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 Stern Roms display in orange

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Stern Roms display in orange Empty
MessageSujet: Stern Roms display in orange   Stern Roms display in orange EmptyMer 20 Déc 2023 - 23:00

I've noticed a strange behavior while playing Avatar on my new ZeDMD.  While I have it set to shade of blue on the virtual DMDExt display through adjusting f1, the ZeDMD shows it in orange. I noticed this again while playing Star Trek LE.
1. Other tables work fine
2. All rom colorization formats work correctly, including patched roms.
3. I can drop other .pal files in the avr_200 altcolor folder and they work sort of, but frequently have strange shades of pink and green mixed in, or change color mid game from blue to red.
My ZeDMD is 128x32 and recently updated the firmware, and DMDExt is current.
Has anyone else noticed this?
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Messages : 6
Département : PPUC

Stern Roms display in orange Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Stern Roms display in orange   Stern Roms display in orange EmptyJeu 21 Déc 2023 - 9:30

This issue has been fixed in DMDext, but unfortunately, the fix hasn't been merged and released yet.
But you can download a preview version from

But you also need to update the ZeDMD firmware to 3.4.0.
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Messages : 10
Département : e

Stern Roms display in orange Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Stern Roms display in orange   Stern Roms display in orange EmptyJeu 21 Déc 2023 - 19:23

I am glad to hear it. I did upgrade the firmware and tried the new dmd device.dll and am getting an error saying "no external DMD driver found or DMD driver functions not found" error. I look forward to freezy's final release!
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Stern Roms display in orange Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Stern Roms display in orange   Stern Roms display in orange EmptyJeu 21 Déc 2023 - 19:48

Did you update your dmddevice.ini with the new options? I suggest you join the Discord server there are lot of messages about the improvements and tests on the help-zedmd channel
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Messages : 10
Département : e

Stern Roms display in orange Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Stern Roms display in orange   Stern Roms display in orange EmptyDim 24 Déc 2023 - 5:46

Thanks for the discord invite. What should I change in my ini? I'm not sure how any of the new options will help, although it is cool that the brightness and rgb order can be changed in the ini. I run a standard zedmd, the new dll gives me the dmd not found error, and as soon as I use the previous dll, things work as they did before
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Messages : 6
Département : PPUC

Stern Roms display in orange Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Stern Roms display in orange   Stern Roms display in orange EmptyMer 10 Jan 2024 - 12:13

FYI the feature to handle custom palettes has been added.

zedrummer aime ce message

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Stern Roms display in orange
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