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 [RÉSOLU] Adding new tables

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2 participants

Messages : 17
Département : Gard

[RÉSOLU] Adding new tables Empty
MessageSujet: [RÉSOLU] Adding new tables   [RÉSOLU] Adding new tables EmptyDim 07 Aoû 2022, 16:06

Hi all my pincab is now mostly built i had 2/3 tables already on the computer and today i tried adding 2 new tables,Elvis and Addams famliy. 

Its very strange as when i start the table it all goes to the dmd.(playfield, black glass, dmd)

I running Pinup popper frontend.

Startrek TNG works fine 
Harry potter with pup pack.
Ghostbusters works fine.

Just the 2 from today

Thanks for help 
im gonna add anothe rto make sure

Ok update Elvis works but not the backglass ( all ok on menu but when it starts there is no backglass image)

Dernière édition par Hicks999 le Ven 19 Aoû 2022, 23:43, édité 1 fois
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[RÉSOLU] Adding new tables Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [RÉSOLU] Adding new tables   [RÉSOLU] Adding new tables EmptyDim 07 Aoû 2022, 17:10

Bizarre [RÉSOLU] Adding new tables 1982470514

and when you run the table directly from VPX (not from the frontend)?
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Messages : 17
Département : Gard

[RÉSOLU] Adding new tables Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [RÉSOLU] Adding new tables   [RÉSOLU] Adding new tables EmptyLun 08 Aoû 2022, 04:58

Thanks mate all sorted.

In games manager i just select the 3 displays i want to always keep on.

Slowly getting the hang of it.

Sorry for the trouble
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[RÉSOLU] Adding new tables
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