 - 11:29

J'ai testé hier soir la version que tu m'as envoyée [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien] et ça fonctionne toujours en minimal je n'ai que les contacteur des batteurs et en plus le DMD qui est censé être caché passe par-dessus le backglass
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[TUTO] DOFlinx  - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [TUTO] DOFlinx    [TUTO] DOFlinx  - Page 4 EmptySam 15 Avr 2017 - 12:47

Tu peux mettre ton doflinx en mode debug please.

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[TUTO] DOFlinx  - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [TUTO] DOFlinx    [TUTO] DOFlinx  - Page 4 EmptySam 15 Avr 2017 - 13:49

# The config file for DOFLinx
# A mad idea by DDH69 to have some flipper sounds, RGB display and turn buttons on when playing Pinball FX2 via Steam
# Its grown a lot since that silly start!
# Note - this works with LEDWiz, PacLed64, KL25Z and Sainsmart (FTDI devices)
# Edit this file as you see fit, lines that start with a hash (#) or are blank are not processed.  This blurb and comments can be cut out if you want.
# Output devices outputs are entered in the format of
# device (D) and output number (#) in the format D##, so controller device 1 and output 3 is "103" without the quotes, controller board 2 output 23 is "223" without quotes

# location of your standard DOF outut configuration file.  Keep this as the first item in the file

# If you want to list the processes that will wake up DOFLinx, comment it out if you just want Pinball FX2
#PROCESSES=Pinball FX2,Future Pinball,VPinball_9_9_1,VPPhysMod5

# Which DOF Controller output for the flipper solenoids / contactors
# The keyboard hex code for the key that is used for each flipper from
# Left Shift = A0, Right Shift = A1
# Just in case things go wrong (ie no keyup signal is detected, flipper held down for a long time), what is the maximum time a flipper solenoid / contactor can be in in milliseconds
# What LEDWiz output(s) are used for RGB devices.  Just enter the Red output number.  Multiples can be entered seperated by a comma
# Rainbow - cycle through the colours, Random - pick a random next colour, A colour name as it appears in the DirectOutputConfig.ini file
# What changes the colour?  Time - set time period, Flipper = flipper press after the RGB_TRIGGER minimum time (to stop rapid colour changes)
# Dependent on trigger selection the period between changes or the minimum time for change between flipper flips
# The button(s) to turn on when DOFLinx starts, ie the exit button LED
BUTTONS_ON=225 226 227 228 229
# Make the "1" (31) key (Start in VP) pulse LEDWiz 120 and "4" (34) to pulse controller/output 121
KEY_TO_OUTPUT=32 132 35 221 36 213
# Set a key to turn on a specific colour for your RGB.  The line below makes the Left Control (A2) and the Right Control (A3) turn my undercab RGB strip red.
# In Pinball FX2 this means when I nudge it all goes red.
KEY_TO_COLOUR=A2 222 Red A3 222 Red
# Setting FORCE_ACTIVE=1 will cause DOFFX2 to not listen for processes and just run until you kill the process.  Handy for using it for things other than PinBall FX2
# If you want the program to stop when your named process stops then set this to 1.  If you want it to run in the background all the time leave it as 0
# Set to 1 to output the game name to the log regardless of the DEBUG flag setting.  Set to 0 to simply follow the DEBUG flag.
# Quite useful when you trying to get the FX2 window game name for setting game specific colours

# Sample setup to enable the Future Pinball Link.  Edit the LINK_ items to be your ports and settings.
# Use the line below if you need to extend the wait time for a FP table to load

# 0 = OFF (normal operation), 1 = ON - When ON a window will appear and a log file will be created in the EXE directory.

# Game specific colours in the formnat of a CSV of Game Name,Colour#1,Colour#2 - colours as they appear in your directoutputconfig
# Thanks to Vizzini here is a great starting list for Pinball FX2
GAME_COLOUR=TheInfinity Gauntlet,Dark_Red,Blue,Gold,Dark_Violet,Orange,Dodger_Blue,Lime
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[TUTO] DOFlinx  - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [TUTO] DOFlinx    [TUTO] DOFlinx  - Page 4 EmptySam 15 Avr 2017 - 15:04

Passe la variable DEBUG a 1, tu lances doflink.exe, tu le deplace sur un autre ecran, et tu lances PBX2 pour voir si y'a pas d'erreur dans les logs.
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[TUTO] DOFlinx  - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [TUTO] DOFlinx    [TUTO] DOFlinx  - Page 4 EmptySam 15 Avr 2017 - 15:47

probleme du dmd reglé je l ai mis sur un l ecran playfield du coup maintenant il est bien caché Smile
j ai aussi passé le DEBUG sur 1 alors je n obtiens pas d erreur mais le probleme reste le meme je suis toujours en config minimal pour les toys 
vous lancez le jeux avec le launcher ou l exe pbfx2 ?
j ai testé avec les 2 mais ça ne change rien
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[TUTO] DOFlinx  - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [TUTO] DOFlinx    [TUTO] DOFlinx  - Page 4 EmptySam 15 Avr 2017 - 17:49

Copie nous ton fichier doflink.log qui est dans le même répertoire que doflink.exe
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[TUTO] DOFlinx  - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [TUTO] DOFlinx    [TUTO] DOFlinx  - Page 4 EmptySam 15 Avr 2017 - 18:27

çà se confirme !!! ... tout semble bien se passer dans le log ! ... mais rien dans la réalité ... un truc à rendre fou !

Est ce qu'un membre chez qui çà tourne réellement en fulldof sur PinbalFX2 skid... pourrait nous faire une vidéo pour se rendre compte de ce que l'on rate !!! lol!

EDIT [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien] : je ne fonctionne pas non plus en minimal (pas de contacteurs pour les flippers) ... Par contre, je constate que la partie flashers semble fonctionner avec les tables FX2 pour certains événements ... mais pas les contacteurs

Je viens de tester en mode FAKE ON output par output ... effectivement seuls les flashers fonctionnent (et aussi le shaker) ... tout le reste NADA ... alors que çà fonctionne parfaitement sous VP10 bien sur !!!
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[TUTO] DOFlinx  - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [TUTO] DOFlinx    [TUTO] DOFlinx  - Page 4 EmptySam 15 Avr 2017 - 19:40

Je croyais que cela fonctionnait uniquement avec une version originale de FX2 !!!
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[TUTO] DOFlinx  - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [TUTO] DOFlinx    [TUTO] DOFlinx  - Page 4 EmptySam 15 Avr 2017 - 19:44

Moi aussi Phillip50, mais Kakou semble nous signaler le contraire !!! [TUTO] DOFlinx  - Page 4 3746298195 

J'attends maintenant une vidéo "proof of concept" [TUTO] DOFlinx  - Page 4 773715342 ... avant de continuer à m'arracher les cheveux !!! lol!

EDIT  [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien] : tu gagneras toute ma considération !!! rire

Dernière édition par grozby88 le Sam 15 Avr 2017 - 21:01, édité 1 fois
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[TUTO] DOFlinx  - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [TUTO] DOFlinx    [TUTO] DOFlinx  - Page 4 EmptySam 15 Avr 2017 - 20:09

J'attends que ca upload avec ma connexion de campagne sur youtube. Mais t'inquiete moi, je me suis arraché le peu de cheveux qu'il me reste pendant 1 semaine, pour me rendre compte que c'etait ma version de PBX2 qui n'etait pas compatible avec doflinx

Par contre on gagne quoi si le POC fonctionne ?

@pihlip50 on te ne diras jamais qu'une version illégale gratuite fonctionne correctement, comme on te dira jamais que Linux (gratuit) est mieux que que windows (alors que 80% des téléphone fonctionne avec)

voici une première video [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien] une petite  A la tienne alors :

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[TUTO] DOFlinx  - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [TUTO] DOFlinx    [TUTO] DOFlinx  - Page 4 EmptySam 15 Avr 2017 - 23:15

tu as les contacteurs des bateur mais est ce que ceux des slingshot et des bumper fonctionne ???
car on ne se rend pas compte sur ta video
je te poste mon log des que possible  [TUTO] DOFlinx  - Page 4 3253257302
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[TUTO] DOFlinx  - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [TUTO] DOFlinx    [TUTO] DOFlinx  - Page 4 EmptySam 15 Avr 2017 - 23:33

ahh noooonn les gars, je vais être obligé de me repencher sur la question, maintenant que je sais que ça peut marcher avec une version sk...

pffff c'est malin !  [TUTO] DOFlinx  - Page 4 773715342
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[TUTO] DOFlinx  - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [TUTO] DOFlinx    [TUTO] DOFlinx  - Page 4 EmptySam 15 Avr 2017 - 23:43

Une petite vidéo pour convaincre les derniers sceptiques  rire
Oui, les contacteurs fonctionnent avec les bumpers et les slingshots  [TUTO] DOFlinx  - Page 4 3253257302

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[TUTO] DOFlinx  - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [TUTO] DOFlinx    [TUTO] DOFlinx  - Page 4 EmptyDim 16 Avr 2017 - 1:16

Bon, après de nouvelles investigations, je viens de me rendre compte qu'en fait je n'ai pas de contacteur non plus sur les tables visual pinballX (la faute au kit d'enceintes rajoutés dans la caisse çà couvre les contacteurs et donc je ne me suis rendu compte de rien !!!) ... donc, je m'oriente vers une panne matérielle de la carte Zeboards de Zebulon !!! oupppssss  [TUTO] DOFlinx  - Page 4 3746298195

Il va falloir que je creuse tout çà ! [TUTO] DOFlinx  - Page 4 773715342

Je vous tiens au courant [TUTO] DOFlinx  - Page 4 3253257302 et encore  merci

EDIT  : donc les ports 1 à 16 sont H.S. ... ce qui signifie que tout le côté gauche de la ledwiz a dégagé ! mon problème de knocker (bobine collée) a eu visiblement plus de répercussions que je pensais !!!

Un membre du forum saurait il tester et changer les ULN sur ma Ledwiz si je lui envoie ??? (je pensait à Peskopat en particulier ?) en attendant, je pense commander une LEDWIZ de secours pour voir ce qui se passe !

Dernière édition par grozby88 le Dim 16 Avr 2017 - 10:16, édité 1 fois
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[TUTO] DOFlinx  - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [TUTO] DOFlinx    [TUTO] DOFlinx  - Page 4 EmptyDim 16 Avr 2017 - 9:37

Le fait que tu ais les flashers, je comprenais pas trop ta panne. La effectivement, ça devient plus clair.

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[TUTO] DOFlinx  - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [TUTO] DOFlinx    [TUTO] DOFlinx  - Page 4 EmptyDim 16 Avr 2017 - 10:00

Rha la database voforum est en vrac peut pas telecharger la derniere version du doflinx.. quelqu un aurait un autre lien de telechargement ?

c'est bon j'ai trouvé un lien direct sur vpforums dans un post , je pars tester ça..
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» [INFO] DOFLinx v4.01 disponible

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