Sujet: Re: [TUTO] Transformer un arduino (leonardo) en ledwiz Jeu 11 Mai 2017 - 11:11
Messages : 6 Département : pinball
Sujet: help Lun 23 Avr 2018 - 21:26
Hello, please excuse me i don´t know french.
Thanks to RED31 for the tutorial, now it´s my only hope to get working my arduino 2560 as ledwiz, but i am on a long way road by now
My arduino 2560 and windows 10 or 7 doesn´t work. When i run a .bat or trying to flash .hex (via usb-asp) always got this error avrdude it´s not a reconized command, system wide can´t find avrdude.conf blablabla (same as RED31-leonardo tutorial) do you think i must change the command lines to fix the avrdude problem, i think i must type this one for arduino mega 16u2 2560, but doesn´t work.
i tried to change Com, but doesn´t work either i tried both chances, one at a time(ATmega8u2/Atmega16u2)
When i tried to flash via atmel (m2560_16u2.hex), i get an ultimate pincab controller (three devices) but i don´t get a ledwiz id and there´s no light for the dark
sorry i don´t know french
Messages : 11 Département : Nord
Sujet: Re: [TUTO] Transformer un arduino (leonardo) en ledwiz Mar 24 Avr 2018 - 13:11
Hello [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]
This tutorial is not good for you because you have an arduino 2560. You should rather follow [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]
Also use a usb cable managing data so that your arduino is recognized in windows
Good luck
mariopourlavie Ancien du staff
Messages : 3379 Département : 38
Sujet: Re: [TUTO] Transformer un arduino (leonardo) en ledwiz Mar 24 Avr 2018 - 13:30
Hello [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]
Please take a moment to present your self [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien] and please [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien] with google translation if you don't understand french. Or contact an administrator
Thank you
Messages : 6 Département : pinball
Sujet: Re: [TUTO] Transformer un arduino (leonardo) en ledwiz Mar 24 Avr 2018 - 21:09
Thank you very much.
Je suis a petit presentation
The avrdude problem was solved enabling test mode on windows and then disabling signature drivers on windows 10 startup. Then i double click (not run as administrator) the .bat file (flash main chip m2560 to LW.bat) and avrdude worked perfect.
But when i finished the whole operation (all m2560 tutorial) i got a ultimatepicabcontroller and no ledwiz. I think i broke my arduino board (the 16u2 usb chip it´s dead), i will test on my second strike (second arduino)
Aetios Modérateur + Team PP
Messages : 1665 Département : 50
Sujet: Re: [TUTO] Transformer un arduino (leonardo) en ledwiz Jeu 31 Mai 2018 - 15:28
[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien] The ultimatepincabcontroller is the good one, you can test it with ledblinky, it will be recognize as a ledwiz. But be aware that you need a MMA8451 to make the last firmware work otherwise, the ledwiz can't work.
If you only want to create a ledwiz, you can use the cyclemat firmware which doesn't need the MMA8451 chip.
just go to VPUniverse to get it
Messages : 5 Département : other
Sujet: Re: [TUTO] Transformer un arduino (leonardo) en ledwiz Sam 26 Juin 2021 - 13:24
sorry guys to be in english, but i followed this tutorial, flashed the arduino but now it doesnt detect in ledblink, and besides the bootloader of the arduino after that i dont see any hardware in the list
Messages : 5 Département : other
Sujet: Re: [TUTO] Transformer un arduino (leonardo) en ledwiz Sam 26 Juin 2021 - 21:41
Hi, its working but i cant do proper testing with individual testled, just all that enables them, where can i find the mapping between led 1 to pinout of arduino and the followingº?
zedrummer Modérateur
Messages : 7618 Département : 68
Sujet: Re: [TUTO] Transformer un arduino (leonardo) en ledwiz Dim 27 Juin 2021 - 11:41
Sorry [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien], the only rule we expect from people signing in at pincabpassion is a short description here [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien] (even in english).
nunoacfig aime ce message
Messages : 5 Département : other
Sujet: Re: [TUTO] Transformer un arduino (leonardo) en ledwiz Dim 27 Juin 2021 - 13:33
done, sorry for skiping that.
Messages : 48 Département : 76
Sujet: Re: [TUTO] Transformer un arduino (leonardo) en ledwiz Ven 20 Sep 2024 - 21:01
20 ou 22 ports ledwiz dispo sur le Leonardo ?
[TUTO] Transformer un arduino (leonardo) en ledwiz